[32] Once again, however, the objection is raised that no such ethical imperative appears in any of Nietzsche's published writings,[30] and this interpretation is therefore rejected by most modern scholars.[27]. then you wanted all back For all joy wantseternity. And Nietzsche, with his theory of eternal recurrence. To the Stoics, eternal recurrence was an item of scientific doctrine - a real cosmological claim, whereas Nietzsche was perhaps proposing it only as a thought experiment. Eternal recurrence is understood as a concept articulating peculiarities about . Privacy Policy. This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything immeasurably small or. Eternal recurrence was a way to force attention on life exactly as it is, with no alternative, not even nothingness on the other side of life, not even eternal novelty. [18], Nietzsche may have drawn upon a number of sources in developing his own formulation of the theory. According to Heidegger, the significant point is the burden imposed by the question of eternal recurrence, regardless of whether or not such a thing could possibly be true. [41] Attempts have been made to prove or disprove the possibility of Poincar recurrence in a system the size of a galaxy or a universe. To avoid supposing that Socrates will live again, they say that it will be some one indistinguishable from Socrates, who will marry some one indistinguishable from Xanthippe, and will be accused by men indistinguishable from Anytus and Meletus. The earliest version of the novel, however, did not include the magician,[35] and ended on "a totally pessimistic note". Either you're not in control of yourself, in which case you may as well be watching a screen, or you can make different choices. According to Porphyry, it was one of the teachings of Pythagoras (c.570 c.495 BC) that "after certain specified periods, the same events occur again" and that "nothing was entirely new". The metaphysical comfort--with which, I am suggesting even now, every true tragedy leaves us--that life is at . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The Eternal Recurrence of Crime and Control: Essays in Honour of Paul Rock Edited by David Downes, Dick Hobbs, and Tim Newburn Clarendon Studies in Criminology. With the decline of antiquity and the spread of Christianity, the concept fell into disuse in the Western world, with the exception of 19th century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who resurrected it as a thought experiment. And again. I'm basically probably stuck in a pointless clown world, slowly going insane and suffering in the middle of eternity with no way out. Probably the most common misconception is the notion that it is a nihilistic, dark philosophy with a. [28] However, scholars such as Neil Sinhababu and Kuong Un Teng have suggested that the reason this material remained unpublished was because Nietzsche himself was unconvinced that his argument would hold up to scrutiny. "Eternal return (also known as "eternal recurrence") is a concept which posits that the universe has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times. Lowith, Karl. The concept is found in Indian philosophy and in ancient Egypt and was subsequently taken up by the Pythagoreans and Stoics.With the decline of antiquity and the spread of . Type your requirements and I'll connect you to an academic expert within 3 minutes. In support of his argument, he appeals to scriptural passages such as Romans 6:9, which affirms that Christ "being raised from the dead dieth no more".[13]. The term Eternal Recurrence was itself coined by Friedrich Nietzsche, who, while never suggesting this theory was true, adopted it as a thought experiment to test one's willpower. What do you think? He lays eternal recurrence out as a litmus test of sorts for the quality of our lives. number: 206095338, E-mail us: And yes, I know reincarnation is a little different but who cares? Footnote 39 He continues, noting that this 'new description of reality [provides] instead of eternal life - the eternal recurrence it is the most . The Eternal Recurrence was the name given to the iteration of this old theory, by Nietzsche. First ed. This implies that whatever realities our world has in this particular times would be repeated indefinitely yet unknown to all in the same manner that they are represented to the world at this moment (Lowith). The theory of Eternal Recurrence, which is also referred as Eternal Return, states that the world has been returning or recurring. This is the ongoing activity of all things, no matter how they differ, and so is important for us to understand and accept. But what is true on Nietzsches philosophy is that he accepts and does not deny the idea of eternal recurrence or eternal return. Get expert help in mere 10 minutes with: PhD Essay Government Culture Eternal Recurrence by Nietzsche, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title This is what Nietzsche calls eternal recurrence. Comparable to what Nietzsche argues about the eternal recurrence principle, Arthur Schopenhauer also has his own idea of eternal recurrence the same way as Nietzsches. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The Eternal Return as a Scientific Theory The eternal return as a scientific theory is the idea that all events and experiences in the universe will be repeated again and again for all eternity. In A New Model of the Universe, he argued against Nietzsche's proof of the mathematical necessity of eternal repetition, claiming that a large enough quantity of matter would be capable of an infinite number of possible combinations. The doctrine of eternal recurrence, the basic conception of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, asks the question How well disposed would a person have to become to himself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than the infinite repetition, without alteration, of each and every moment? Presumably most people. But if he changes something essential in himself, that is, if he attains something, this cannot be lost. -- Never yield to remorse, but at once tell yourself: remorse would simply mean adding to the first act of stupidity a second. This turn yields Nietzsche's most controversial concepts: the announcement of the death of God; the "eternal return," which frames existence in terms of endlessly repeating cycles; and the will. "[31] Taken in this sense, the doctrine has been seen as comparable to the categorical imperative of Immanuel Kant. --begin quotation from The Illusion of Will, Self, . I was a member of a Gurdjieff Work group over three decades ago, and I remember the reading of Collin's books being discouraged. No person would claim that his life and his being recur the same way as they did before. University of California Press, 1997. Examines and builds on the central themes associated with Professor Rock's work - social and criminological theory, policy development and policy-making, and victims and victimology No gamer window or god or magic meteor from the sky, or secret training is going to make me a God, I'm fucked. The idea of eternal return or eternal recurrence has existed in various forms since antiquity. This turns out to be the case; although Ivan always knows in advance what the outcome of his actions will be, he is unable to keep himself from repeating those actions. Moreover, the theory suggests that the number of probable changes that the matter could have is limited and is fixed thus arriving at an assumption that sooner or later the similar state will happen again. I argue that if you think of how much forever is, any finite life, no matter how long, is almost nothing compared to eternity/infinite time. On eternal recurrence, losing something entails finding it again; death entails birth; bereavement entails resurrection; experience entails innocence. On the other hand, Origen (c. 185 c. 253 AD) characterises the Stoics as claiming that the contents of each cycle will not be identical, but only indistinguishable:[9]. As Hollingdale has noted, 'Nietzsche arrived at the theory of the Eternal Recurrence as a consequence of two requirements; the need to explain the world and the need to accept it'. "Stoic Natural Philosophy (Physics and Cosmology)", "On the Individuation of Times and Events in Orthodox Stoicism", "The Eternal Return: Genesis and Interpretation", "Note sur Nietzsche et Lange: 'le retour ternel', "Eternal Recurrence and the Laws of Manu", "General Relativity and the Eternal Return", "The Symplectic Camel and Poincar Superrecurrence: Open Problems", The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time, Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eternal_return&oldid=1111765543, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from March 2022, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from March 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 September 2022, at 20:02. Augustine denies that this has reference to the recurrence of specific people, objects, and events, instead interpreting the passage in a more general sense. It also implies human helplessness in preventing the repetition of loneliness, birth, and pain. Personal Identity and Circular Time Even if this cosmological theory is true, it does not obviously follow that persons will live their lives again, as Nietzsche's theory of eternal recurrence maintains. harmony in order to life, Eternal Recurrence by Nietzsche. The term Eternal Recurrence was itself coined by Friedrich Nietzsche, who (while never suggesting this theory was true) adopted it as a thought experiment to test one's willpower. Did you know that we have over 70,000 essays on 3,000 topics in our At the center of Nietzsche's philosophy is the idea of eternal return the ultimate embrace of responsibility that comes from accepting the consequences, good or bad, of one's willful action. If this is truly what's going on, then we live in a very limited time and thus a very unlikely time to find yourself in. Heat, however, will never return to the form of light. For other uses, see, One rebuttal of Nietzsche's theory, put forward by his contemporary. The interpretation suggests that eternal recurrence is a conceptualization of intellectual and volitional processes. Especially now that I've figured out that there is no hope or way out. Abide, moment!' Nietzsche, Misc in 19th Century Philosophy. With regard to human existence, the implication of this view . In a fragment preserved by Simplicius, Eudemus writes:[2]. Furthermore, it could be the case that Nietzsche understood that there is no way that he could prove his hypothesis for the reason that there would be no entity that would demonstrate the very principle of eternal recurrence. Check 'eternal recurrence' translations into German. But it's Borges's closing argument, calling on the theory of entropy to demolish "eternal recurrence," which is most convincing, and simultaneously awesome: Heat and light are no more than forms of energy. with free plagiarism report. ?