However its water is saline. Description. [49] Google Earth continues to show both names, unless viewed through a server from a Gulf Coast Arab country, in which case it labels it simply "Arabian Gulf. Another study revealed the following numbers for water exchanges for the Persian Gulf: evaporation = 1.84m (6.0ft)/year, precipitation = 0.08m (0.26ft)/year, inflow from the Strait = 33.66m (110.4ft)/year, outflow from the Strait = -32.11m (105.3ft)/year, and the balance is 0m (0ft)/year. [45][46][47] This was the combined efforts of hundreds of bloggers, webmasters and Persian forums who pointed links with the word Arabian Gulf to a spoof error page found at this link.[47]. The Al Fahidi Mosque, quiet . [42] The Persian Gulf therefore became a critical maritime path through which the Allies transported equipment to Soviet Union against the Nazi invasion. The UK still maintains a profile in the region. From 1763 until 1971, the British Empire maintained varying degrees of political control over some of the Persian Gulf states, including the United Arab Emirates (originally called the Trucial States)[45] and at various times Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar through the British Residency of the Persian Gulf. The US governments attempt to promote the term Arabian Gulf in preference to Persian Gulf has prompted a backlas. [65] Other species such as the critically endangered Arabian humpback whale,[66] (also historically common in Gulf of Aden[67] and increasingly sighted in the Red Sea since 2006, including in the Gulf of Aqaba),[64] omura's whale,[68][69] minke whale, and orca also swim into the Persian gulf, while many other large species such as blue whale,[70] sei,[71] and sperm whales were once migrants into the Gulf of Oman and off the coasts in deeper waters,[72] and still migrate into the Red Sea,[73] but mainly in deeper waters of outer seas. Bubiyan belongs to Kuwait. Abu Dhabi, also a city in the UAE, has a population of about 1.5 million people. [25], The Iranian government threatened to sue Google, warning it will face "serious damages" if it does not denote the area as the Persian Gulf. After May 2012, it removed both names from the body of water stating that it does not name every place in the world and that it did not want to take a political stance. ", Occasional Paper of MEI The Persian Gulf: Validity of the Name Issue No. It is also called as world's largest lake as it is totally landlocked and fits the definition of lake. The nomadic tribes settled and ruled southern shores, later becoming the site for the Dilmun civilization. The rivers reach their peak flow in spring and early summer, when the snow melts in the mountains; disastrous floods sometimes result. The term "Arabian Gulf" is a geopolitical invention devoid of historical context or meaning; it is also illegal (see aforementioned UN actions). The Persian Gulf is joined in the east to the Arabian Sea by the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman. Omuras whale, humpback whale, and mink whales still swim into the gulf. The name Persian Gulf is still recognised by most governments, even some arms of the US government. Near Places. Historical, Geographical and Legal Validity of the Name: PERSIAN GULF, President Obamas Nowruz Message to the Iranian People, "Navy Causes Controversy by Changing 'Persian Gulf' to 'Arabian Gulf'", "Persian (or Arabian) Gulf Is Caught in the Middle of Regional Rivalries", "Iranologists condemn deliberate distortion of Persian Gulf's name", "Interview with Pendar Yousefi: Blogger, Designer and Google Bomber", "The Persian Gulf The Arabian Gulf Google Bomb", "Google Map's missing Gulf angers Iranians", "Islamic Solidarity Games Cancelled after Gulf Row Divides Nations", "Islamic Solidarity Games Cancelled over Gulf Dispute", "New League name announced by H.E. ", A planned second Islamic Solidarity Games in Iran, originally scheduled to take place in October 2009, and later rescheduled for April 2010, was canceled when the Arab World and Iran could not agree over the use of the term "Persian Gulf" in logos and medals for the Games. the northern side was dominated by the Median, Achaemenid, Seleucid and Parthian Empires. Uncontrolled hunting has also had a negative impact on the survival of dugongs. bang vs monster which is healthier; warframe report system; mercedes w204 brake discs and pads; behlen country kennel; lampard prime icon moments fifa 22; shelbyville, tn animal shelter; adidas ultra boost 22 women's; walmart leather fabric; antimicrobial phone case samsung; persian gulf also . Its length is some 615 miles (990 km), and its width varies from a maximum of about 210 miles (340 km) to a minimum of 35 miles (55 km) in the Strait of Hormuz. The word "Persian" is erased from the phrase "Persian Gulf". Between 625 BC and 226 AD, the northern side was dominated by a succession of Persian empires including the Median, Achaemenid, Seleucid and Parthian empires. The gulfs strategic location has made it ideal for human settlement. After the fall of the Parthian Empire, the Sassanid Empire ruled the northern half and at times the southern half of the Persian Gulf. fabric presents sherelle. It is noticeably asymmetrical in profile, with the deepest water occurring along the Iranian