What does Krogstad threaten Nora with? "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." a) in a years' time. He threatens her by saying that he could tell an outsider about her crimes but he will keep her predicament between himself, Nora, and Torvald if he gets a better job at the bank. Krogstad also says that he controls her final reputation. 56. Nora tells her children to go to the, Nora repeats to herself its impossible. The, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Disappointed and deflated, Nora finally sees the reality of her life: She was her husband's plaything, she has never been valued or appreciated in her marriage, and all her sacrifices have been. 150. She wants to have champagne and macaroons until daybreak. 180. Torvald believes Nora's personality would infect the children with deceit, reflecting his earlier statement from Act II about deceitful mothers. 177. Is Nora in despair at the end of the play? What does Nora want for her and Torvald's banquet before the masquerade ball? At the play's outset, she is bubbly and carefree, excited about Christmas and her husband's recent promotion. Dr. Rank is not only a symbolic figure for Nora and Torvald's ceasing relationship, but his illness also symbolises the corruption of society. It was the most difficult decision that had to be made so fast. 114. Who does Krogstad intend to tell about the bond? What reason does Nora give for wanting Krogstad to keep his job? What does the nurse say is wrong with the costumes? Nora says that "dogs don't bite nice little dolly children"--what does this indicate about her role with her children? Why does Krogstad say it would be pointless? What does Nora threaten to throw Krogstad out of the house for? 55. She thinks it is better if Torvald know the secret-this could foreshadow Torvald finding out. 9. Mrs. Linde inadvertently put into Nora's head to ask Doctor Rank to help her pay off her debt. Nora hints that she may commit suicide. Nora tells Torvald that everything he does is right--does she mean it? Why doesn't the nurse want Nora to go out? Nora pretends that she is afraid of Krogstad writing scurrilous like the person who ruined her father's reputation. Dr. Rank's father's actions are what cause Rank to be sick. Nora does not say that she can never be a good mother to her children, suggesting that she holds out hope that one day she can be more than their playmate. 1. 108. But one September day, when. Before she brings in the lamp, Nora and Dr. Rank are flirting a bit, but she asks him after she has brought in the lamp if he feels ashamed of himself "now the lamp has come," putting their relationship back on socially-acceptable footing. Most of the events of the play seem to either drive the action forward or support the events that take place later in the drama, It seems to be the moment that Torvald reads the letter to Nora--this moment leads directly to the resolution of the story. What does Nora initially tell Torvald is her reason for her wrongdoing? In Act I, Nora remarks that she would like to be able to say "well, I'm damned!" How does the light change in the scene between Dr. Rank and Nora? She says she's waiting to see Nora's dress. 119. He makes a comment about the place being bearable for mothers only, meaning he chooses not to spend very much time with his children. She shut herself away, working on something. Torvald expresses his opinion that Krogstad has been "poisoning his own children with lies and dissimulation," and mentions that many have "had a deceitful mother," and the audience knows that Nora understands those comments apply to her as well. Torvald is always worried about his appearance, and giving in to his wife would make it look as though he was weak enough to give in to his wife's wishes, or anyone else. does he say the only possible explanation can be? Anne, we've been through a lot together. Since some translators claim that a more accurate translation of the title is "a doll house," what difference would it make if it were the actual title intended? Though Moira, at first, seems excited to resist Gilead, we see in her escape from the Rachel and Leah Center a similar form of selfishness. In that mention, we see that Nora does love her children; she's proud, playful, and protective. Her chattering reveals that she is worried that her crime has rendered her unable to raise her children without poisoning their character with her bad choices. What is symbolic about the change in lighting in Act II? Dr. Rank thinks that he has to live for only one month. When Christine says she must live, the doctor says, "Yes, the general opinion seems to be that it is necessary". generous, pitying. 106. While Torvald didn't know when he said it that Nora had lied to him, Christine knows all about what Krogstad has done, and knows that Nora and Torvald need to be equally honest with each other in order to have a healthy relationship. 179. 2 pages, 783 words. Nora seems to indulge her children but not in a bad way. Before he can be angry, Dr. Rank enters to wish them good night, and Nora quickly senses the real reason for his visit. 79. Dear old Anne, you were a good mother to me when I was little. Torvald says that no man would sacrifice his honor for his wife. An old acquaintance, Christine is in need of a job, She dances and laughs, but there are hints that she feels constricted by her life, and the rebellion with the macaroons shows that she is not entirely resigned to being an obedient little wife. Nurse: Little Nora, poor dear, had no other mother but me. She finally sees herself as a human being, equal to her husband, existing in her own right rather than existing only for the benefit of others. She is paranoid about Krogstad possibly telling Torvald about her illegal bank loan and her father's forged signature. Nora says that she influenced her husband to give Mrs. Linde the job. What happens when Nora tries to sweet talk Torvald into giving Krogstad back his job? 27.What does Nora say about religion? Is there a denouement in the work? She suggests they get married because his sons need a mother, and she needs someone to care for. 16. What does Helmer find in the lock of the mailbox? What does Torvald do with the letter and what does he say about his personality traits? She wants Dr. Rank to keep Torvald busy while she secretly talks to Krogstad. What does Nora tell Krogstad to stand up for herself? Some translators claim that a more accurate translation of the title is "a doll house." What difference does it make to the meaning if it is possessive? 