12 Ways Noticing Your Feelings Can Improve Your Life, 6 Signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect in a Partner or Friend, 4 Questions to Ask for Better Conversations. Thanks for reading Scientific American. 525 solutions. This linkage represents an important step forward in the understanding of the development of adolescent sexuality.. Debates about the diversity of psychology subjects reached a peak around 2010, when a widely read paper charged that an overreliance on research from Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic societies often shortened to the acronym "WEIRD" amounted to a crisis for the behavioral sciences. This kind of saturation might have its roots in something even more troublesome. She tweets @WallflowerBlack. Explore . Obviously the above example could never happen in real life, but it represents a simplified thought experiment to address a larger question about how research on human cognitive evolution is carried out. Joseph Henrich thinks many people reading this are probably WEIRD. UC Santa Barbara anthropologist Michael Gurven argues this has to change, and has turned to an isolated indigenous population in the Bolivian Amazon to show us why. Self-obsessed: The Western mind is strangely narcissistic in its self-absorption and difficulty respecting other people's traditions until they have been proven by Western scientific methods. They are outliers. A framework of psychology based on socioecology would ask why we behave the way we do within a particular setting, providing for a better foundation in understanding how our minds work. ; Borrowing Materials Learn about our lending policies and procedures. This post originally appeared at the Public Library of Science (PLoS) Blogs. The first thing youll probably want to do is leave that room. Putting it another way, if the Tsimane conducted their own psychology research, they'd describe humans as either keen collectors of provisions, or as adept at politics and management. A similar difference can be found in what psychologists call "folkbiological reasoning." When recruiting for many of these WEIRD studies, scientists often make the sample as homogeneous as possible, in an effort to detect small differences. In the 180 papers published in 2015 and 2016 in two of the evolutionary psychologys leading journals (Evolutionary Psychology and Evolution & Human Behavior), 81% of the sample was from WEIRD countries, and 89% from developed countries; ancillarily, 44% was a student sample. Book argues these cultures make people more analytical, individualistic, impersonal. Gaming. Theres a big dose of sociology in our psychology. Maybe it was on your wedding night, maybe it was long before. For example, the way that gender roles are learned is a cultural process, as is the way that people think about their own sense of duty toward their family . How about fields like evolutionary and cross-cultural psychology, which explicitly depend on heterogeneity in the sample studied? "The skin conductance data also agree, showing little or no emotional reaction to violent or disturbing imagery," reports a third who seems to be the one in charge of this strange experiment. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. The WEIRD Problem Most Psychology studies examine individuals who are W estern E. The weird problem most psychology studies examine. Stendhal syndrome (also called Florence syndrome or hyperkulturemia) is a psychosomatic disorder that can affect people visiting art galleries. Turns out, they are not doing things very differently: In the 893 articles published in 2015 and 2016 in the top five cross-cultural psychology journals, a staggering 96.7% participants were WEIRD, and more than 85% were American. When these affluent American and non-Western populations are compared there are important differences in domains as seemingly unrelated as visual perception, fairness, cooperation, spatial reasoning, moral reasoning, reasoning styles, and even the heritability of IQ. Claims about human psychology and behaviour in top international journals are largely based on the WEIRDest people in the world. These things seem like they should work about the same way for any young human. If so, give the study the squinty eye of context. Psychological studies are what shape our perception of the human mind and behavior, supposed to be generalizable to the population of Earth, but the majority are done in America . And when the vast majority of studies on human behaviour are carried out on a convenient pool of willing subjects namely university students it's hard to remember how truly limited our understanding is. But when you compare the US, Canada, Indonesia, all the places this has been done, it turns out there's a lot of variability in how correlated they are.". - O glowkey. 