"And then, my Lady Morgana, you must play your part well.". Alator successfully learns from him that Emrys is actually Merlin, but instead of informing Morgana immediately, he betrays her, having discovered from Gaius that Merlin is the one destined to bring a glorious new age to the kingdom. Realism and the Audiovisual Media is a major and entirely original contribution to contemporary scholarship on realism. As a result of Gorlois' death, Morgana was placed in Uther's care. This, as well as Morgana's claim of hating him beyond his understanding, compounds Uther's psychological destruction. At a young age, Morgana discovers that she sometimes dreams of things that afterwards come to pass. Series 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Merlin might have even helped Mordred to free her. Morgana uses the Rowan Staff to bring the skeletons to life. This nature has arguably not disappeared due to the melancholy she sometimes showed and she does at times reveal a vulnerable side of herself, such as her shock and hurt on hearing of Agravaine's death, her deep conflict at seeing Arthur again, her fear at being rendered powerless and her elation at being healed by Aithusa. In the meantime, Morgana, who is in command of some magical wolves, manages to enslave a big number of men and work for her, two of which are Gwaine and Percival. Morgana swears to Mordred that Arthur will pay. Morgana at some point enters into an alliance with Helios, the powerful warlord. Vivienne's situation remained unknown, though the fact that Morgana lived with Uther from a young age after Gorlois death implies that she was either dead or otherwise absent. Morgana soon goes to her court and offers her assistance in destroying Arthur. The tryst might have been to tarnish his sterling image, turn him against Arthur or just because he loved Genevieve. A seething Morgana returns to Annis and swears that Arthur will not be as fortunate next time. You're not alone. Morgana Pendragon is glad to be finally accepted. Horrified to learn his opponent was King Arthur himself, Accolon repented before dying of his injuries. Morgana grieves over an injured Morgause and powerful magic to destroy the throne room. On horseback, she catches up with Arthur but is ultimately foiled again by Merlin and the knights who accompany Arthur. As the druids tried to flee with her, Morgana was visibly concerned with Mordred's safety, and he was reluctant to leave her behind, but in the end he escaped while Morgana returned to Camelot with Arthur (The Nightmare Begins). Deceased Morgana resisted attending this celebration, expressing to Uther her sympathy for Mary Collins and her abhorrence for the Great Purge because of the lives taken to accomplish Uther's endeavour to eliminate magic from Camelot. It is unknown what happens to Aithusa after Merlin runs Morgana through with Excalibur. in great rage against Camelot, feeling betrayed by Arthur and Merlin. However, she realises Uther would never alter his persecution, and that should he ever discover her true nature he will execute her. Morgana Pendragon was the illegitimate daughter of Uther Pendragon, the second daughter and the youngest child of Vivienne, the elder paternal half-sister of Arthur, the younger maternal half-sister of Morgause and the adopted daughter of Gorlois. After her captivity she somehow met with Ruadan. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. With all pretence now dropped, Morgana and Merlin were deeply hostile to one other, though in the presence of Arthur and Gwen they tended to be civil, but not friendly. When Morgana learns that Lancelot has successfully fulfilled his task she orders him to take his own life, which Arthur assumes was due to Lancelot's own sense of right and wrong (Lancelot du Lac). She also easily overpowered Merlin during the siege of Camelot and disarmed him twice. According to Uther Pendragon, when Morgana's presumed father Gorlois was away fighting on the Northern Plains, her mother Vivienne had a brief affair with Uther Pendragon and later gave birth to Morgana. Morgana also uses Aithusa to create a sword which she gives to Mordred so that he can use it to kill Arthur. Arthur tries to reason with her and asks what happened to her, but she tells him she grew up. When Morgana has Arthur at her mercy, Mordred stabs her in the back and pushes her aside, which completely ruins their relationship, as Morgana looks hurt and betrayed, while Mordred does not have have any sympathy left for her (Arthur's Bane). The latest trailer (shown below) gives us a quick insight into the character as well as what he can do in game. And he's right. She initially trusted Gaius a great deal, even though she told Aredian that she had no idea what he'd put in the potions, because he took care of her and his draughts were the only thing that let her get any sleep. She described it as seeing "nothing but darkness" (Arthur's Bane:Part One). How is Morgana le Fay and King Arthur related? and refuses to celebrate her victory with Agravaine, quickly brushing off any sentimentality to claim she will be unsatisfied until she seizes control of Camelot (The Wicked Day). Morgana and the revived as a shade Lancelot. Though most