The request method is set to PUT, and the request headers are set to content-type and accept. The Origin header is also present in this request. The CORS specification defines a complex request as A request that uses methods other than GET, POST, or HEAD A request that includes headers other than Accept, Accept-Language or Content-Language Browsers that support CORS for XHR requests can access resources from other domains if the appropriate administrator chooses to allow such requests. And as i had ownership on the azureresource, i was able to allow me for cors-requests. For the purpose of this post, you only need to know that to force the browser make a preflight request you just need to add to the request a custom header. Please refer to the articles below for more details. or gateway to accept alternate request formats, described next. To load content on the screen without refreshing the page, the browser uses Ajax technology using the built-in XMLHttpRequest object, or since 2017, the new fetch function within JavaScript. The target Unlike the