03 Tearing the paper off drink bottles is a sign of sexual frustration. I have written about the hilarity that ensues once electrodes are stuck into your medial ventral prefrontal cortex for Discover, the joy of penis-fencing with the endangered bonobo for Wildlife Conservation, and the "killer-ape" myth of human origins from Shakespeare's The Tempest to Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey for Times Higher Education. Many will fill out a survey or three for a chocolate bar. What is the problem with relying too much on WEIRD societies for samples in psychology research? This begs the question: If even low-level functioning like visual processing, or the evolution of the human foot, is so different because of cultural differences, how can we claim that psychology, or behavioural science in general based on studying a handful of people, is applicable to everyone around the world? A few of the individuals have on white coats and are carrying around clipboards while most are being run through a battery of psychological tests. Weird psychology: Social science researchers rely too much on Western college students. Nevertheless, they form the basis of most researchers' assumptions about human nature even though, as Henrich and colleagues conclude, "this particular subpopulation is highly unrepresentative of the species.". Psychology Today 2022 Sussex Publishers, LLC. Here are 99 interesting psychology facts about human behavior most people don't know. While psychology did not emerge as a separate discipline until the late 1800s, its earliest history can be traced back to the time of the early Greeks. These aren't trivial matters, according to Gurven, who feels it could be playing a key role in our difficulty in replicating important studies. In her commen-tary on the original article (Henrich et al., Tweet. Moken children, who live a semi-nomadic life based on the sea, however, need to visually focus to perform underwater tasks, such as foraging food. Psychology's WEIRD Problem Often, WEIRD scientists conduct WEIRD experiments that are not generalizable. The other researchers nod in agreement, for that is certainly what the results show. In other words, PSE is a measure of how effective the illusion is for different populations. That would clearly be psychotic. Certain pockets of the world over-rely on running shoes, which are often cushioned; others run barefoot. Weird #4. Not only does this typical sample fail to represent today's global population, it doesn't say much about how our ancestors might have lived. 2.1. Moken children, who live a semi-nomadic life based on the sea, however, need to visually focus to perform underwater tasks, such as foraging food. They found that people from Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic (WEIRD) societies who represent as much as 80 percent of study participants, but only 12 percent of the world's population are not only unrepresentative of humans as a species, but on many measures they're outliers. . Journal editors and reviewers might say that it is not of general interest, meaning that just because they do not see it happening in 12% of the human population, it is not normal. Thus, a comparatively homogenous group of researchers then study a comparatively homogenous group of behaviours, belying the multiplicity of human psychology. Free in some cases. However, if you show the same two lines to people in many non-Western societies (particularly hunter-gatherer societies) they will be more likely to identify the two lines as identical. A significant number of participants in behavioral science experiments continue to represent the Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) society, which covers only about 5% of the human population. Psychology Today 2022 Sussex Publishers, LLC. I grew up in an old house in Forest Ranch, California as the eldest of four boys. A recent analysis of the top journals in six subdisciplines of psychology from 2003 to 2007 revealed that 68% of subjects came from the United States, and a full 96% of subjects were from Western industrialized countries, specifically those in North America and Europe, as well as . Nurture which refers to all environmental influences after conception, i.e. At the very least it means that researchers and science journalists alike should be careful not to perpetuate ideas that appeal to their own beliefs but which may have no basis in other societies. But this fine print can often get lost in the reporting. 7. How do researchers substantiate the extrapolation of findings from this small, almost homogenous subsample, and call it the science of human behavior? All of these are standard methods in the psychological and brain sciences. Not necessarily used to solve the same problem, nor equally accessible across cultures . Share. You might think, OK, these journals are general and cover topics that are thought to be universal. That same year, 83% of the psychology workforce self-identified as White, 7% as Hispanic, 4% as Asian, and 3% as Black, according to APA's Center for Workforce Studies data. WEIRD. A leading question is a question intended to elicit a certain response. Journal editors and reviewers might say that it is not of general interest, meaning that just because they do not see it happening in 12% of the human population, it is not normal. Thus, a comparatively homogenous group of researchers then study a