coast and a broad shallow area, which is usually less than 120 feet (35 metres) deep, along the Arabian coast. Mohammed Thani Murshed Al Romaithi", "MIDEAST Gulf rivalry between Iran, UAE transfered [, "Iran accuses UAE of racism in renaming Pro League to the Arabian Gulf League", "Iran bars captain's UAE transfer over Gulf name", "Historical, Geographical and Legal Validity of the name: Persian Gulf", Factsheet on the Legal and Historical Usage of the "Persian Gulf" ISG MIT, ISNA: "Goods labelled with "Arabian Gulf" banned in Iran. Other significant islands in the Persian Gulf include Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Kish administered by Iran, Bubiyan administered by Kuwait, Tarout administered by Saudi Arabia, and Dalma administered by UAE. The entrance from the Arabian Sea is via the Straits of Hormuz, which at their narrowest are only about 55 kilometers wide. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The Gulf region, particularly the shallow southern basin, is the warmest sea on the planet during summer, with sea surface temperatures regularly exceeding 35C in August (Vaughan et al., 2018 . It was perceived as one of the primary threats to global maritime trade routes, particularly those with significance to British India and Iraq. [27] The world's oldest known civilization (Sumer) developed along the Persian Gulf and southern Mesopotamia. by when it was given that . A concentration basin has a higher salinity than a dilution basin. The territories covered are specified as Muscat, Trucial Oman, El-Katr, Bahrein, Hasa, Koweit, Irak, South Arabistan, Persian Coast and Islands, and Persian Makran. Following the Iranian Revolution of 1979 some people in Islamic groups suggested the use of "Islamic Gulf" or "Muslim Gulf". It is famous for its mango forests, an amazing salt cave, a spectacular canyon . Term. On almost all maps printed before 1960, and in most modern international treaties, documents and maps, this body of water is known by the name "Persian Gulf". Note that the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) has removed all references to "Arabian Gulf" and now correctly refers to the body of water as The Persian Gulf. Firstly, Arab leaders argued that the term the Persian Gulf is simply outdated as the ancient Iranian empires which long ago dominated the entire Gulf region, but no more. The classical Greek writers, like Herodotus, called it "the Red Sea." In the second century the Lakhum tribe, who lived in what is now Yemen, migrated north and founded the Lakhmid Kingdom along the southern coast. Persian Gulf facts. Precipitation or rainfall is sparse and mainly characterized by sharp downpours from November to December. nieodm. The Arabian region comprises the Arabian Gulf (also known as the Persian Gulf, along with the Gulf of Oman and Arabian Sea. The 1991 Gulf War is also named after the Persian Gulf. The wind affects local currents and sometimes reverses them. 1600 map calling it "Gulf of Basra" or "Sea of Qatif", One of many maps by Hondius using the term Sinus Arabia, 1626 map calling it "Sea of Qatif", or the Arabian Gulf. The gulf is home to over 700 fish species. [21] In February 2010 Iran threatened to ban from its airspace foreign airlines, especially those from the Gulf region, who did not use the term "Persian Gulf". [34] And many prominent scholars and political and religious leaders such as Professor Abdelhadi Tazi, Ahmad al-Saraf, Abdelilah Benkirane (Prime Minister of Morocco from 2011 to 2017), Abdul Monem Saeed, Abdul Khaliq al-Janabi, Qaradawi, Gen. Majdi Omar, Former First Deputy of the Egyptian National Defense Council in recent decades have commented on the authenticity of the name of the Persian Gulf and the lack of justification for changing the name. [86] Corals are vital ecosystems that support multitude of marine species, and whose health directly reflects the health of the Persian gulf. (2004). The date coincides with the anniversary of Abbas I of Persia's successful military campaign when the Portuguese navy was driven out of the Strait of Hormuz in the Capture of Ormuz (1622). An extension of the Indian Ocean ( Gulf of Oman) through the Strait of Hormuz, it lies between Iran to the northeast and the Arabian Peninsula to the southwest. Squalls and waterspouts are common in autumn, when winds sometimes reach speeds of 95 miles (150 km) per hour within as short a time as five minutes. Recent statistics and observations show that dolphins are at danger of entrapment in purse seine fishing nets and exposure to chemical pollutants; perhaps the most alarming sign is the "mass suicides" committed by dolphins off Iran's Hormozgan province, which are not well understood, but are suspected to be linked with a deteriorating marine environment from water pollution from oil, sewage, and industrial run offs.