5. 5. 2. 3. NET Bible copyright 1996-2017 All rights reserved. 21. 27. Formal equivalence translations try to give as literal a translation of the original text as possible. The basic question you need to ask when selecting a Bible version is the purpose you are pursuing. 12. 32. The work includes several useful tables and appendices in the rear. 39. 21. 35. For less than $5/mo. 9. 2. 6. 13. 17. Copyright 2019 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp. All rights reserved. 36. Free, online editions are available from the USCCB and Vatican websites, and also at biblegateway.com. To create the RSV-CE, the original 1946 RSV New Testament was modified only slightly, most significantly by restoring to the main body numerous verses or passages that the original RSV had relegated to the margin. 4 Take delight in the L ORD, and he will grant you what your heart desires. Revelation amzn_assoc_linkid = "cd03def788794b2cf3501d43ec6bf064"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mycali08-20"; 12. 3. The RSV-CE remains popular among serious Catholic students of the Bible, especially those who prefer traditional diction and dignified literary style over more modern priorities. 49. 41. they). 2. 26. 33. New Catholic Bible (NCB) Following the highly acclaimed publication of the New Catholic Version of The Psalms in 2002 and The New Testament in 2015, this translation The Old Testament was modified simply by incorporating the Deuterocanonical books into their proper canonical order from the RSVs Apocrypha. It was produced in mid-20th century America by a leading Protestant ecumenical body, The National Council of Churches of Christ. 14. 5. 5. 13. 5. 5. 28. 18. 27. Published in 1966, the Jerusalem Bible is a dynamic equivalence translation that closely follows its French predecessor: La Bible de Jerusalem. 3. Numbers 56. 19. 6. 12. 10. A modest number of cross-references were provided in the 1994Ignatius edition, which have not been replicated in all newer editions. This position is known as King James-onlyism. 6. One of them is the New Catholic Bible (NCB), which uses the literal or formal equivalence translation method of rendering English text word-for-word from the original Hebrew and Greek biblical languages as much as possible. 6. Apostolic See or a local ordinary prior to 1983, or by the Apostolic See or an Do not have sexual relations with your fathers wife; that would dishonor your father. 3. 4. For. It is listed on the USCCB website among Approved Translations of the Sacred Scriptures for Private Use and Study by Catholics (attributed to Alba House:). amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; 11. 12. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your fathers wife; it is your fathers nakedness. Compare the following renderings of Leviticus 18:6-10 from the New American Standard Bible (NASa literal translation) and the New International Version (NIVa dynamic translation): The NAS reads: None of you shall approach any blood relative of his to uncover nakedness. 37. A Second Catholic Edition of the RSV was released in 2006 by Ignatius Press. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; 7. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mycali08-20"; Int. 20. The 1993 Catholic Edition of the NRSVis simply the 1989 NRSV w/ Apocrypha restructured according to the Catholic canon there are no textual differences. 5. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; 10. 1. 19. 4. CLEAR FAITHFUL ACCURATE. 33. the authority to approve translations of the Sacred Scriptures in the Latin 40. Isaiah 34. But they are much harder to read and understand because English has changed in the almost four hundred years since they were done. 4. 5. 16. 1983, Scriptural translations could be approved by the Apostolic See or by a 9. 36. 23. 8. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; The NRSV Older versions, such as the King James and the Douay-Rheims, can sound more dignified, authoritative, and inspiring. 12. 13. There are some quirks, but it is a respectable translation. How does the NCB differ from other Catholic Bible translations? A completely new Catholic translation in conformity with the Churchs translation guidelines, the 21st Century Catholic Translations from Greek & Hebrew, 20th Century Catholic Translations from Greek & Hebrew, Approved Catholic/Protestant Collaborations, Catholic in Name Only and/or Unapproved Editions. 9. 17. 35. 4. 11. 35. Psalms from USCCB.org 5. 15. 10All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them. 18. 27. 12. E. 9. 19. Further background information for them can be found in:Catholic Bibles: A Modest History of the English Versions, which also covers older historical versions. 22. It is often possible to get a better sense of what is being said in a passage by comparing several different translations. 26. 5. The translation is ecclesially approved for private, non-liturgical use, and received its approbation from the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. The basic text of the NRSV is rendered literally, following the RSV, but it uses gender inclusive language, which tries to translate the original text into a modern gender neutral cultural equivalent. The marketing of this translation as the New Catholic Bible (NCB) could lead to some confusion, and purchasers should check twice to be sure the correct version is being ordered. The work is a revision of the Christian Community Bible, updating the translation itself, and completely replacing the commentary of the CCB. The ESV is an essentially literal Evangelical revision of the RSV originally published by Crossway in 2001. Nehemiah 22. Single column Readers Editions of the JB are still available in print in the US, but these lack most of the footnotes. 