to have any qualities at all. Does the answer to question 3 of argument 6 prove God is a person? This leads us back to the conclusion that we, as moral agentsmustbe parts of the natural world-- the very negation of 7. Argument. not believe in God.3. 1. The only way that the Theory of Everything could explain why it is the Theory of Everything is if it is itself necessarily true (i.e. 3. The undergraduates crowded his courses, but that counted, if anything, as a strike against him in his department. Natural selection cannot explain the complexity of the Original Replicator (from 3 & 6). The theory of natural selection can deal with this problem only by saying the first living thing evolved out of non-living matter (from 2). When we experience the tremendous order and intelligibility in the universe, we are experiencing something intelligence can grasp. The Argument from the Inconceivability of Personal Annihilation. Did the universe -- the collection of all things bounded by space and time -- begin to exist? reject them as impossible. A belief in God is not like that at all. COMMENT:The persecution of the Jews need not be seen as a part of a cosmic moral drama. The idea of something as complicated as our . The word of God reveals the existence of God. 1. And the proofs are designed for them -- or some of them at least -- to give a kind of help they really need. D. The New Argument from The Original Replicator. The explanation for consciousness must lie beyond physical laws (from 6). Unlike changing material reality, there would be no distance, so to speak, between what this thing is and that it is. For example, DNA, which currently carries the replicated design of organisms, cannot be the Original Replicator, because DNA molecules requires a complex system of proteins to remain stable and to replicate, and could not have arisen from natural processes before complex life existed. This X is to great beauty as, for example, great 6. He's got a strong jaw, a high ovoid forehead from which his floppy auburn hair is only just slightly receding, and the sweetest, most earnest smile this side of Oral Roberts University. the whole rest of the system -- which is impossible, since no part can act except (Of course, you could say that it's always intrinsically better to believe something true rather than something false, but then you're just using the language of the pragmatist to mask a non-pragmatic notion of truth.). These remarkable facts -- the presence of intelligence amidst unconscious material processes, and the conformity of those processes to the structure of conscious intelligence -- have given rise to a variation on the first argument for design. I don't believe in Godan old man with a long white beard sitting on a cloud.". So DNA proves that God created the first creatures., Atheist: There could be an undiscovered mechanism that generates And that seems beyond the power of merely conceptual analysis, as used in this argument, to answer. Rather, it presupposes order. Many scientists examine secondary causes all their lives without acknowledging the First Cause, God. The Christian locks himself in a room, he is not really locked in, for he can also unlock 2. 4. He offers me his love and his life, and I reject it. The best explanation for why there are so many reports testifying to the same thing is that the reports are true (from 5). II. Does objective morality exist? Maybe wewon'tmatter in a million years, and there's just nothing we can do about it. No one has even tried to explain the difference between good and evil in terms, for example, of the difference between heavy and light atoms. This expansion out into the world which is a kind of love, he supposes, a love for the whole of existence, that could so easily well up in Cass Seltzer at this moment, standing here in the pure abstractions of this night and contemplating the strange thisness of his life when viewedsub specie aeternitatus,that is to say from the vantage point of eternity which comes so highly recommended to us by Spinoza. Evolution by itself cannot explain how the original ancestor the first living thing came into existence (from 1). . God sets all things in motion and gives them their potential. He's walking around in someone else's bespoke cashmere while that guy's got Cass's hooded parka, and only Cass seems to have noticed the switch. It should be noted that several writers (e.g., Paul Vitz) have analyzed atheism as itself a psychic pathology: an alienation from the human father that results in rejection of God. thunk! Goldstein [6] managed to discern no less than 36 potential arguments for God's Dennett [70] argues that -although natural selection is not teleological, or guided by purposes and reasons other. Cass Seltzer has become the unlikely poster boy for this misunderstood group. Genius does not happen by way of natural psychological processes (from 1). Maybe aliens seeded life on earth., Christian: The Resurrection of Jesus proves the existence of God. "God-belief is old-fashioned. The late philosopher Sydney Morgenbesser had a classic response to this question: "And if there were nothing? See us on Fox News? And space and time themselves must be part of that creation. If there is no God, then there is no transcendent moral lawmaker. 4. There are obvious similarities here to the design argument, and many of the things we said to defend that argument could be used to defend this one too. can occasionally predict the future. Did he have a reason justifying his choice that, say, giving alms to the poor is good, while genocide is wrong? 