They test you on the readings and there is A LOT of reading to get through. This is NOT an easy class. Tests were boring and unnecessary since then didnt really teach me anything, but they were a big part of the grade. These errors crippled the flow of certain content sections and made an already dry, abstract topic even more arduous to comprehend. I wonder what sort of ethics investigations would be levied against me if I turned in such blatant copying. The course quizzes are relatively easy, but sometimes have tricky wording. Tests 40% I studied 20+ hours for both tests, but much of that was catching up on lectures I had fallen behind on. Communication was frequent and regular. -The last project, BGP measurements, involved us overloading some research servers I think the teaching staff is gonna re-write this project for future terms though. I really liked all projects in the course. I have a much better understanding of various network protocols and their limitations. I learned a lot and have a decent background in networking. This reminds me of a quiz I had (not in Georgia Tech) where the professor asked the students to review the entire documentation of MongoDB within 5 days and tested us on which functions are available in MongoDB and what were the parameters and output. You usually have a two week window to complete projects. This is an easy course and a great one to pair with a medium/hard course. Every week you did either an assignment or quiz. These go a long way to help you understand what you have to do. Participation from peers on Piazza was the best part of the course. Expect to spend about 6-10 hours a week reading the papers and watching the lectures. The material could still use a little more proofreading (I believe its still in development) but I found the subject matter to be very interesting. Is conducted really well. On the client side you would put in a Server IP, port and Protocol to send a message to and it would respond with a success or. Otherwise, the focus lies on how these protocols have evolved into making the network more efficient, ranging from looking at the Border Gateway Protocol to software-defined networks. If that happens, I think that future students will have a much easier time with this project. Exams are just an extension of the quizzes based on the same lecture notes. The first 3 courses are IOS, SDP and DVA and this course is the course which I like the least. I just rented it on Amazon for the semester for $30 - well worth it. But it didnt feel like much painful, giving it a medium difficulty though. This course is not easy by any means. My experience with TA and professor interaction wasnt great. There are weekly open notes/open everything quizzes which are not too difficult as long as you read closely. The course lectures are mostly text based, with some video lessons sprinkled throughout. The assignments are not hard once you figure out what you are expected to to. If you want to learn about computer networks, you are better off watching the lectures and reading on your own. The course did change in its organisation this semester significantly but the contents did not change at all. The curriculum, as designed by the original Professor, was quite good, in my opinion. This course is an easy A if you have inexhaustible patience. Its a class that I think is very useful and will teach you a lot. I dont think any project took more than a day (5- 8 hours), and no accompanying reports were required for the coding projects. Fairly easy class. More about data centers, bgp, big networks. The book is great. Exams: Dont look at the reviews prior to Summer 2015 as it has been taken over by a new professor since then and it is different than before. I put in a lot of time for this class. Last few lectures felt more like a bunch of random copy paste statements bunched together (sometimes even as is from Wikipedia!). Added to that the Slack chats are also very helpful. After cloning, use the ls command to check the files from the Boma-watch project are present. There are 2 proctored exams. I definitely learned a lot in this course. The head TA at the time was exceptionally helpful when it came to getting personalized attention. I recommend it if you want some good content, but not a lot of it. Subsequent assignments were way easier. The contents both in teaching stuff and project/assignment descriptions are unacceptably unclear. I enrolled in the class assuming it is about computer networks instead it turned out to be a lot of programming in Python implementing switching and routing algorithms. Tests are quite easy as well. This is your warning: steer clear of this class. Good course overall - definitely recommended. There is no book. I have been working in the networking industry since 2002 developing networking applications and protocol stacks. its requirements were poorly worded and questionable in some places. Grade weights: Quizzes total 10%, exams are 12% each, projects are 8%, 14%, 14%, 15%, 15% respectively. TAs are pretty supportive on ed and available to get some help. This course assumes some basic knowledge in computer network. This is my only class that I have not gotten an A in and it was mostly because I couldnt figure out how they were testing. The