2. 9. The New American Bible (NAB) is published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and is the de factostandard Bible translation for the Catholic Church in America. Int. 22. There is even a Catholic equivalent, which we might call Douay-Rheims-onlyism. The Douay-Rheims version, which predates the King James by a couple of years (the complete KJV was published in 1611, but the complete Douay-Rheims in 1609), was the standard Bible for English-speaking Catholics until the twentieth century. 7The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. It has been reissued by Ignatius Press under the titleThe Ignatius Bible(available from Catholic Answers in bothhardcoverandpaperbackformats). 2 Corinthians 11. 44. 43. 15. 11. The Common English Bible (CEB) was a new translation from Hebrew and Greek published in 2011 by a committee of representatives from numerous mainline Protestant denominations. 25. The third Bible below is the New Testament only of the RSV-CE (Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition) and offers commentary from some of the best contemporary biblical scholars today. 6. Most of these scholars teach Old or New Testament exegesis in seminaries and graduate schools. 26. 14. The usefulness of the copious cross references is contingent upon page layout, as not all publishers do a good job presenting them to the reader e.g., xrefs in St Joseph Edition Bibles are particularly difficult to decipher. 8. The other chief principle guiding the revision was to demonstrate that the Biblical message is directed equally at women and men, so gender-neutral modifications presumed necessary to accomplish that will be encountered more so than in many other versions. 11. This would be considered a readers edition, supplying very little by way of cross references or annotations, although it does contain a handful of color maps. 5. 16. 23. 4. Bible Gateway interviewed Emilie Cerar with Catholic Book Publishing, Corp., (@CatholicBookPC) about the New Catholic Bible (NCB) translation. 18. 7. 46. 19. There are four commonly used translations: Douay-Rheims Bible. The 2020 editions are published as if they were typical books i.e., stripped of all annotation, including chapter markings and versification. 25. 45. 34. 31. 16. Start for FREE. 18. 19. The Study Edition RNJB is published in an easy-to-read single-column format, with verse numbering relegated to the gutter. 7. 10. 25. 23. Since the King James is also known as the Authorized Version (AV), its advocates sometimes argue that it is the only version to ever have been authorized. To this one may point out that it was only authorized in the Anglican church, which now uses other translations. 4. Furthermore, the translator assigned to prepare the first draft of the translation and notes for each book of the Bible was chosen in every instance because of his or her extensive work in that particular booknot only involving teaching but writing and research as well, often extending over several decades. 11. 4. 8. Nonetheless, it is a well-intentioned work aimed at making the Bible accessible to those disengaged from it. 7. The NCB is available in various sizes and bindings for a print edition that suits every taste and need. 28. 15. Int. amzn_assoc_asins = "195093909X"; 45. 16. 13. 2. But between the extremes is a spectrum of respectable translations that strike different balances between literal and dynamic equivalence. One of the goals of the NET Bible with the complete set of translators notes is to allow the general publicas well as Bible students, pastors, missionaries, and Bible translators in the fieldto be able to know what the translators of the NET Bible were thinking when a phrase or verse was rendered in a particular way. 5. 3. The links below provide you with easy navigation of the online version of the NAB on the Vatican website. 36. The following four translations of the Bible are all approved for Catholic use and are among the most commonly used translations. Serious Catholics in these two countries would do well to have a copy of the NAB; editions printed between 1987 and 2010 would best reflect the texts of the current Lectionaries. One translation that is hard to place on the spectrum is the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). 24. 15. He also consulted early Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, meaning that the Douay Bible currently on the market is not simply a translation of the Vulgate (which many of its advocates do not realize). It retains the use of Yahweh for the Divine Name, which can be annoying to some, and which makes it unsuitable for liturgical use. 20. Catholic Book Publishing Corp., the leading publisher of Bibles and books for Catholics worldwide since 1911, announced the publication of its long-awaited St. Joseph New Catholic Bible in November 2019. 11. Int. Originally published in 1970, it was incorporated into the new Lectionary for Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, and other liturgical rites revised under the Vatican II reforms, and is the basis for the only approved liturgical text in the USA and the Philippines today. 18. 51. 8. 3 Let the house 7. Annotations are modest but helpful, and focus on the text. 6. James 8. 3. 21. 24. 21. Emilie Cerar: The typeface in bold indicates NCBs uniqueness. 20. Some have been given very little help about how to pick a Bible translation, but keeping in mind a few tips will make the decision much easier. The translation is snappy and conversational without being colloquial. 25. 6The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? 4. 50. The New Living Translation is a revision of a Bible paraphrase that was popular in the 1970s called The Living Bible. 