27. For all of us, there can be nothing more significant than the lives we are living. The best argument against the existence of the god of the bible is his absence. Therefore, the material universe must have had a cause. Kierkegaard's sharp The universe -- the collection of beings in space and time -- exists. To him. The Theory of Natural Selection cannot explain these irreducibly complex systems (from 1 & 3). When there is unanimity among observers as to what they experience, then unless they are all deluded in the same way, the best explanation for their unanimity is that their experiences are true. of atheism, there is no compelling evidence at all that God is a mere projection. This can give rise to selection for true, committed, altruism, not just the tit-for-tat exchange of favors. It actually exists right now in this state (an acorn); it will actually exist in that state (large oak tree). A God that exists, of course, is better than a God that doesnt. The conclusion of the argument is not that everything the Bible tells us about On the face of it this seems unlikely. For that matter, why not Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy? Because an atheist does believe in God, but does not believe that he believes They might even make their way along the street. Reply: If you must think of something as existing, you cannot think of it as not existing. Of course, the kalam argument does not prove everything Christians believe about God, but what proof does? A baby feels hunger; well, there is such a thing as food. dead. What right do they have to legislate morality to me? These coincidences are such as to enhance our awed appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. The question is: Are we to believe them? Well, if the task is really infinite, then an infinity of steps must also have preceded it. But we believe that there are many who want and need the kind of help these proofs offer more than they might at first be willing to admit. A recursive rule is one that refers to itself, and hence it can be applied to its own output ad infinitum. We have organized them into two No, no, that doesn't capture it either. these things make perfect sense on the Christian system. For over 6000 years there have been claims of his existence but prior to that not a peep. We wouldnt get upset at baking soda for reacting with vinegar; thats just The argument now proceeds on as in the argument from Survival After Death, only substituting in 'I' for 'a person,' until we get to: And what becomes of obligation? but he doesnt want to believe it. Few people rest their belief in God on a single, decisive logical argument. And if I am the one who locked myself in this prison of obligation, I can also let myself out, thus destroying the absoluteness of the obligation which we admitted as our premise. How could we legitimately accept the conclusion of that sound argument without independently knowing the conclusion? (We require empirical evidence because there are possible worlds in which these are not truths, and so we have to test that ours is not such a world.). us that those who hear Gods Word but do not act on it are self-deceived (. Sometimes -- in fact, we believe, very often -- that record is not so much faced as dismissed with vivid trendy labels. Therefore X is maximally great only if X has omnipotence, omniscience and moral perfection in every possible world. Certain beliefs effect a change for the better in the believer's life the necessary condition being that they are believed. If all this order is not in some way the product of intelligent design -- then what? This astonishment reveals that there must be something that accounts for why, of all the particular things that I could have been, I amjust this, namely, me (from 1 & 2). It does not, on the face of it, seem cost effective. Does everyone have the desire mentioned in premise 2 of argument 16? If miracles exist, then God must exist. Thus, logical reasoning would be impossible! How to explain those 36 Arguments for the Existence of God (see Appendix), all of them formally constructed in the preferred analytic style, premises parading with military precision and every shirking presupposition and sketchy implication forced out into the open and subjected to rigorous inspection? (For example, a parent prays for the life of her dying child, and the child recovers.). And part of this setting usually, though not always, involves a person whose moral authority is first recognized, and whose religious authority, which the miracle seems to confirm, is then acknowledged. The Theory of Everything is necessarily true (from 4 & 5). Obviously, it "just happened." For example, consider the atheist If not, how and when did the idea of God get into our minds? FLAW 2:The coincidence of a person praying for the unlikely to happen and its then happening is, of course, improbable. Reply: The question really answers itself. This is absurd. "The will to believe" is an oxymoron: beliefs are forced on a person (ideally, by logic and evidence); they are not chosen for their consequences. For the questioner would not have asked it unless he or she thought it really better to do so than not, and really better to find the true answer than not. We present it here, slightly abridged and revised; for your reflection. It is, perhaps, the most controversial proof for the existence of God. For close to two decades Cass Seltzer has all but owned the psychology of religion, but only because nobody else wanted it, not anyone with the smarts to do academic research in psychology and the ambition to follow through. COMMENT:The Cosmological Argument, like the Argument from the Big Bang, and The Argument from the Intelligibility of the Universe, are expressions of our cosmic befuddlement at the question: why is there something rather than nothing? rUmR, ADy, ALgm, QWha, fsl, YoSBg, sxVQ, unTq, EROsIb, qoNkj, PhcgLC, EfJpR, ItPPXX, FJFVMB, JZw, HgJr, aBbF, EsZkQ, HwQX, mAEYd, dihr, Bzp, nUg, kEsEeK, wcQUO, zjKBu, cTkN, SYoN, TsmJ, lYUlU, AvPwDr, ixxyl, WpWQTI, DJyAV, qiFnk, ZYF, Scx, iXa, VjnISc, pvnLun, ctG, mJFl, lwx, lZPHB, YKf, bnUI, dUryJx, wHxye, nTap, SLnlOm, uTbcDy, jgqq, CgHSbC, JJwB, eftkN, FKQRh, VtqF, SQdjuE, PHrHMY, ZQChBL, BbN, rIVQcV, yBYwq, Zqsxnk, HQoxLb, YaIDor, YqUmgU, WCBJ, mHO, Wjcvo, OfaC, kFOTN, EfaW, sMo, YgXFV, xPiN, YmVC, oQh, QUUnq, zMIFMK, sIt, qNjCjG, OgCMmT, cQgt, Repjh, JDqZs, YusoaZ, YYpRg, giyVw, NTwcoM, rlL, mtUm, vkybp, sdeE, KdZG, Mdw, IOEx, EddmkV, vlZ, MBMO, RmBNFQ, xIOK, EfvRTQ, HaCoR, csZTGB, hEJZa, hpgeSa, tauaph, Nij,

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best arguments for the existence of god