At eight months I set Teddy on the floor where he got on all fours and put his butt in the air and started to grunt as he rocked himself forward and backward trying to move. Fine motor skills, (gripping, holding cups/pencils, turning pages of a book). Growth and development are major aspects of any creature on earth. Under such conditions, the child is forced to think beyond the obvious. She is a female and eight years old. In the area of motor development children are more advanced as they are able to handle their movement more gracefully during this stage. This essay will focus on development in the physical realm and how the development can be enhanced through the classroom setting. At this stage, there are various requirements that are needed in order to enhance the development. Physical Development Essay. Therefore, several schools have included physical education as a mandatory subject. It didn't matter if he was all by himself, Evan would be playing one of those instruments. For instance, in the social realm, physical exercise helps the child to acknowledge the need for teamwork as some activities can only be done through collaboration with others (Anon., n.d). The main physical development activities during the first stage of a child's development include kicking and squirming. Listening to his stories about his home and family told me a little bit about how the world looks, from his perspective in relation to the role he plays within his family. The second law is the baby's . It is a way of learning that . From the moment of conception the baby begins to develop for the remaining nine months. Cells that are formed earlier and have not been specialized yet can be identify as stem cells. Physical Development Throughout the semester I observed Teddy gradually improving his gross motor movements. Infants do not know any better so this is pretty much the only way they learn. The physical development observation I decided to do on a young boy by the age of three. Some of these steps should be taken in the first few years in the childs life and some should be taken in the later years of the childs life., Children develop physical development in different areas like on the playground playing catch or in P.E. The rapid growth rate tapers off during the 2nd and 3rd years. Although his family at home speaks Spanish and Brian understands Spanish, his family has chosen for Brian to fully understand English, which he seems to be pretty fluent at such a young age. This arises because the child is not used to interacting with the environment in a comprehensive manner. I still to this day, cannot cut a straight line and I could not color in the lines until I was about ten years old. As such, active children tend to be fit and more attentive that the inactive children. According to Piaget's Cognitive development theory, during adolescent teens enter the formal operations stage of cognition (Cherry, 2019). Adolescence is the period of development that begins at puberty and ends at emerging adulthood; the typical age range is from 12 to 18 years, and this stage of development has some predictable physical milestones." (Boundless . Also his physical gross motor skills are above average for his age such as being to climb, riding on trikes, kicking balls and playing catch. His physical appearance is that he weighs around 37 pounds and he is 3 feet tall. Physical Development Essay. It is a period that can bring various and drastic physical, social, and emotional changes. Children in the schooling years are usually at a stage where they acquire the motor skills, both gross and fine skills. If all goes smoothly the birth of a baby, including labor time could take between 4-8 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less. The infant average gains 1.5 inches and 1 pound per month since birth. (2019, December, 12) Free Essay On Physical Development. They love to look at their hands and feet. They enjoy bath. Physical effects (physical effects to growth, health, brain . The Physical Development Of A Human Being Essay Example Get access to high-quality and unique 50 000 college essay examples and more than 100 000 flashcards and test answers from around the world! At this age they are getting used to their own bodies. Physical development in middle childhood is an extension of the slow growth pattern that takes place in early childhood. The Physical Development Milestones. Some stand opposed to the idea of educational gaming. Physical education is considered vital for people of every age. During the first month the baby gains dark spots for the eyes and is as long a grain of rice. As such, this facilitates the learning process where the childs mind opens up to various possibilities. Infants are aware only of what is directly in front of them. Experts now say its the first three years of a childs life that may hold the key to the future (Phillips, 1998). Physical Development During this stage of development, children continue to develop gross motor skills but most of the development is with their fine motor skills. Submit the instructions, desired sources, and deadline. It was not until ten months of age that I began to crawl, and I did not walk until I was about fourteen months. For example, Sid parents is teaching him about charts, next Sid goes to school and learn with his peers from the teacher, finally he is learning from his grandma about charts and responsibility on the way home. Physical Development: By this age, brain has developed further and is able to process information quickly. 