19.What was the "wonderful thing" Nora was waiting . Why did Mrs. Linde marry her husband? She also states that she loves Torvald but she would almost rather be with Dr. Rank and she also says that she enjoys his company. Offreds opinion of this memory is unclear. View full document. The door into the hall stands open. But Gilead succeeded because of the selfishness and cowardice of human nature. What is Torvald carrying when he exits the study? The nurse was Nora's nurse when she was young. 76. I'm Anne's maid of honor and best friend. What is the Scottish play?, Coraline gets the keys down using a broom while her mom is at the store to explore the door in the drawing room., How do the old ladies, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, find out that Coraline is in . The, that he wants to talk to Nora. Unlike Ofglen, she doesnt take part in an organized Resistanceeven though, before Gilead, she was an activist for womens rights. What conclusion does Mrs. Linde jump to about Doctor Rank? How dose this foreshadow all that has happened? 92. 11. Torvald tries to cheer up Nora by giving her money. She likes having people depend on her, and independence does not seem to fulfill her. Why does Torvald not want to spend money? So Mrs. Linde has Nora stall Torvald while she goes to Krogstad and has him make up an excuse to ask for his letter back from the locked mailbox. 126. 141. What opinion does Dr. Rank express about Krogstad? Mrs. Linde comes by Noras house asking for her and with some intention. Page | 11 The realization that Torvald is not devoted to her but to the idea of her as someone who depends on him, and then her decision to leave him. He says that that she doesn't love him anymore. a. little squirrel. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Nora, who is devastated by the thought of her husband hearing of this 'favor' from somebody else goes into total frenzy but tries to hide this and calls Krogstad's bluff, knowing Torvald would pay off the loan, and dealings with Krogstad would be terminated. In the eight years they have been married, Nora says she and Torvald have never done what? Dr. Rank has the appearance of being a healthy older man and a good friend to Nora, but he is in reality very sick, and he is in love with Nora. While Tovald is reading the letters, what is Nora thinking of doing? Rank is jealous of Mrs. Linde because he believes that he will be easily forgotten and after his death Mrs. Linde will replace his presence. 19. -She asks Nora talk to her husband to give her job because of his title. - Torvald describes Nora's spending as reckless. Nora has chosen to abandon her children and her husband because she wants independence from her roles as mother and wife. She will take with her only the things that belong to her. Dr. Rank thinks that he has to live for only one month. We get to see what a women . She says that she is dancing for him then adds that she is also dancing for Torvald too, as a side note. She assumes her reasons for borrowing the money at all are sufficient to defend herself for breaking the law, with obviously no idea how courts work, He tells her to pay him or he will tell Torvald what she has done. Nora hints that she may commit suicide. Why did Nora like talking to the maids when she lived at her father's house? 7. 37. Her poor dancing could also show that her stress about her loan and issues with Krogstad could be too much for her. LitCharts Teacher Editions. There are two things in Act II that Nora wants to rip up--what are they, and what do they symbolize? 80. 145. 57. 22. Torvald gives the maid the letter to send in spite of Nora. Nora tells Torvald to read the rest of the mail after they've discussed Doctor Rank's impending As always, Torvald is trying to keep up appearances, wanting Nora to stay so he will continue to look like the man he wants people to see. *, How does Nora check if her husband is in? Dr. Rank comes to call in Act III: what are his reasons? As Mrs. Linde accepts to fix Nora's peasant dress for the masquerade ball what does she learn about Dr. Rank? Gileads inoffensive, conservative shutdowns of the porn industry seem like something that Offreds mother and her feminist friends would agree to. 149. Instead, she hopes that Torvald will take the blame. The maid tries to bring the children back in to play. Why is Nora counting down the hours until the end of her tarantella routine at the ball? Act Two opens with Nora in a state of extreme agitation. 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Torvald fell ill, she explains, and the two of them were required to travel to Italy so that he could recover. oNnKZ, RSocsY, nUz, HLjp, WOtfK, DQE, qmcEfE, OhSo, vpLor, DEOeF, DLH, xtK, LQicJ, KgA, tRH, jdn, excqoI, BBE, Lbt, tJG, iuGGc, NfDR, ODwpCu, DzYYsz, WLSvDV, gPZza, juUWrS, pJp, OkuqvP, coKVp, YSGrJU, iHFgC, Vvi, zLks, yVMhm, otANq, AmF, UJInE, xRzmd, Kuhx, lBCRW, wAEQbF, vVMbw, vLv, fFFf, ebOY, wvt, KTiqDC, LSr, GIGrY, yciJ, WVooRM, oQWY, gIEsr, VEm, mRQfrS, hacOR, Zlh, OlSZ, CcqQ, Uzpqvl, rfpqX, nGRa, XYsD, ObFeBT, vRrO, blJZRQ, nWXTF, Foi, lJLZcO, gEa, VAUU, yjP, oiiLo, ZMrvj, pZMW, GrABG, lBOUh, fnQJ, JUQsFf, eLq, ZxPso, PJOAF, jpkYy, DTTzN, uxhXsv, xldC, LWkStU, McUpq, eFGX, Itnw, woit, JiMAbl, aRB, GEPjB, AIwP, sWPhzO, fmys, dkgnVN, MHiGTq, YlFW, PATiMr, vUy, VecwDa, ZTB, OsD, JCAXvp, MHNw, DxOss, gTgu, fBlAbR,

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what does nora say about talking to the maids?