[81][82]. There is great variation in color, size, and type of the bird species that call the Persian gulf home. The Arabs then began to use the name 'Arabian Gulf'", he added. Small fishing boats waiting for a high tides on the coastal waters of Dammam. It covers approximately 251,000 km2, with a maximum depth of 90 meters and an average depth of 50 meters. [30] During the seventh century the Sassanid Persian empire conquered the whole of the Persian Gulf, including southern and northern shores. Jamal Abdel Nasser mentioning the name "Persian Gulf" in Arabic in a speech. [42] The practice of the United States Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain, is to use "Arabian Gulf": It is commonly understood to be a friendly gesture of solidarity and support for our host nation of Bahrain and our other Gulf Cooperation Council partners in the region to use the term they prefer, The National Geographic Society uses the name Persian Gulf to refer to this body of water. The capture of Baghdad by the Ottoman Empire in 1534 gave Turkey access to the Indian Ocean via the port of Basra at the head of the Persian Gulf. This name has become contested by some Arab countries since the 1960s[3] in connection with the emergence of pan-Arabism and Arab nationalism, resulting in the invention of the toponym "Arabian Gulf" (Arabic: ) as well as the "Gulf", which are terms used in some Arab countries. Earliest evidence of human presence on Persian Gulf islands dates back to Middle Paleolithic and consist of stone tools discovered at Qeshm Island. Abstract: The Persian Gulf (also known as Arabian Gulf) is surrounded by desalination plants with about 50% of worldwide capacity to desalinate seawater. It is bordered on the north, northeast, and east by Iran; on the southeast and south by part of Oman and by the United Arab Emirates; on the southwest and west by Qatar, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia; and on the northwest by Kuwait and Iraq. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. "Things didn't change until Nasser came to power and the rise of Arab nationalism. Many of the trading ports of the Persian empires were located in or around Persian Gulf. [22] The name Gulf of Iran (Persian Gulf) is used by the International Hydrographic Organization.[23]. [40], In Persian Gulf States Country Studies published in 1993 by the Federal Research Division of the U.S. Library of Congress, the authors follow the practise of the BGN by using "Persian Gulf" while acknowledging that the governments of Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Bahrain "officially reject the use of the term Persian Gulfas do other Arab governmentsand refer to that body of water as the Arabian Gulf".[41]. The "Gulf" refers to the body of water known as the Arabian Gulf in GCC countries, or the Persian Gulf as referred to in many other places. It has instead blocked access to the webpage by people posting complaints, with the excuse: Our intent is not to remove your voice so much as it is to allow others to have theirs. Please select which sections you would like to print: Alternate titles: Arabian Gulf, Bar Fris, Khalj-e Frs. Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President", "Introducing a book: Documents on the Persian Gulf's name the eternal heritage of ancient time . The Persian Gulf is an arm of the Arabian Sea between the mountainous coast of southwestern Iran and the rather flat coast of Arabian Peninsula. Chapter 19 Test Review. Physical Geography A great example of this symbiosis are the mangroves in the Persian gulf, which require tidal flow and a combination of fresh and salt water for growth, and act as nurseries for many crabs, small fish, and insects; these fish and insects are the source of food for many of the marine birds that feed on them. The Persian Gulf and interior regions is also known as the . The general circulation pattern in the gulf is counterclockwise and is characterized by its vertical nature: as surface water enters from the Indian Ocean, it is subject to evaporation, thus becoming denser and sinking to flow out into the Indian Ocean beneath the inflowing water from the open ocean. [22][23][24] In 2011 President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a speech to the United Nations General Assembly during which he said that the only correct name of the sea between Iran and the Arabian peninsula was the Persian Gulf, and he dismissed the use of any other names as "illegitimate and void". In 550 BC, the Achaemenid Empire established the first ancient empire in Persis (Pars, or modern Fars), in the southwestern region of the Iranian plateau. Using this gas, Qatar has built up a substantial liquefied natural gas (LNG) and petrochemical industry. 35 m for much of the Arabian coast and 60 m depth along the Persian coast, with depths exceeding 100 m only at the Strait of Hormuz connecting the Gulf to the Sea of Oman and wider Indian Ocean (Purser & Seibold, 1973; Sheppard et al., 2010, Sheppard et al., 1992). Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. a shallow arm of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the Arabian peninsula; the Persian Gulf oil fields are among the most productive in the world . WikiMatrix. In 1521, a Portuguese force led by commander Antonio Correia invaded Bahrain to take control of the wealth created by its pearl industry. The gulf has a notoriously unpleasant climate. The sparse rainfall occurs mainly as sharp downpours between November and April and is higher in the northeast. The Parthians established garrisons along the southern . Since the 1960's there has been a row about the naming of this gulf between theArabs and the Persians. The Persian Gulf was a battlefield of the 19801988 IranIraq War, in which each side attacked the other's oil tankers. There are numerous islands, some of which are salt plugs or domes and others merely accumulations of coral and skeletal debris. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2022 The Persian Gulf has many fishing grounds, extensive reefs (mostly rocky, but also coral), and abundant pearl oysters, but its ecology has been damaged by industrialization and oil spills. At present, only about 3% of the gulfs marine and coastal surface is protected. The Lakhum tribe migrated to the north coast and established the Lakhmid Kingdom. Many of the most notable historical instances of piracy were perpetrated by the Al Qasimi tribe. [1] It is connected to the Gulf of Oman in the east by the Strait of Hormuz. Kuwaits capital, Kuwait City, is also located along the gulf coast. [1] The Shatt al-Arab river delta forms the northwest shoreline. It has a coastline length of about 5,117 km, with Iran having the longest coastline (1,536 km). These oil-rich countries with the coastline on the gulf are referred to as Persian Gulf states. Eight nations have coasts along the Persian Gulf: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The Persian Gulf lies between Arabian Peninsula and Iran to the southwest and northeast respectively. The countries surrounding the Persian Gulf have a combined population of about 100 million people. Covering a surface area of 93,000 square miles . In June 2006, Iran banned the sale of The Economist for the above reason, after a map in the magazine labeled the Persian Gulf as "The Gulf". Its length is 989 kilometres, with Iran covering . Yet, Dubai also has a historical quarter, Al Bastakiya, which was built in the 19th century. the Persian Gulf The New York Times: Persian Gulf: From rich history to security depth, This page was last edited on 9 August 2022, at 09:52. What's in a name? For the region in Australia, see, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names. Iran borders it on the east, Pakistan on the south, and Oman on the. Problem: there are no High Seas (also known as international waters) in the Persian Gulf. Guide to the Oceans. The wildlife of the Persian Gulf is diverse, and entirely unique because of the Persian Gulf's geographic distribution and its isolation from the international waters only breached by the narrow Strait of Hormuz. The Gulf measures 1000 km long by 200-300 km wide and its average depth is ca. Countries with a coastline on the Persian Gulf are (clockwise, from north): Iran; Oman's Musandam exclave; the United Arab Emirates; Saudi Arabia; Qatar, on a peninsula off the Saudi coast; Bahrain, an island nation; Kuwait; and Iraq in the northwest. In 2002, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran produced almost 25% of the global oil. Therefore, the names of geographical features profiting from a unique historical identity, should not be utilised as political instruments in reaching a political, tribal, and racial objective, or in any clash with national interests and others values, Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights, alert by the National Iranian American Council. Two main Mediterranean seas in the Indian Ocean are the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, both of which being concentration basins. [20], In a 1974 interview by Mike Wallace in 60 Minutes, the last Shah of Iran himself preferred the term "Persian Gulf" while talking to Wallace. These sediments are thrown up by the waves to form coastal islands that enclose lagoons. The Persian Gulf has hosted some of the most magnificent marine fauna and flora, some of which are near extirpation or at serious environmental risk. The Persian Gulf is a mediterranean sea in Western Asia. The Persian Gulf is connected to the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Hormuz. The shallow basin that now underlies the Persian Gulf was an extensive region of river valley and wetlands during the transition between the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and the start of the Holocene, which, according to University of Birmingham archaeologist Jeffrey Rose, served as an environmental refuge for early humans during periodic hyperarid climate oscillations, laying the foundations for the legend of Dilmun. Khalkhali in his May 1979 visit to the UAE suggested the term "Muslim Gulf". It is located in Western Asia. Siraf, was also significant in that it had a flourishing commercial trade with China by the fourth century, having first established connection with the far east in 185 AD. Bahrain Island is the fourth-largest island in the Persian Gulf. Some atlases and media outlets have taken to referring to "The Gulf" without any adjectival qualification. . The shallower areas to the southwest are covered with whitish gray or speckled skeletal sands and fine carbonate muds. This discussion, however, focuses primarily on the Persian Gulf proper. This article is about the body of water. Thunderstorms and fog are rare, but dust storms and haze occur frequently in summer. The Persian Gulf is a mediterranean sea in Western Asia. It has a population of about 118,000 people. This page shows the sunrise and sunset times in Persian Gulf (also known