9- 12 months Drops toys deliberately and watches them fall - this is called 'casting' Looks in erect place for toys that have rolled out of sight Recognizes familiar people at 6 meters. It . I had watch Ayden for a minimum of three hours. middle of paper The physical environment would not only make the children feel excited but their families also feeling, welcomed and involved whenever they, By presenting to younger kids who ~are impressionable~ we skills that they will need life long. For example, during math students are able to play math games and Brian was asked by a white student if he wanted to play with them, but he said no because he already had a partner when he did not., Reading the chapter on intellectual disabilities helped me to partially understand Johns mindset and functionality. Also, it shows that parents may have jobs and other family members can help the parents (grandmother picking Sid up from, He often Recently, I notice that he talks alone, and enjoys pretend play, which considers normal for preschool age. They are able to cut, write, glue, colour within the lines. Over the course of middle childhood children tend to show slow but steady gains in both height and weight (McDevitt & Ormrod; 2010). Finally, manipulation describes activities involving tossing and catching (Rivkin, 2006). A boy typically gains about 5 pounds by his second birthday and 3 and 1/2 pounds by his third, when he tips the scales at 31 and 1/2 pounds. Physical Activity for Preschool Children Essay. Children at the age of 4 years old can also thread dads onto a string, make shapes with the play dough and write numbers and letters with a pencil. Childrens sight develops (born with very poor sight) leading to telling the difference between colours. How does poverty hinder physical and emotional development of children within the United States? Lastly, there are benefits associated with health. 2019. We believe that setting a model that other teams can strive for is one of the best ways to help and grow others., 3.Describe three activities and/or experiences that you and your child have engaged in that might be promoting healthy behavioral practices and an interest in physical activity. Demonstrations in the community 2016). Physical development in the middle childhood continues steadily and children grow taller. One thing comes out strongly that if children are expected to grow normally; they have to be given the right environment to do so. For instance, there are some games that require the use of wits. The teacher while interact with the child while they are playing but will record the date, setting, what the child said verbatim, and some basic information. Moreover, for this age group in fine motor skills which is movement patters a child is expected to pick small objects up, cut paper, hold a pencil, catch a ball (Boyd & bee, 2010). [Accessed November 04, 2022]. Use the readings from this unit to inform your discussion. They tend to focus more on what they are doing, what they see, and what is going on at that moment. However, as infants continue to grow, they gain an understanding of their environment and learn how to interact with their surroundings. Retrieved November 04, 2022, from Each stage plays a critical role in the early life of newborns and infants. As children grow they are given many skills, and as they age those skills continue to develop. This is where the teacher can regulate the kind of activities that the children engage in. If you want us to mimic your writing style, feel free to send us your works. Second, stability action involves balancing activities as well as jumping. Accessed 04 November 2022. The normal development for infants is to be rolling over at about three months, sitting at approximately five and a half months, crawling at around six to seven months and walking at around twelve months (Feldman, 2014). Grissmer, D., Grimm, K.J., Steele, J.S., Aiyer, S.M., & Murrah, M. (2010). "Free Essay On Physical Development.". It is, therefore, important for the teacher to identify the children with such problems and know the proper methods to apply in order to enhance the development of the child. Retrieved on 23rd March 2012 from,,contentMDK:20200666~menuPK:524390~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:344939,00.html. Cognitively children are advancing as well during this time as they advance in brain growth and development. Early Physical Development Discuss early physical development in infancy and the factors that influence physical growth. In the specific areas of learning and development . The use of the toilet independently. Two years is an unacceptable amount of time when taken into consideration that between the ages of 8 and ten are critical developmental years in a childs life. Physical Development Observation The Physical Development Observation took place in a church nursery where there was a variety of different age groups among the children. sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. Decent Essays. For instance, it is crucial for Elementary school settings, whether children can effectively operate a pencil, while for a high school setting, it is crucial to observe how long students can settle without distress. Physical development between this age is very enjoyable. These children have mastered walking and can even run, stop, and change directions with ease. (Christina J. Groark, Stephanie K. McCarthy, Afton R. Kirk, 2014) Their fine motor movements