12. 2. Int. Some believe the speaker is a king, others opt for Israel as a corporate body, and still others for a priest/Levite. This longest of the psalms is a monumental literary piece consisting of twenty-two strophes, each containing eight verses (sixteen lines) and each beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet that is repeated at the beginning of each pair of verses. 6. 21. 8. 2. 28Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee. Page layout is typical for a CBP Saint Joseph Edition Bible (back-referenced annotations at the bottoms of the columns; cross-references squished into a box of character soup), and several nice helps are included, depending on edition, including maps, charts, doctrinal Bible index, etc. 25. 30. 19. 3. 8. 24. It takes over the modest cross-references and endnote annotations introduced in the RSV-CE, and presents them in a more easily readable format, set off in the bottom corners of pages as footnotes. 6. It is technically called the Douay-Challoner version because it is a revision of the Douay-Rheims done in the mid-eighteenth century by Bishop Richard Challoner. 40. Nonetheless, it can be useful for things like reading to youth. 14. 6. 118 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever. 17. 13. 16. 13. 39. The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) in America published a New Testament freshly translated from the Latin Vulgate in 1941, and it served the US Church for 30 years before being retired by the new CCD translation from the Greek original in the New American Bible. 5. 13. The 18th-century revision was undertaken by Bishop Richard Challoner of England around 1750, and was a thorough revision of the original work. It is the fourth published version of the NAB, and incorporates a New Testament text originally revised in 1986 with an Old Testament text revised in 2010. For those who wish to read and search particular verses of the St. Joseph New Catholic Bible online or to compare it with other translations, were truly delighted to make it available worldwide through Bible Gateway so that the sacred words of Scripture can bring solace, hope, encouragement, and healing as readers grow in Gods knowledge and love. 17. 13Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the Lord helped me. After having been out of print for years, it is available again, in a fine, single-column edition from Baronius, published in 2012. 42. 18. 9. 7. 16. Were making it available in numerous sizes and bindings to give every Bible reader the opportunity to find the one thats most suitable for their needsgiant print, family large print, personal sizeall in a variety of colors and in leather, dura-lux, hardcover, and paperback bindings. 9. Another oddity: the book order used for the Old Testament was for many years a strange pastiche of the orders of the Jewish Bible and the Vulgate, though this odd ordering appears to have been abandoned in the most recent revisions. 6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, and the justice of your cause, like the noonday. There is no reason why a Catholic cannot collect several versions of the Bible, aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each. 12. 7. Being published in multiple volumes (volumes one and two, covering the New Testament, are currently available), these volumes are rich in modern and traditional commentary, artwork, and workmanship. 4. 27. 8. 4Let them now that fear the Lord say, that his mercy endureth for ever. 4. 5. The people respond to the blessing by confessing that the Lord alone is God. 2. 13. This has led one publisher to recently reissue the 1611 King James Version Bible. The translation aims for a 7th-grade reading level in a common language, which it often accomplishes by producing vague, mechanical, and imprecise substitutions for characteristically Biblical-sounding terms terms that associate editor Paul Franklyn called Biblish. 6. 15. 4. 32. 5. (Recommended by respected Catholic scholars as the best translation) 12. 14. 14. 5. 29. 33. As amusing as King James-onlyism may sound, some people take it very seriously. 8. 18. 9. 22. 4. 28. 2. The revision largely retains the lyricism of the Grail Psalms, while greatly improving upon their accuracy in reflecting the original Hebrew. 14. 19. This CTS edition reflects the official liturgical versions currently used in several English-speaking countries, although those are being phased out in preference for Lectionaries based on newer translations, such as the RNJB or the ESV-CE. Int. It was published in full, without copyright, in 2009, and is available in Kindle & ePub formats, in paperback, for some freeware Bible Study apps, and online in both English-only and English-Latin formats at Contes website: http://www.sacredbible.org/catholic/. 22. The translator calls it a fairly literal translation of the Vulgate, somewhat less literal than the Challoner revision had been. 11. 40. Use the links listed below to jump to a specific version, or just scroll down. 4. The translation was fairly accessible, but retained formal rhetorical qualities common in Bibles produced before the second half of the 20th century. Its a well-known fact that different translations are able to bring out nuances of meaning specic to each one. 39. 12. 1. 15. The RNJB Psalter does not align precisely with the final official version published in 2019 under the new name Abbey Psalms and Canticles. 2. The translation has been highly regarded for the clearness of its English, though it is more interpretive than many other translations, and like all dynamic translations, sometimes flattens the text excessively.

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