comparatively homogenous group of behaviours, belying the multiplicity of human psychology. WEIRD subjects, from countries that represent only about 12 percent of the worlds population, differ from other populations in moral decision making, reasoning style, fairness, even things like visual perception. Roughly 60% of Americans describe their heritage as non-Hispanic White, according to 2019 data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Surveys and Loaded Questions. The social identity theory explains the intergroup behavioral patterns that are perceived by individuals. The sample is so homogeneous that it applies only to heterosexual college studentswho on average, according to information they supplied to the researchers, had lost their virginity only two years before. Whenever I get the chance I go on backpacking trips in the mountains of British Columbia or catch the latest film from Zhang Yimou, the Coen Brothers, or Deepa Mehta. From these two intimate encounters per person, in college students who had lost their virginity on average two years before, the authors concluded that sexual satisfaction in the present was strongly affected by how you lost your virginity and that the effects of how you lost your virginity could persist for years to come. Heres what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not. While the The Big Five has its critics, it continues to hold a prestigious place in research circles as a convenient way to compare and contrast types of individual behaviour. Western college students are not the best representatives of human emotion, behavior, and sexuality. Does psychology's over-reliance on American undergraduates distort our image of the human species? We aim to be "ourselves" across contexts and see inconsistencies in others as . Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. What he found was astounding: WEIRD societies were the weird (i.e., atypical) ones. It might be, but it also might not generalize to the studys college students or to college students overall. We further . What Henrich and colleagues have called for is a renewed effort to conduct similar cross-cultural research before making grand claims about the species as a whole. If I am not engaged in a writing or research project I spend time with my young son, Sagan. All contents 2022 The Slate Group LLC. It was developed from 1970s to 80s by Henri Tajfel and John C. Turner, to put forward the urge to have a social identity. "It's easier and it's often less expensive to study those in your large undergrad classes," says Gurven. Kids Who Read Out Loud to a Dog See Improved Literacy, What to Do When Eating Disorders and Obesity Coexist, 4 Lessons Learned from Long-Term Grieving, The Protective Impact of Make-Believe on the Mind and Body, Using Ayahuasca and Psychedelic Plants to Treat Racial Trauma, Honesty in Your Relationship Isn't Always the Best Policy. Because the psychologists who carried out these studies likely grew up in an urban environment themselves (rural students are significantly less likely to attend graduate school, particularly at top-ranking institutions) the confirmation bias of such studies are perpetuated. The behavioral sciences database is narrow. Which is a little WEIRD. Further, the Psychological Science Accelerator is working toward a buddy system through which labs from developing countries can collaborate with those in developed countries. But again it misses the point of WEIRD and what Greg says - that we develop constructs based on what we think is relevant to "human psychology" writ large, and we end up then saying these patterns hold true around the world, since it's been easy to get data from university students in several different very developed countries. (Adrian Jaeggi/UC Santa Barbara) Thanks to the way research is conducted, our perception of human psychology is based largely on subjects who are largely w estern, e ducated, i ndustrialised, r ich, and d emocratic. Most studies now will carefully add qualifiers, such as in college populations or in Western society. For example, the study on virginity loss concluded that, In sum, the present study provides strong evidence of the link between virginity loss and subsequent sexual functioning. They can tell us a lot about how college students think and behave. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33 (2-3), 61-83 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X0999152X. For instance, what might be trite practices in most other cultures, such as initiation into adulthood, are often considered exotic, and hence may not be studied at all. Addressing this question psychologists Joseph Henrich, Steven J. Heine and Ara Norenzayan at the University of British Columbia (where I am also located) published a paper last year in the journal Behavioral Brain Sciences. Here are 10 even weirder psychology studies that have mostly been published in academic journals, some more reputable than others. 