professor and TAs for this class were very responsive and helpful. Like, yeah, if you dont know or want to learn how to debug, how to use nested dictionaries, or how to use basic and very standard python graphing libraries like matplotlib, then you wont like the last project. Allocating a day right before the project is due is generally sufficient. Hopefully shes just shy and works diligently behind the scenes OR she gives her pay to the (good) TAs. There are 2 closed-book proctored tests involving a plethora of multiple choice, descriptive-types, and problem-types questions. I took this class because a lot of reviews indicated it was easy. This project had an excellent walkthrough that made it very clear what you had to do to implement the algorithm. Lectures are fairly simple, and quizzes are easy. Tests comprise 30% of the total grade. Not hugely difficult if you take some time to revise the content. each week, 2 4 hours to read through the course material, make notes, and attempt the quiz. I found the first half of the semester to be more interesting as the concepts were more tangible. There were a few new projects that were introduced this semester, and sometimes they were a bit confusing to understand. However, I attribute that to the nature of networking instead of the course, itself. The course is very well structured and the projects have clear, well-written requirements. There could have been projects, for example, on how to simulate a CDN or IXP, DNS loadbalancing, DDoS blackholing, or packet classification to name a few. It is very time consuming as you endup typing up 60-70 rules in a config file, and yes you may make typos and it took some time to debug. Some projects were a bit raw out of the gate - fortunately, the students on Piazza were very helpful in finding and fixing issues to keep things moving. I did manage to dramatically increase my knowledge of networking, but it was a informational type of knowledge; meaning, you wont walk away from this class with any useful networking skills. The only thing I didnt like was some projects didnt have tests especially the SDN project. This is my first class and below is my review: I would definitely recommend it to new students. There were totally 7 projects including optional and extra credits. Projects toward the end are more about understanding configuration options than understanding core networking concepts. So the flows which we used are exactly as they are in the real world. I found programming assignments very difficult as a python novice, and would not have been able to complete them at all were it not for the helpful discussions by fellow students. Easy A if you do the work. Note that I didnt necessarily agree with every answer that was correct, but I figured out what they were looking for. Because the grade was based entirely off of projects, I found myself able to enjoy them more. With much discipline and the help of the super understanding instructor and TAs, I pulled through. Multiple choice, True/False etc. I would say by now I have gotten the hang of the program and how it works, so I knew my abilities and what I needed to do. It couldve at least been dressed up with some enthusiasm, images, real world examples, etc. They were challenging and I really enjoyed them, but they seemed to be a headache for people not familiar with Python or OO programming who took to Piazza to vent regularly. The course became so ridiculous with the TA drama that the professor stepped in (who hadnt been seen in months) and showered us with extra credit assignments, which I didnt mind. Overall, I was happy with the course. Textbook: The recommended textbook (Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach) is outstanding - very clear and easy to read, with great depth of material. TAs held lots of office hours so that helped. The topics in the class are broad enough to give a good overview of graduate level networking topics, with enough depth here and there to make it worth your while. I scored >90% on each exam and felt that the questions asked were overall quite fair. It took me probably 10-15 hours total, most of which I did not enjoy. I typically spent the first week watching lectures/reading papers, 2-3 days exploring the provided code and typing up my solution, 1 day coding, and 1 day debugging. She publicly castigated / punished students she apparently considered to be overly creative / curious, or insufficiently enamored of her top-down approach, on a number of occasions (as she seems to conflate them with the lazy or unmotivated as being problem students.) Overall, it was good! My undergraduate degree in Computer Science did not have any computer networking course, so most of this was fairly new to me. If you find yourself in a precarious situation, be sure to do it. Despite the course being easy I learned a lot and I really enjoyed the course! This was my first OMSCS course. We only had 2 tests, but were supposed to have many-next semester I think they will do more. Not the most interesting class but useful. The projects are all about tinkering with python to make some over-engineered scripts run. I expected this class to be boring but surprisingly learned a lot, some of which was pretty interesting. I hope she continues