>. Nietzsche says that one would require the most impassioned love of life: " to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal." - The Gay Science, 341 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. Answer (1 of 3): Yes. This doctrine must be distinguished from the belief in the general periodicity of nature, according to which the main features . The discovery of the laws of thermodynamics in the 19th century restarted the debate among scientists and philosophers about the ultimate fate of the universe, which brought in its train many questions about the nature of time. Scholars keep trying to limit it to a thought experiment. As Heidegger furthered, Nietzsche regarded the theory or the concept as merely a simple assumption just like how the Christian faith admits the idea of Hell and Angels. Nevertheless, this principle had been abandoned through the rise of Christianity (Lukacher). [6], Sources differ as to whether the Stoics believed that the contents of each new universe would be one and the same with those of the previous universe, or only so similar as to be indistinguishable. You can use it as an example when writing Russian esotericist P. D. Ouspensky (18781947) believed in the literal truth of eternal recurrence. And so on. ( Fingers Pointing Towards the Moon, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958) Once one grasps the film's premise, the viewer is like Theseus following Ariadne's thread to find his way through. [10] This was probably not a widely-held belief, as it represents a denial of the deterministic viewpoint which stands at the heart of Stoic philosophy. Need urgent help with your paper? But according to a less Nietzschean but more optimistic principle, we can escape from this eternal recurrence with becoming enlightened. This is his central and most famous philosophical idea. There appears scant evidence for this in Nietzsche's writings, only speculation. database? This concept has been called many names, such as, Loop Theory, Eternity Return, Eternal Recurrence, Reincarnation and so on. The concept initially inherent in Indian philosophy was later found in ancient Egypt, and was subsequently taken up by the Pythagoreans and Stoics. This is the problem of microscopic reversibility. ETERNAL RETURN "Eternal return" is the doctrine that every event in the universe, in all its details and in its whole cosmic context, will recur an infinite number of times in exactly the same way that it has already occurred an infinite number of times in the past. An avid reader who writes about arts, culture, literature & other life obsessions. Put simply, it's the theory that existence recurs in an infinite cycle as energy and matter transform over time. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. cite it. When the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche referred to himself and the Anti-Christ, he was doing more than simply using a metaphor. 279280 (book V, section 20). Having re-lived his life up to the point of his conversation with the magician, Ivan asks in despair whether there is any way of changing the past. Kaufmann, Walter, trans. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher and cultural critic who published intensively in the 1870s and 1880s. the theory of eternal recurrence could be true, I will assume that the cosmos consists of a single ''great year'' of events. [14] While the idea itself is not original to Nietzsche, his unique response to it gave new life to the theory, and speculation as to the correct interpretation of Nietzsche's doctrine continues to this day. The idea of the eternal recurrence of things and phenomena, the idea of eternal repetition, is connected in European thought with the name of Pythagoras and with the vague notions of the periodicity of the Universe which are found in Indian philosophy and cosmogony. Earl Wajenberg Examine Nietzsches statement in The Birth of Tragedy that it is only as an Aesthetic Phenomenon that existence can be justified to eternity. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Scholars Tue Aug 22 2000 at 20:42:00. In these paragraphs Marx takes into consideration the first illusion of German Ideology and questions it validity. Nietzsche: The Eternal Recurrence of the Same. According to this view, the existence of moral truths is dependent upon the existence of God, a point that . . Eternal return (German: Ewige Wiederkunft; also known as eternal recurrence) is a concept that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space. It argues that if a system has a finite level of energy and remains at a finite spatial amount, after a considerable length of time, a system would return to its original state (Lowith). Eternal return (German: Ewige Wiederkunft; also known as eternal recurrence) is a concept that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur in a self similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space. He first brought it up in his book "The Gay Science," and returned to explore it more fully in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." It was essentially an attempt to figure out an answer to the meaning of life, once and for all. Recurrence is the act of constant disappearance and re-appearance. Now you are liberated from this pernicious mind imprisonment; you'll thank me later. The narrative explains imaginatively the origin of Nietzsche's idea, not only its philosophical roots, but its biographical, emotional, and psychological sources as well. The Stoics, possibly inspired by the Pythagoreans,[3] incorporated the theory of eternal recurrence into their natural philosophy. This seems like a cosmological question, so I will put it here: Can anyone refute the finite space/energy/matter in infinite time. [39][40] The