1. It's the tendency we all have to prefer interpretations that support our preexisting beliefs. They were followed by white South Africans from Johannesburg. If you chose "b" than you are in line with a substantial number of Americans (both undergraduates and children) who chose the same one. Maybe it was in a romantic garden under a full moon with the scent of roses all around, in the arms of your one true love? By Jason G. Goldman on September 28, 2012. Nevertheless, the confirmation bias that exists in many psychological studies represents a distortion of reality that has just as much potential to be passed on to subsequent generations. Frustrated Women and Hopeful Men: Is There a Connection? The study of human behavior is a dense minefield of ongoing discovery. Of course, there is one important difference between psychopaths and American society. To this day one of my favorite passages ever written is from Henry David Thoreau's Walden where he describes an epic battle between ants in Concord, an injured soldier limping forward as the still living heads of his enemies cling to his legs and thorax "like ghastly trophies at his saddle-bow." The foot-in-the-door is a popular concept in social psychology which pertains to how you can make someone accept or positively respond to your request. Viktoriya Bernadyn Psych 210 1. . We may all recognize the names of other more common mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, or autism spectrum disorder. Behavioral researchers themselves are mostly from WEIRD countries. Countries accounting for around 85 per cent of the world's population are largely overlooked. This Scientist Has a Warning About The WEIRD Problem in Psychology Research. Would the same false results that affected the hypothetical psychopath study also affect other assumptions about human nature? Evolutionary psychology is the study of universal human nature, so the WEIRD problem (the observation that almost all of our empirical data come from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic societies and that individuals from such societies are often extreme outliers in their behavioral tendencies) is an existential problem for the field. Often you can get people to participate for only a short period of time. For instance, in the top six APA journals, 68% of the samples studied are drawn from the United States, and 96% from WEIRD countries. "There's plenty of diversity within the United States that's untapped, most of it outside the ivory tower of the academy," he says. Double foot-in-the-door. My work has appeared online for Wired, PLoS Blogs, Psychology Today, Huffington Post, SEED, ScienceBlogs, Nature Network and a host of independent science related websites. I entered graduate school with a background in anthropology and biology, joining the world-renowned department of Evolutionary Anthropology at Duke University to pursue a PhD in great ape behavioral ecology. Psychology cannot call itself the science of human behavior until it studies the diversity of human experience. But larger questions concerning the history and sociology of scientific ideas cut my empirical research short. But from the media attention to this story, you would assume that we were all facing dysfunctional sex lives. The problem is arguably even worse in developmental psychology than in . Is the WEIRD world the best place to study human nature? But theres a major problem (one of several, really) with this study: This study is WEIRD. Psychology's WEIRD problem is the fact that most children who participate in studies do not I would take all day hikes with my cat in the canyon just below our property, and the neighbor kids taught me to shoot a bow and arrow. The situation is not that bleak, however, and some changes are being made. Study Cultural Psychology Exam 1 flashcards. I then draw on Hwang's (2019a) epistemological strategy as a path for constructing culture-inclusive theories to compliment Western theories found in mainstream psychology. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. For instance, one may say that an individual who has an IQ below or above . So is the link between first and subsequent sexual experience really true? This has become known as the Mller-Lyer Illusion, named after the German psychiatrist Franz Carl Mller-Lyer who first discovered it in 1889. . WEIRD is the phenomenon that plagues a lot of psychology and other social science studies: Their participants are overwhelming Western, educated, and from industrialized, rich, and democratic countries. (shelved 1 time as weird-psychological-theory) avg rating 4.10 12,060 ratings published 1961. This career often appeals to learners with a background in quantitative research methods. Social Networks Matter: Friends Increase the Size of Your Brain, Probing the Passions of Science: An Interview with Carl Zimmer on the Art of Science Writing, published a paper last year in the journal, significantly less likely to attend graduate school, Fire Over Ahwahnee: John Muir and the Decline of Yosemite, By Eric Michael Johnson on November 17, 2011, By Eric Michael Johnson on December 20, 2011. And would that population maybe have something about it that makes their reactions drastically different from yours? Slowly the frantic activity