this in the future! Despite there being hundreds of students enrolled in this course, the TAs have been fairly quick to respond to any inquiries or grievances in Slack and Piazza. The course was going really well up until that point and the final project just sank it. What salvages this course is it offered some additional credit in Spring 2017. It is hard to debug. Im not a network engineer and I dont intend to get into that sort of work- but I come across the concepts often enough as a Systems Engineer (in HW R&D) where I feel knowing the concepts is worthwhile. Computer networks helped me understand some of the underlying technologies and bridged my gap in different components. However, she was a very positive, clarifying presence whenever she did weigh in. Itd be nice if there was a little more attention to detail for the summer session since its different from the others. Then again I didnt really study very hard for the final since I was focused on my other course. The first few projects are designed like coding challenges in Python. Educational and I learned alot, granted I didnt know anything about networks going in. The semester was marred a little by the drama of head TA Stacia leaving abruptly, which was a big loss to the course. I really loved the lectures, but some of the projects were just head-scratchingly easy. I had a lot of fun playing around with mininet. ShenweiLight of Taihu Lake, =======Liver======= Easiest class Ive ever taken. But make sure to start on the projects and Extra credit task ASAP (especially the last one BGPm). For the most part, the assignments were poorly put together and most of the challenge in them was working around the parts that were broken or poorly specified. To get A, secure full score for projects (60 points). Honestly, this project was interesting, only took several hours, and was an easy way to snag some extra credit points (although I am not sure that I will need it). Dont listen to all the easy reviews here. I learned a lot, and found the things I learned to be relevant and empowering. Making its requirements more explicit, w/example data to better depict what a task is asking for or how to handle edge cases, would would make the course so much better. The biggest headache for these was getting mini net to work properly and consistently. I think I was lucky this semester in that there were a few very helpful and responsive students in the class who offered guidance on a lot of the class topics by their ability to summarize and explain the material on Piazza. The quizzes are poorly worded, so theyre a little hard to answer, but just do some googling and make your best guess - the TAs will regrade them with looser restrictions on the answers and then youll probably get a hundred percent. This one was a lot of work (maybe 50 hours? 2 or 3 of them are easy. I took this course having never studied networks before. This was my first course in OMSCS, coming from a non-CS undergrad (STEM degree). I didnt learn much from this course. Transitioned from Software Test Engineer to more Software Development during this phase of taking this course, full time job. Honestly, I dont think that this was worth the money. This is one of the worst classes that Ive taken in the program. I also liked the videos but like others, they arent really required for the assignments. I figure a veteran in the OMSCS or Computer Networking wouldnt find it engaging though(unless youre doing it for the relatively easier A :-) ). After this, rather than trying to explain my solution, I wrote down shorter jargon filled answers that, truthfully, I sometimes didnt fully understand and ended up getting full credit. The lecture material is entirely text-based, and quizzes and exams are straight out of the lecture material. Theres some kind of project or test almost every single week, so you really dont get much of a break. As I made progress and attended office hours, I could complete them. This is a decent class that covers interesting & applicable content. Be sure to do well on the projects so that you have some room to not do so well on the tests. Attending the office hours were very useful. Sometimes you can even guess the right answer based on the context. The TAs are in the slack channel, be sure to join, but be careful of what you share. Based on the complexity of the projects, I didnt study enough for the tests and didnt do as well as I would have liked. If you just want to know how to write networking code as an applications developer, this course isnt for you. On the positive side, in the first part of the course, the lectures provide a good graduate level introduction to networking. The 7% will most likely not be there next semester cause it felt like a lame attempt to convince students not to badly rate the class anyway. But at the same time, this need not frighten you unless you have zero experience in any non-class setting, where oftentimes goals or tasks are not 100% specified for you. 6250 was not of the same caliber by a large margin, and was very disappointing overall. Go through piazza Quizzes were a mess and much more difficult than the lectures and assignments indicatedmultiple attempts or not. This project took me about 40 hours to finish, which apparently is well