are improved as they are able to draw and some able to write their name. 3. Phases of development extend from the beginnings of human life and continue throughout the lifespan. Therefore, it is important that the children should be engaged in physical activity as this has various benefits to their bodies. Type of paper: Physical development is a vital part of growing up as children learn to master control of their body; examples of physical development include sitting, crawling, standing and walking. Physical growth patterns start with gross motor development and then fine motor development occurs. By the age of 6 - 7 years, a child is able to sew simple stitches and ties or unties laces. The physical development activities that a child undergoes during this stage is the ability to hold objects. Socioeconomic status is a big contributor to physical development because if the childs parents do not have the money to provide essential food to the child, the child will not grow as tall as they could be (Eitzen, Zinn & Smith, 2011)., 3-6months- They sleep a lot less at this age, and smile more often as they are alert of parents voice and movement. Skills such as creating a safe working environment, using tools safely and effectively and wearing safety glasses. Essay, Topic: WowEssays. During this stage children are beginning to learn how to color, use scissors, write, and possibly tie their own shoes. Lastly, there are the community characteristics where the societal issues determine what gets into the child as it develops (World Bank, 2011). Please try again later. I would use Kelsey Stausbaughs literature book, The Keeping Quil. This is because students will learn about their familys traditions during the parental activity by talking to their parents and learning what other students may do differently them for special occasions., Being a game of endless potential and harboring a simple and friendly atmosphere, Minecraft has sold nearly 107 million copies, making it the second most popular game in history (Callaghan par 1). Their facial features begin to change as well as their adult like features will begin to form. Children must endure physical development in order to help them explore the world in which they live while also effectively communicating and interacting with other people. For example, a baby can hold up their heads first before they can grab an object with their hand. My parents put me in dance class at age four. Also, reading his IEP and talking to the special education teacher who works with him on his learning interventions, really helped me to understand what we currently know about Johns intellectual capabilities and big picture learning and growth. (2012).Development and Education: Biophysical Development. One of the Chief Characteristics of Physical Growth and Development of Adolescents in their Variability - For example, you will find in a certain class 50% of the girls having entered the puberty-cycle whereas the remaining 50% has not done so. I noticed that they put their fingers in their mouth. Background/context on the topic definition of poverty and how is it classified statistics regarding poverty within the United States specifically on the children state the aspects touched on the physical and emotional development. These skills are called milestones, and there is an expected pattern of development, but each child will learn and progress at different rates and in their own individual ways., Refined motor skills are starting to develop such as finger grasping and eye movement and contact., | Rolling, sitting, lifting head up and then pushing on their arms and legs to develop their large motor skills which later leads to crawling, walking, jumping, running, kicking a ball and catching and throwing a ball. (n.d). Growth is especially apparent in the legs. This can help to streamline their development. Utilize information from the text and/or lecture to explain how each experience supports positive outcomes. 1. The support should be at all levels of interaction with the child be it at school home or within the community. Movement is nature needs even nobody teaches. On the third month, the baby weighs about one ounce and the start of teeth are starting to form.1 Gross motor skills is the ability of a childs movement which by this age should be able to run easily, skip, tiptoe, walk up stairs, one foot per step (Boyd & Bee, 2010, p.193). Biema, David Van. "Free Essay On Physical Development." The entire class is filled with cute little third graders who are all smart and capable of doing, While in middle childhood, Mason and Samantha successfully rode bikes, showing a mastery of gross motor skills (Cratty 1986). Physical development involves developing control over the body, particularly muscles and physical coordination. Introduction. Various tactics could have been explored extensively by both the north is a syntactic structure involving a single situation in iran backed up with the . Anecdotal notes are probably the easiest way to document children while they are playing. Ultimately, this leads to a greater comprehension of the universe which helps in becoming an all rounded person. As J. Lawrence Aber et al (1997) maintain, "poverty-net of a variety of potentially confounding factors-is associated with increased neonatal and . The major milestones related to physical development in early adulthood are the continuation of growth and strength. Well email you the instructions on how to reset it, Causes Of Violence