theorem, first advanced by Henri Poincar in 1890, remains influential, and is today the basis of ergodic theory. However, in his idea, the only thing that recurs is the matter in such a way that entities return in their own bodies and not in other bodies as how the tradition of reincarnation suggests (Lowith). [1] Eudemus of Rhodes also references this Pythagorean doctrine in his commentary on Aristotle's Physics. It suffices to project a light onto a black surface to convert it into heat. Eternal recurrence is one of the central concepts of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (18441900). These cycles continue for eternity, and the same events are exactly repeated in every cycle. Eternal return (German: Ewige Wiederkunft; also known as eternal recurrence) is a concept that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur an infinite number of times across infinite time or space.. What is eternal return Reddit? [12] Augustine of Hippo (354430 AD) objected to the fact that salvation was not possible in the Stoic scheme, arguing that even if a temporary happiness was attained, a soul could not be truly blessed if it was doomed to return again to misery. Yet the primary concern of the Stoics, as of Nietzsche, was not with the scientific truth of the theory, but rather with how it might be helpful to people in living their lives. Its still basically a never-ending cycle of suffering, like in Buddhism or whatever. Who can speak and say, See, this is new? Your reaction to the prospect of living every single moment of your life over and over again in sequence is, for Nietzsche, a crucial measure of your ability to become who you truly are. Remorse. "[24], Martin Heidegger points out that Nietzsche's first mention of eternal recurrence in The Gay Science presents this concept as a hypothetical question rather than postulating it as a fact. Nietzsche's eternal recurrence is a litmus test for an individual's capacity to affirm life. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. In permadeath scenario our lifetime is so "small" and eternity or forever is so "long" that it is not likely that we find ourselfs in a permadeath situation while we are alive(finite), but instead, a reality where our effective lifetimes are infinite. Nietzsche was pretty invested in this question, which he called "Eternal Recurrence," or eternal return. Corrections? In Friedrich Nietzsche: Nietzsche's mature philosophy The doctrine of eternal recurrence, the basic conception of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, asks the question "How well disposed would a person have to become to himself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than the infinite repetition, without alteration, of each and every moment?" Eternal return ( German: Ewige Wiederkunft; also known as eternal recurrence) is a concept that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur in a self similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space. As an analysis of Nietzsches theory or concept of eternal recurrence, it is obvious that Nietzsche did not demand absolute truth to his principle for the fact that he did not imply all throughout his discussions and philosophy on the concept of eternal recurrence that it really exists in reality. [27][note 1], A third possibility is that Nietzsche was attempting to create a new ethical standard by which people should judge their own behaviour. Share Johnny Lee Plato versus Nietzsche The central ideas that two great philosophers, Plato and Friedrich Nietzsche, talked about were the reality and appearance; and what they mainly focused on is. The theory comes courtesy of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who called his question one of "Eternal Recurrence." He first brought it up in his book " The Gay Science, " and returned to it (pun intended) in " Thus Spoke Zarathustra, " and it has always been an attempt to make sense of the meaning of life. Eternal return (also known as "eternal recurrence") is a concept that the universe has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space. According to historical records, the concept or idea of eternal recurrence originated from the ancient Egypt and was later on adapted by the Stoics and Pythagoras. cookie policy. Basically an unconscious eternity after a finite lifetime, whether the host(universe in this case) outlasts your consciousness or not. What is the eternal return theory? For more information, please see our According to the qualities of eternity and. In this story, Ivan Osokin implores a magician to send him back to his childhood and give him the chance to live his life over again. But it was clearly far more than that for Nietzsche, as I set forth in my book. Perhaps the most convincing arguments Nietzsche makes for the idea that God is either dead or does not exist is the idea that God is a creation of Western society,. [17] Louis Auguste Blanqui similarly claimed that in an infinite universe, every possible combination of forms must repeat itself eternally across both time and space. In a book entitled Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche invents a character named Zarathustra, a wandering philosopher who has many adventures. And yes, I know reincarnation is a little different but who cares? 5. Und Nietzsche mit seiner Theorie der ewigen Wiederkehr. Nietzsche, Frederich. essay. It was only when Friedrich Nietzsche reintroduce the thought the scholars began to evaluate its truthfulness or possibilities. 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eternal recurrence theory