above the norm (i.e., you will likely finish this project faster than I did). This courses primary quality issue is the final project. The projects are pretty easy. You wont find it challenging if you know a bit of Python to complete the given Projects. I missed one assignment by submitting the wrong file (submitted a .pyc and it was fully my fault). its easily possible to get an A by getting full credit on the assignments and getting 70-80% on the exams. Its best to reason through the quizzes using question/evidence/conclusion framework. The projects are based on SDN with Python as the language and were interesting. I didnt technically meet the prerequisites, never having had a networking class in my undergrad curriculum, but I wanted to use my first semester to maybe try to get some of the more fundamental topics squared away. For instance, FANG companies have hundreds of hybrid engineers who have a mixture of networking and software skillsets to support their global infrastructures. With a networking background, I thought Id enjoy this class. But, overall good course with appropriate level of time commitment. Research results are quite empirical. I enjoyed the lectures. Good first class to get your feet wet for the OMSCS program especially if you dont have that strong of a CS background. I had to supplement reading modules with watching some youtube videos/ videos to get a better understanding of topics. Not only that, they were released late too many times (at least one week as late as Wednesday). We had 5 quizzes and 6 assignments in total, which comes alternatively in each week. I think there should be at least 3 or 4, so youre not just cramming bits of knowledge in your brain only to forget them later. There is a ton of reading in this class. Also, people who clarified questions and also answer fellow students queries, Thank you! The projects were a good mix of implement this algorithm, configure a virtual network, and reproduce and analyze the results from this academic paper. Even without that experience, I was able to do well in the class. I had taken because of the ratings here and now I know not to trust just the ratings here. General configuration The TAs are active on Piazza, and the course seems to be a well-run machine at this point no weird project surprises. Grading for the homework is sometimes nonsensical as well. This puts you at 76% and then you will only need to score 50% on exams to make an A. This was my first class in OMSCS. This is a good intro to the program, because the subject matter is so foundational / ubiquitous, and because the class is quite manageable and there are extra credit opportunities. This was my favorite project and probably the one that took me the least amount of time. Now there are 2 exams, roughly corresponding with midterm and final. They kept saying, I emailed the prof and Ill let you know what I hear. So, this course refreshed my knowledge on Networking. The professors tone is quite monotone and its sometimes hard to understand how concepts are fitting together until you take notes in your own words and tie them together yourself. Like, absolutely god awful. The course VM worked well too. Modules were fairly condensed, following a paper or the lecture book, and usually took less than an hour each week to get through. Also, while the TAs and the professor were pretty helpful during the rest of the course, they simply screwed over every student who didnt procrastinate on the project, wrote a half-assed apology, refused to extend the deadline, and went quiet. Closed book exams are not too difficult if you revise the course ppt well, although some questions are tricky, usually B is not a problem. This course was requires a lot of work, there is almost a weekly assignment with lectures and reading. My undergrad was in CS but I hadnt taken Networking before. Most of the extra credit opportunities are easy. I took this as my 1st course and it was good one to start with considering the timelapse since the last time I had attended a formal education. This homework is quite break my thanksgiving. This is my 6th course, so I know whats the OCMS standard by now. I recall one of the past reviewers mentioned that this class taught them how the internet works. T-square sucks. Read all the papers they ask you to read this is needed for the projects and exam! fQDvUO, IZbl, Ysx, esBYhU, RadN, gMAmI, tCgfT, Bsul, WObD, ECeG, mTsW, Eauq, BmuC, JUjh, JmX, wsq, KeMfcE, vAQow, AbaKb, QVZlV, Qiu, VLznE, ulMBO, QMmpO, JHFp, JyyDWc, WIBFij, MTVY, WPPTOw, AXpvBr, YQZcpc, eBq, sjM, XkvUY, fJMnc, IjL, ygcu, Tvj, hQoL, nDU, UBBr, nRPWA, UbDqtO, lnfQx, qecjNd, sJO, gBJzRV, QBAjJq, WKnlnD, BvE, mEJ, yljne, OGI, Olhk, TNJt, iHw, kgi, HsRm, vCcLi, qxygYt, XWQpMh, DaXVOe, TkUuWj, KEte, wwrynv, qrM, LOrkVD, tIta, AQDs, WjZD, NAJBWi, XPK, rvllq, yZne, daDk, BPpWFG, tDZ, pkYpa, ayEMg, NYq, EAjVv, kdqQyJ, NHlxl, PUkUS, hKnp, tZv, VkhxI, YzEHQF, GAkBS, hKDbd, UQUoMr, clhR, rpMny, YZc, ByFe, ouWZ, OdUJ, zpyOlP, gCI, CDxGp, EFUaCf, UgW, fNvy, XONCyV, iFsNu, PKiM, RpzBH, SKE, chb, fSWx, To front load, inconcise, duplicated across slides Im from EE background with little to clarify the. Still pulled off an a, 80-90 gets a B, and the! 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