Research Paper Examples, Causes of Traffic Crashes Literature Reviews Examples. As the child participates in the sporting activities, he is likely to encounter some challenges. Gross motor skills involve co ordination and control of the large parts of the body. Thus, it is essential to realize that poverty has significant effects on the growth patterns, motor skills, central nervous system, nutrition, accidents, health, illnesses and death of children. Assessment 1: Essay- Physical Development. Essay Sample Healthy development is essential to a child's well-being. This stage of development consists of increases in logic as well as the ability to understand abstract ideas and use . Because children and adults alike love and embrace this game, Minecraft can rewrite the standard and make learning fun permanently. Throughout this essay we will look at the motor development of children in the middle childhood phase, the benefits physical activity has for children in this phase, how physical activity can either facilitate or restrict physical development and finally the strategies that will support physical development in the middle childhood phase. Physical development involves developing control over the body, particularly muscles and physical coordination. At approximately one year old, a baby can walk by itself. A proper upbringing environment ensures healthy kids. Here, it is worth noting that the child is developing growing in mass and weight. All rights reserved. Studies suggest that between 20 percent and 50 percent of preschool children have an imaginary friend (Goswami, 2014). At the school setting, there are various provisions that can be made in order to accommodate the childs developmental needs. Holistic student development is described as the emotional, intellectual physical as well as spiritual development (Schuh et al. Samantha, who is two years Masons senior, was able to ride a bike while Mason was left to run. All of a sudden I wasnt the youngest. Physical development is a crucial aspect of physical education, which is the foundation for many academic tasks. The mind develops such that it can accommodate more. As children viewers watch Sid become responsible and earn positive reward or praise, children can connect the idea of being responsible around the house as positive and may result in improving children self-esteem. This is a great way for students to be immersed in other cultures, have respect for each culture and classmate, and provide parental involvement. During school age children tend to develop in different ways. As I have become more educated about the physical development of children throughout infancy, early, middle/late childhood, and adolescence, I have come to an understanding that there are several necessary steps that can be taken to ensure that a child has optimum physical development. Babys take an average of 38-40 weeks to fully develop and prepare for birth. Accessed November 04, 2022. Audiotapes are also incredibly important., Looking at these papers the teacher can see the results of the pupil and with this to judge what is the extent of his/her development and where and what help is needed (Peneva & Karapatrova, 2013, p. 221). In the first case, children at this stage of development must understand the feelings of another . Accessed November 04, 2022., WowEssays. In nine months, a single cell develops into a human being with brain, behavioral, and other capabilities. middle of paper Note: this Physical development can affect adolescents in a variety of ways and it is important for teachers and families to understand adolescent physical development and how to guide adolescents in development. Fine Motor Skills and Early Comprehension of the World: Two New School Readiness Indicators. This makes monitoring progress easy for the student, teacher and parent. Essay On Physical Development Physical development is the process that starts in infancy and progresses into late adolescence, concentrating on motor skills as well as puberty. Copyright 2000-2022. Essay On Physical Development From 0-19 Years Ages 3- 8 months. By the end of the third trimester, babies organs are ready to function on their own. I would use Taylor Wittes literature book, My food, Your Food. I greatly enjoy this activity because it provides the opportunity to create a class cookbook. A child will start to walk, climb and play with a ball in their second year. It is mainly important for the people within an age range of around twelve to twenty-one. As well, physical speed and endurance begins to decline, the ability to hear high-pitched tones declines after the age of twenty. Initial movements are reflexive in nature, such as turning the head to the side when the cheek is stroked, which aids in feeding. During development, there are three basic developmental laws. Internal server error. December 2019. During this stage children are beginning to learn how to color, use scissors, write, and possibly tie their own shoes. However, their coordination endurance, balance, and physical abilities vary. I thought she was very smart, always eager to answer any questions the teacher asks. As the childs interacts more closely with the environment, he is likely to observe some occurrences that might of interest to him. I did not roll over on my own until I was about six months old and sitting on my own occurred about a month later. As the initial survival reflexes fade, motor skills are related to the growing ability to observe and interact with the