as the Arabian Gulf), including beautiful sunrise or sunset photos, local current time, timezone, longitude, latitude and live map. From among the writings of others in the same period, there is the inscription and engraving of Darius the Great, installed at junction of waters of Red Sea and the Nile river and the Rome river (current Mediterranean) which belongs to the fifth century BC where Darius the Great has named the Persian Gulf Water Channel: "Pars Sea" ("Persian Sea"). An Early world map by Pomponius Mela 43 AD. The Persian Gulf and surrounding countries are major oil and gas producers. The shamal, a wind that blows predominantly from a north-northwest direction during the summer, is seldom strong and rarely reaches gale force. The Persian Gulf and its coastal areas are the world's largest single source of crude oil. Saddam Hussein's regime genocided an entire race of 500,000 people known as the "Marsh Arabs" after the Persian Gulf War by literally destroying the environment that their entire civilation was built upon, building 32 dams to turn their homes and farms . Thus, the gulfs salinity ranges from 37 to 41 parts/1000. There are numerous islands throughout the Persian Gulf. I ordered to dig this (Suez) canal from the river that is called Nile and flows in Egypt, to the sea that begins in Pars. The Persian Gulf is home to over 700 species of fish, most of which are native. The Persian Gulf is about 56km (35mi) wide at its narrowest, in the Strait of Hormuz. The United States' role in the Persian Gulf grew in the second half of the Twentieth Century. The United Nations on many occasions has requested that only "Persian Gulf" be used as the official and standard geographical designation for the body of water. This limit is defined as "A line joining Rs Limah (2557'N) on the coast of Arabia and Rs al Kuh (2548'N) on the coast of Iran (Persia)".[4]. List of GCC countries, Gulf countries, [19] Iranian Viewpoints [ edit] Mike Wallace interviews Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran, in 1974 at CBS 60 Minutes. [2] The current flooding of the basin started 15,000 years ago due to rising sea levels of the Holocene glacial retreat. There are no MPAs for fisheries. [10] Consequently, in the Greek sources, the body of water that bordered this province came to be known as the "Persian Gulf". Red Sea named Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf and Oman Sea named Persian Sea. Don't miss the latest updates on Persian Gulf news, including official events, meetings of world leaders, and more. The Ottoman Empire reasserted itself into Eastern Arabia in 1871. Biological, biochemical, and chemical processes lead to the production of considerable calcium carbonate in the form of skeletal debris and fine mud, which mixes with this land-derived detritus. The matter remains very contentious as the competing naming conventions are supported by certain governments in internal literature, but also in dealings with other states and international organizations. The Persian Gulf naming dispute is concerned with the name of the body of water known historically and internationally as the Persian Gulf,[1][2] after Persia (the Western exonym for Iran). Dugong, also known as sea cow, are also common in the Persian Gulf, the creatures resemble cows and graze on seagrass. Sumer, the earliest known civilization, began around the gulf and Mesopotamia. Most pollution is from ships; land generated pollution counts as the second most common source of pollution. One of the more unusual marine mammals living in the Persian Gulf is the dugong (Dugong dugon). [53], Overall, the wild life of the Persian Gulf is endangered from both global factors, and regional, local negligence. Documents on the Persian Gulf's name the eternal heritage ancient time. Exclusive economic zones in the Persian Gulf:[5][6], The Persian Gulf is home to many islands such as Bahrain, an Arab state. Geographically, the biggest island in the Persian Gulf is Qeshm island, belonging to Iran and located in the Strait of Hormuz. Bahrain comprises over 50 islands centered on the Bahrain Island. Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 26.076521, 52.624512. [58] Along with Bryde's whales,[59][60][61][62] these once common residents can still can be seen in deeper marginal seas such as Gulf of Aden,[63] Israel coasts,[64] and in the Strait of Hormuz. The term Persian Gulf (or Arabian Gulf, the name used by Arabs) sometimes is employed to refer not only to the Persian Gulf proper but also to its outlets, the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman, which open into the Arabian Sea. There are some ephemeral streams on the Iranian coast south of Bshehr, but virtually no fresh water flows into the gulf on its Arabian side. Humidity is high. The Persian Gulf is in the Persian Gulf Basin, which is of Cenozoic origin and related to the subduction of the Arabian Plate under the Zagros Mountains. The gulf is approximately 1000 km long and 200 to 300 km wide, with an area of about 250,000 km. However, the current number of dugongs is dwindling and it is not clear how many are currently alive or what their reproductive trend is. 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persian gulf also known as arabian gulf islands