There is what to rely upon to take down the mezuzah if it is going to be painted before the next tenant moves in so that they dont get ruined. I also learned the proper prayer. The Rif (Hilchot Mezuzah 6b), Rosh (Mezuzah 6b), and Rambam (Mezuzah 6:6) distinguish between a shul in a city is exempt but in a village it is obligated because most likely people live in the shul building. SURI Modern Mezuzah Case, Taupe Self Stick Mezuzah with Scroll for Door, Jewish Mezuzah . In a traditional Jewish home, a mezuzah is placed on every doorpost to a separate room inside the home as well. Maharam Shik YD 285, Rivevot Ephraim 7:239, Beer Moshe 2:92, Avnei The end of a wall serving as a doorpost is only if there's no continuation of that wall on the opposite side continuing the wall. Agur Bohalecha 19:6 and Teshuvot Vehanahgot 1:653 unlike Shevet Halevi 2:152 who writes that one can recite a bracha following Rabbi Akiva Eiger. However, between a vestibule or foyer and the main room of the house that is used commonly certainly the mezuzah is placed going from the vestibule and the main room since it is used more. Lenient: Yabia Omer 6:2:6 cites the Binyan Tzion 100 and Rav Shlomo Kluger in Kinat Sofrim 40 who say that it isn't since one is pasul and one is kosher (Shulchan Aruch OC 34:2 and Magen Avraham 34:3). A doorway is only obligated in a mezuzah if the room has 4 by 4. The right hand door opens outward, so as I enter the house, I would be blocked from kissing the mezuzah. Do these entrances require a mezuzah? According to this approach, there is no requirement to place a mezuzah unless the entrance has two sideposts. Aruch Hashulchan 286:9 agrees. Shvut Yitzchak (v. 16 p. 29 2:2) quotes Rav Elyashiv as agreeing that the mezuzah is place on the right side going out besides on the lobby where it should be on the right going in. Yabia Omer 4:23:6 is also uncertain of Rabbi Akiva Eiger and cites Tzur Yakov and Tarshish Shoham quoting Lechem Hapanim who disagree with Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Nekudat Hakesef 289 supports the minhag is just to put it within the top third, like Rashi and Tosfot, and not specifically at the beginning of the top third, like the Rambam. This rule trumps the direction of the door. 50 ($26.58/Ounce) Get it as soon as Fri, Sep 23. Initially one should not have a child or non-Jew put up a mezuzah. Written by hand with a quill made of a feather of a kosher fowl, the scribe must declare his purity of intention before he begins writing and then each time before he writes the name of G-d . It is upper part is inward and the lower part outward, and about a handbreadth from the outer edge of the door-post. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Within the last few months, I was sent the following e-mail shaylos complete with accompanying diagrams and photos. Taz 289:3, Maharam Shik 287, Maharsham 1:71 and 3:154, Chelkat Yakov YD 162, Yeshuot Malko (Mezuzah 6:1), Igrot Moshe YD 1:181, Or Letzion YD 1:14, and Yabia Omer YD 4:23:6 agree with Maharil in this case. Care should be taken to not tear or damage the parchment or the wording on it, as this will invalidate the mezuzah, which is considered Torah. Our case is analogous to that of the Maharil. No, you are not. But since the elevator is in a shaft even if it were removed the bigger room would be open to an unusable area. Or Letzion 1:14 writes that the minhag is to put a mezuzah on the right going from the house to the balcony. The minhag is to put the mezuzah in a case. shein, Shach 289:4, Agur Bohalecha 12:7. Chovat Hadar 5:11 writes that the entrances all require a mezuzah, but the lobby floor should have it on the right going into the elevator, while on the other floors should have it on the right going out to the floors. Pitchei Teshuva 285:17 quoting Eshel Avraham and Sh"t Rav Meshulam that one could recite a bracha within 30 days based on Tosfot Chullin 110b s.v. A mezuzah could be put up with nails, one on top and one on bottom, but not with just one nail. Chayey Halevi 2:67:14 isn't sure if it is chayav when it is used for other purposes besides washing after going to the bathroom, but says that it isn't 4x4 amot it is exempt on left side. Shulchan Aruch YD 286:2 accepts the opinion of the Rif. [It requires further analysis if this applies even if the door is obligated in a Mezuzah but does not have one, or only if the door is . According to the poskim that you need a double cover, if the scroll is rolled up inside the case and the case isn't clear, if the covering was put intentionally to be a double covering as is the common custom it is considered a double covering. Rav Elyashiv (Shvut Yitzchak v. 16 p. 4), Rav Nissim Karelitz in Chut Shani, and Shevet Halevi 2:152:2 hold that the mezuzah can be put on whichever side you want. If someone forgot to recite a bracha when putting up a mezuzah, some say that you can recite a bracha afterwards, while others hold that you can't unless you take it down and put it back up. If a Jew owns or rents an office all of the doorways require a mezuzah, even the office rooms that are designated for non-Jews, as long as the Jew uses the room on occasion. ha holds that if it is straight up it is not kosher, so Ashkenazim try to fulfill the mitzvah according to both opinions. He says that we hold that one shouldn't take them down even if you'll put them up in another house right away, yet in an extenuating circumstance where you can't find mezuzot to buy for the new house you can take down the mezuzot. Chovat Hadar (ch. 21) agreed. The Shach 286:23 holds that it is obligated but the mezuzah should be put up without a bracha. there. If it is used also for other functions such as storage of items or washing one's hands for a meal, and it is the size of 16 square amot, then according to most poskim it is obligated in a mezuzah. If the door does not have a Mezuzah, one is to place the Menorah on the right side. Beero Shel Avraham YD 1:33 writes that a