legends present her as Arthurs sister through his mother, Ygraine, in some lesser-known versions, she (and presumably Morgana, as well) is unrelated to Ygraine, being, instead, Arthurs half-sister on Uthers side. Morgause was the half-sister of Arthur who married Lot. By the time she returned to Camelot, all of Morgana's previous affections had been transferred solely to Morgause and she was completely loyal to her. She with a group of many men, including Beroun captured Alator of the Catha, who had betrayed her last time to demand to know where and who Emrys is. Morgana Pendragon thanks Arthur for the present. She has him bound and kept in her hut in the woods, questioning his loyalty to Arthur while tending to his wounds. Takedown request | View complete answer on screenrant.com She often suffered from prophetic nightmares as a result of this ability, initially largely revolving around Arthur Pendragon's death. Arthur and Morgana, in one of Camelot's feasts for Arthur's victory. Eventually, a close to hopeless Arthur and Merlin chance upon a dishevelled, frightened Morgana stumbling through the woods. It was never revealed as to how Morgana knew Aithusa's name as she was never portrayed to speak. Good morning, my lady. Merlin tells her she fails to understand loyalty, a claim which she quickly refutes, claiming she merely has none left to be loyal to. When necessary, she also displays her courage and ability as a fighter, always intervening to stand up for what she feels is right. The two were not reunited until Mordred came into the care of the sorcerer Alvarr, who found him after the Druid massacre, and Alvarr used his close relationship with Morgana to convince her to steal the Crystal of Neahtid from the vaults of Camelot. While Uther slowly became insane during the time that the mandrake root influenced him, suffering tremendously from past events of his life, Morgana plotted with Morgause and King Cenred against Camelot which resulted in an an attack by Cenred's army. She then uses a spell to heal his wound before readying her plans for him. Other spellings of the name Morgana include Morgaina, Morgainah, Morganah, Morgance, Morganetta, Morganette, Morganica, Morganna, Morgayna, Morgaynah, and Morganda. Morgana remained ignorant to the fact that she owed her life to Merlin when he cured her fatal head injury, although he acted largely to alleviate his own guilt from having caused her accident in the first place, and also to save Arthur and Uther from their overwhelming grief (The Crystal Cave). Morgana is also extremely resilient, a trait that she shares with her half-brother Arthur, and she was able to defeat Gwen in a duel without much difficulty despite having been stabbed in the side by a Knight. She then stares at Merlin, threatening to expose him if he reveals her true colours (The Tears of Uther Pendragon). Morgana often went to Gaius for potions that were supposed to help her with her nightmares, which were sometimes effective but more often not. He told Merlin he did the right thing by poisoning her, and that Morgana had chosen to use her gifts for evil, despite the fact that at this point she had been nothing more than an unknowing vessel for Morgauses scheming. Despite his affection for her, Uther was willing to punish her for such defiance, and once had her put in chains in the dungeon for challenging him. When Agravaine opens the siege tunnels beneath the city, a small detachment of her army passes through into the lower town which soon falls to her forces. Alator knocks Morgana unconscious just when she is about to kill Merlin, and protects Merlin's health and identity, leaving Morgana to regain consciousness alone, while Gwaine's arrival has pushed Agravaine into safely returning Gaius to Camelot (The Secret Sharer). Despite this, Morgana did not kill him instantly when he was at her mercy after being captured by mercenaries, instead using him as a pawn in her wider plans (A Servant of Two Masters). It was not until Morgause's army overtook Camelot and Morgana crowned herself queen that Arthur learned of her treachery and her true paternity. When translated from original Welsh, and then anglicized, his druid name would be Ambrosius. But then Arthur, accepting that he is indeed the legendary King Arthur, defeats the witch in a duel as she is magically destroyed when he activates the good power of the very sword that she desired. When he left to go to battle, at some point he called to Uther for reinforcements. She tells him that the High Priestesses of the Old Religion used to plant the heads of these creatures into the necks of their enemies, which allowed them to take over their minds. She always takes issue with his cruel and unjust persecution of magic-users, believing that his punishments are unfair and unfitting. In addition, despite the name Morgana he is actually male. Riding with Merlin and a company of knights to Carmalide, Arthur found King Laodegan besieged by the Irish. Though she suspected his having a hand in many of her foiled plans, she first met him face to face when she caught him going through her possessions. In a deleted scene Agravaine mentioned that he had professed his love to Morgana, to which she seemed disgusted by. Just as Uther awakes she kicks the blade under his bed, fabricating the excuse that she became frightened by the fire and was seeking security. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The ensuing pregnancy results in the birth of his son Galahad, whom Elaine will send off to grow up without a father and who later emerges as the Merlin-prophesied Good Knight. Once dismissed as representative of narrative closure and bourgeois ideology, realism has made a remarkable comeback in recent years as a predominant trend in world cinema and television productions, as well as a topical line of enquiry in audiovisual theory. Evil, Shady Dealings by The Deathly Marshmellows. He carries her to safety, and is the one to take care of her until she recovers (A Servant of Two Masters). A year passes by in Camelot with Uther sending his men to scour the kingdom in search of Morgana, costing an ever-increasing number of lives as the soldiers are slaughtered by unseen forces, but Uther refuses to give up or see reason. Morgana soon discovered Gwen's feelings for Arthur when he was forced to marry a princess and she later used this to lure Arthur to a trap in the Castle of Fyrien. He is a mysterious being with ties to Mementos. Morgan existed at the center of a network of enchantresses and female villains. Indeed, she managed to keep an ageing spell for a long time without the use of potions, surprising even Merlin and Gaius with her achievement (Another's Sorrow). When she corners Arthur in the tunnels beneath Ismere; Morgana wastes no time in trying to kill her brother. On the surface they seemed like siblings, teasing one another mercilessly and trading sarcastic comments, but there was also a much deeper connection between them. Set on finding Arthur, Morgana then proceeds to torture Elyan using a Nathair to find out where he is headed. She then taunts a dying Arthur, but Merlin points Excalibur at her and says that, although he always blamed himself for what she has become, the bloodshed she created has to end, and so stabs her with the sword. She is a beautiful but evil medieval sorceresses who goes after the young King Arthur to the modern day America. (Season 3) Stage 4: The Innermost Cave: The hero faces a great trial. As it is often with Morgana characters, she is losely based on Morgan le Fay from the legends of King Arthur. When she returns, she is a different person; vengeful and more cruel, she returns determined to take revenge for beings like herself against Uther and the magic-hating Camelot. However, Morgause seemed to ostensibly treat Morgana as an equal and did genuinely care for her as she chose to save her life over destroying Camelot. I care only that Morgana takes her rightful place upon the throne of Camelot. When Gwaine protests her harsh treatment of them and beseeches her to show mercy to the aged Gaius, she agrees to give them food only if Gwaine is prepared to fight for it. Despite this, Morgana continues on and at some point, understanding that Guinevere is following her decides to wait for her and confront her. Despite portraying a fierce but just and independent personality at the court, on the inside Morgana is feeling great fear, depression and loneliness while in Camelot. Arthur Pendragon (formerly) Merlin (formerly)Uther Pendragon (formerly) Gaius (formerly)Camelot (formerly)Knights of Camelot (formerly)Morgause Agravaine Alvarr (disappeared)Vivienne (disappeared)Gorlois Tauren (indirectly) AglainAithusaHelios Bolg RuadanSefaQueen Annis (formerly)Alator (formerly) DochraidLancelot (Shade)Mordred King Odin (formerly)Guinevere Pendragon (formerly)BerounDaegal (formerly) The CailleachTom Old ReligionHigh Priestesses Morgan fell in love with the King's nephew, Giomar. When the warlock sees her, she knocks him out with her magic, makes him drink a deadly poison and then kicks him down a cliff. Agravaine served as Morgana's spy in Camelot and was loyal to her due to his sister Igraine's death as a result of Uther's actions, though Morgana did not seem to return this loyalty as she once told Merlin that, after Morgause's death, she had no one left to be loyal to (A Servant of Two Masters). Prophecies do not lie. Hurt and angry that he lied to her all her life and feeling he disowned her to uphold his reputation as "the perfect king", she retrieves the dagger Arthur gave her for her birthday, intending to kill Uther that very night. They shared a number of tender moments where it was clear that the love they had for each other went much deeper than attraction, and the prophetic dreams that terrified Morgana most were ones of Arthur's death (The Gates of Avalon, Le Morte d'Arthur). (The wearer of the scabbard would lose no blood, thanks to its magic, no matter how seriously he was wounded.) Morgana, who had been an apprentice of Merlin, betrayed and killed Arthur's father, but Merlin escaped with the young child Arthur in time to the late 20th century. On morgan le Fay and King Arthur related beneath Ismere ; Morgana wastes no time in trying to Arthur! In Uther 's care below ) gives us a quick insight into the character as as! 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when does arthur find out about morgana being evil