environment., Gross motor skills require the use of the larger muscles in the body, such as arms and legs. The five development periods are prenatal, infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood, and adolescence (Santrock, 2020). In human beings, there is development in various fronts. World Bank. this is where there is learning on how to use the various parts of the body and the organs thereof. In addition, children begin to understand thoughts, desires and beliefs (Boyd & Bee, 2010, p.225)., Physical development is very important and change gradually through the years from birth to 19years this has a lot to do with how the skills can develop in motor skills, fine skills and also a big part in their co-ordination., Physical development is the process that starts in infancy and progresses into late adolescence, concentrating on motor skills as well as puberty. As a teacher interacting with the small children, it is necessary to identify the concerns of the children at this age as this is the only way through which their development can be easily enhanced. Early in the semester in preschool room during self-play he would always go to an instrument. As we know, our muscles and structures are developing during the pregnancy period. I know that this rich experience will give me a strong platform to operate from when I have my own classroom one, 2. The following features of physical development during the period of Early Childhood are significant. Available from:, "Free Essay On Physical Development." A child of this age is faster at dressing. Free Essay On Physical Development. As children grow up and begin to develop they go through many physical changes. According to Lecture 2 (2012) development of the motor skills starts right from the activities that a young individual starts engaging in. Fine motor skills are also developing so a child can hold and draw with a pencil, use equipment such as a knife and fork with help and build brick towers., From the ages 3-7 children become confident in the activities they try out. In this newly found freedom, I also gained the status of being an adult. The prenatal period is the period between conception and birth. Lecture 2 (2012) explains that children brought up in confinement tend to have problems not only in the physical sense but also in the emotional and social perspectives. I noticed that they are more to observing their hands more than anything. Daily, we will work daily on writing their names, learning the letters that are in their names, and holding the pencil correctly., Motor control develops from the head, moves down through the arms and the trunk and then to the legs and feet, according to an item on early development on the online magazine Parenting. As it can be seen from this explanation, lack of exercises can pose serious threats to the development of the young child. Since birth, a human being goes through various stages of development. My first initial impression of Evan was that he was very musically inclined, or he really likes to make different sounds. In the fourth month, his vocal chords have formed, his hair formed, and he is can fit in the palm of a hand. Physical activity also has positive effects on the development of the finer motor skills of an individual. Physical Development Essay Improved Essays 785 Words 4 Pages Open Document Essay Sample Show More 3.Describe three activities and/or experiences that you and your child have engaged in that might be promoting healthy behavioral practices and an interest in physical activity. n.d). Free Essay On Physical Development. The average age of the a child leaving the foster care system in 2001 was 10.2 years old (Dept of Health). By the age of three, a child has shown sufficient growth by sitting, walking, toilet training, using a spoon, scribbling, and sufficient hand-eye coordination to catch and throw a ball. Cognitive development is the growth of an adolescence ability to think and reason. There are certain age groups where childrens development will rapidly occur and then begin to slow down. This period focuses on the physical, social/emotional and language/cognitive domains of development of a child, which have direct effects on their overall development as an adult in the future., Physical development in children is an important area and is usually expected to happen automatically as they grow. Cognitive development means changes in thinking, memory, problem-solving, and other intellectual skills (Boyd & Bee, 2010, p.7). In conclusion, this essay has looked at physical development as n important part of a childs life. Chief among these developments is physical development that entails the acquisition of the motor skills. For example, a six-month-old baby learns how to sit up with some support, a 12-month-old baby learns to pull up to a stand holding onto furniture, and a five-year-old learns how to skip., Refined motor skills start in the infancy stage and again carry on into the childhood stage, From 0-3 years is a period of great physical development. I have always struggled with hand eye coordination and anything requiring the ability to manipulate a small object. At such times, the children should be let free to interact with others and with the environment. This time is very vulnerable for the development of the babys organs (Holt, Rinehart & Winston). [Internet]. He is busy getting ready to arrive fully formed and ready to scream.

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physical development essay