begins to make sense. Want to Read. Place holds on or request our items. However, once you do, you discover a booth installed with one-way glass where you can watch whats taking place without anyone seeing you. But in fact, thats not the case. If we really are doomed to have sex like we had it our first time most of us are screwed. "These results suggest that the human species is inherently deceitful, antisocial, and has little regard for others," he says. Because they were only testing psychopaths the researchers' data may be consistent but it's only applicable for that one group. Although WEIRD is terribly catchy and quite manageable, it may not even focus us on the most important distinctions, nor may it reflect a good starting point for a truly trans-cultural psychology . Thus, apparently European children, because they do not usually need to see properly underwater, have blurry eyes when they are underwater. In a series of cross-cultural experiments in 1966 psychologist Marshall H. Segall manipulated the length of line "a" until it reached the point where respondents reported that the two were identical in length. Sufferers become so overwhelmed by the beauty of the exhibited artworks that they suddenly develop symptoms. People from Western Educated Industrialised Rich Democratic - or . This eliminated a small number (12 out of 331 participants). This difference in perspective certainly becomes a lot clearer when we take into account our respective lifestyles. Frustrated Women and Hopeful Men: Is There a Connection? When you are happy, you may tend to make better decisions to solve complex problems, because you are more likely to be . Regardless, I hope you enjoyed it, because a recent study has shown that your sexual well-being today has a lot to do with how much you enjoyed it then. WEIRD Psychology. This debate within psychology is concerned with the extent to which particular aspects of behavior are a product of either inherited (i.e. It seems I hardly even scratched the surface. A study comparing European and Moken children (from the islands of Asia's Andaman Sea) found that the former, when underwater, widen their pupils, while the latter constrict them to improve vision. The Tsimane, for example, only relate to two industriousness and sociability. Under this definition of abnormality, a person's trait, thinking or behavior is classified as abnormal if it is rare or statistically unusual. By Mike McRae. Psychology is an interesting branch of science that requires much attention from students. Turns out, they are not doing things very differently: In the 893 articles published in 2015 and 2016 in the top five cross-cultural psychology journals, a staggering 96.7% participants were WEIRD, and more than 85% were American. This begs the question: If even low-level functioning like visual processing, or the evolution of the human foot, is so different because of cultural differences, how can we claim that psychology, or behavioural science in general based on studying a handful of people, is applicable to everyone around the world? In fact, both lines are identical in length. And that is just considering awkward first-time fumblings, without taking into account the many people who had truly terrible experiences. Here are a few interesting psychology facts that you definitely need to know. According to Gurven, only 18 percent of the global population matches the typical subject studied by institutions in western nations across Europe and North America. In the end, this is an issue of validity, and should be treated as such: After all, what is the point of a science that does not study the majority of the population? 02 Good liars are also the good ones in detecting lies from others. She tweets @WallflowerBlack. Fortunately, researchers don't need to travel to places like Bolivia to push the boundaries on their samples. Reviewed by Gary Drevitch. The situation is not that bleak, however, and some changes are being made. The weirdest people in the world? Finding a good psychology research paper topic is important for a good paper. Thoreau helped fugitive slaves to escape while he mused on the wonder and strange beauty of the natural world. (2010). Should all of our psych studies be done with these kids? View Psych 210 WEIRD Problem.docx from PSYCH 210 at CUNY Hunter College. In 2010, psychologists and behavioral scientists had a revolutionary realization: All humans are not the same as the North American college students. Psychology's diversity problem. Over the last century, behavioral researchers have revealed the biases and prejudices that shape how people see the world and the carrots and . In psychology, WEIRD is an acronym for Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic a capsule description of the undergraduates that the majority of psychological tests are done on. WEIRD, an acronym for "Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic", cultural identifier of psychology test subjects; Weird number, a natural number that is abundant but not semiperfect . 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weird problem psychology