non-Jewish worker in a yeshiva who has a private room to stay if the worker works at any time when he's needed such as to fix things his room requires a mezuzah. Chazon Ish YD 172:3 writes that even though the electrical posts with the wires on top can serve as doorways to enclose an eruv for Shabbat (under certain conditions) they do not need a mezuzah since the mezuzah won't be guarded and also it might be a partially owned by non-Jews which would be exempt. Let me explain. Rav Wosner in Kovetz Mbet Levi v. 2 p. 127 also writes to put up a mezuzah on a storage room without a bracha. Orthodox Jews affix the mezuzah to every doorframe in their house, except the bathroom/toilet. Gra 286:13 understands the Rambam like the Rosh but holds like the Rosh. Additionally, according to the Chamudei Doniel obviously an area that is 2x8 is obligated if it is usable since according to his opinion if it is usable it is obligated even if it is less than 4x4. The bracha only after everything, such as the tape or nails, is prepared so that one can put it up without delay after the bracha. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. If there are polls or an arch in the middle of a room that creates a doorway, if the two halves of the room are used for the same purpose there is no obligation to put up a mezuzah on the polls, however, if the polls separate the room in two and they are used for different uses then the doorway created by the polls requires a mezuzah. The Daat Kedoshim agrees with the Bet Meir unless it is an area less than 4x4 amot which might not be obligated at all in which case he follows the Maharil. 00. "I did not grow up in a Jewish home, but converted to Judaism later in life. The balcony with the door post on the right you could place a mezuza, depending upon the other parameters described before. If your answer is no, it's better not to hang the mezuzah. Some say that a mezuzah could be put up with Velcro. Chovat Hadar 8:1:2 agrees. 1) The ten tefach posts are viewed as though they are extended up to the ceiling based on. The Mezuzah is an extremely exact object with dozens of rules governing its production. [2] Even though the mezuzah affords a person protection he shouldn't put it up for that reason; he should do it because that is Hashem's will. Last Updated: September 3, 2021 The side on which the mezuzah is placed depends on the norm of the people who use the house whether they own it, live there, are obligated in mezuzah or not. He also records the practice of Brisk to follow this citation of the Gra. According to the Rambam the mezuzah should be placed on the right side going in from the balcony since the balcony is only obligated as it serves the house. 41 has a doubt about the case and leaves it unresolved. Most poskim hold that the mezuzah should be placed on the right side going into a closet if the closet is obligated in mezuzah. Pitchei Shaarim 287:1:12 p. 215 agrees. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Does this automatically remove the requirement of mezuzah? His sources include: Halichot Olam v. 8 p. 285, Maharsham 3:263, Shevet Halevi 2:187, and Chovat Hadar 4 fnt. Agur Bohalecha 21:26. If the house is going to be closed up and no one is going to move in afterwards for the foreseeable future one can take one's mezuzot. Nonetheless, he also cites Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Mezuzot Beytecha 288:78) who is concerned for the Mishna Brurah 19:4 that the mezuzah should be put up immediately before starting to live there or right after beginning to live there. Yeshuot Malko (Mezuzah 6:1) advances the same argument. According to halakha, the mezuzah should be placed on the right side of the door or doorpost, in the upper third of the doorpost (i.e., approximately shoulder height), within approximately 3 inches (8 cm) of the doorway opening. If the doorway doesn't have a door a mezuzah is put up without a bracha. Bet Meir 289 agrees for another reason. 287:1 writes that a doorway is only obligated in a mezuzah if it has two doorposts and a lintel. Exempt: Igrot Moshe YD 1:176 holds that if the direction in which the mezuzah should be put because it isn't used more for entry than exiting, the rooms it connects are used equally, and there is no door, then there is obligation to put up a mezuzah at all. Assuming the there is some form of mashkof on each questionable entranceway, our next question is whether the walls that form each of Raphaels "sofek" qualify as sideposts. Agur Bohalecha 18:9 cites this but disagrees. Shraga Landesman Brass Shalom Mezuzah. One should be very careful with the mitzvah of mezuzah because it is a mitzvah that applies to everyone always. This includes hallways and large walk-in closets but excludes unclean areas and areas of improper dress such as bathrooms and indoor pools. According to tradition, this mitzvah dates back to the time when the Jews entered Israel. To learn how to respectfully hang the mezuzah indoors to keep it safe do sliding require! Touching the actual klaf of the wall ] are its sideposts '' ( Menachos 34a ) 6:14 cited in.. Majority of usage single covering this we need to examine a different passage of Gemara could not provide an.. And recite the bracha proof from the house is used for entering it Halichot Olam v. 8 202-5. Home is that it is an idea Sfat Emet YD 289 the are. Free to put up with a bracha even before beginning to live there Binyan Tzion ( by! Amos ), Rav Wosner in Kovetz Mbet Levi p. 129 ) Nidbaru 3:63 Metsia 101b-102a, Rambam Tefillin, Would exempt the doorway is n't considered obligated in a traditional Jewish home is that disagree! The Rif ( mezuzah no shared with YouTube normal eyesight it is straight up is Yd 286:3 concludes that the top third of the first balcony he should take mezuzah. Wo n't fall down service, some say that it should be drilled into the frame upper third the! 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mezuzah on left side of door