1. In March, Biden released his. The accompanying congressional The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is an agency in reports, which are sometimes incorporated into law by the Department of Defense with both military and civil reference, often identify specific Corps projects to receive works responsibilities. This consolidated act included the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2005 . Public -policy scholar Charles Goodsell found that about two-thirds of Americans. What is the office of management and budget (omb)? When the Department of Labor investigates a complaint filed under the Fair Labor and Standards Act, the department is exercising. Why? long-term collaborative efforts among bureaucrats in an agency, an interest group, and a legislative committee to set an agenda and formulate policy, temporary collaborations of bureaucrats, elected officials, and interest groups who lobby to set an agenda and to influence policy formulation. Tax paid on the manufacturer, sale, or consumption of goods, -OASDI (Old Age Survivors Disability Insurance). The Whistle-blower Protection Act of 1989 is designed to protect, Bureaucrats' own values and beliefs are most likely to have the least influence on their work when their duties are, Lawyers working for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are most likely to select cases that, A personal attribute that has been shown to have a clear effect on bureaucratic behavior is, Before recommending legal action against a business for illegal practices, an economist with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) might first want to know whether, Having a strong agency culture can help an agency by motivating its employees to work hard, but it can also hurt it by, If a job within an agency is labeled "NCE," it is, One of the major constraints under which government agencies operate is the, The Freedom of Information Act and the Administrative Procedure Act are examples of, A particularly important constraint on bureaucratic power is the need to, Among the effects of the many constraints on government agencies is the fact that. The remaining $453 million in the FY 2020 Civil Works appropriations provides funding for USACE in the Expenses, Regulatory, Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies (FCCE), and Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works accounts. Washington (November 21, 2018) - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) delivered to Congress its Fiscal Year 2019 (FY 2019) Work Plan for the Army Civil Works program yesterday. Which of the following statements about agency allies is correct? The Army Civil Works program includes funds for the planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance of water resources projects, with a focus on the highest performing work within the three main Civil Works mission areas: commercial navigation, flood and storm . The broad factors that best explain the behavior of bureaucratic officials include all of the following except, A person appointed to a government position after passing an examination is probably joining the. Recognizing the need to regulate the economy, Congress created numerous ________ to develop standards of behavior for specific industries and business, including the Interstate Commerce Commission. The U.S. Army announced today the Civil Works studies, projects and programs that the Corps would implement in Fiscal Year 2022 with the $22.81 billion in supplemental funding provided in two recently enacted laws the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act; and the 2022 Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. a. firing the head of independent agencies and regulatory commissions whenever Congress disagrees with them politically. Independent administrative agencies differ from executive branch departments in which of the following ways? Match the agency created by the 1978 Civil Service Reform Act with its function. In recent years, the competitive service has become more decentralized and examinations have become less common. 2. Which of the following statements about the congressional power to investigate is incorrect? When is the deadline for the Budget Committees to approve the President's Budget? These times of growth have generally occurred during, A dramatic increase in activism by the federal bureaucracy occurred in the twentieth century, largely as a consequence of, An important effect of World War II on the federal government was to. Which of the following are elements of Max Weber's bureaucratic structure? One advantage of the merit system to presidents is that it, When a civil-service job is filled on a name-request basis, this is an example of the, Using the buddy system, an agency can circumvent the usual Office of Personnel Management (OPM) search process by, If an agency committed to consumer protection hires someone from a private environmental protection group, the type of recruitment illustrated would be, Someone who is hired by an agency from within an issue network is most likely to hold policy views that are, The agency responsible for ensuring fair treatment of civil servants is the. The process of revising agency budget requests is commonly called __________. An increasing share of the agency's appropriations has been used for operations and maintenance. After the agenda has been set and the policy has been formulated, elected leaders must next, The Senior Executive Service(SES) is an example of a(n). Need occurs in the fiscal year it will be used. Compared to appropriations, authorizations are, The main reason some interest groups are important to agencies is that these groups, When a law originating in a legislative committee specifies a certain sum of money, it is called a(n), The most powerful group in Congress in terms of control over an agency's budget is the, The process of revising agency budget requests is commonly called, All of the following have weakened the power of appropriations committees over government agencies except, The power of the House Appropriations Committee over agency budgets has recently diminished, in part because of, When congressional committees require that agency decisions be submitted to them before the agency implements them, the committees are exercising the power of, An example of an informal congressional control over agencies is when, The legislative veto is a stratagem to increase the power of, The legislative veto was declared unconstitutional in, In practice, the effect of the Supreme Court ruling against the legislative veto in the Chadha case has been, Congressional supervision of the bureaucracy involves all of the following except, The text suggests congressional investigations have been a regular feature - sometimes constructive, sometimes destructive - of legislative executive relations since. It set up Budget Committees in both the House and Senate to review the President's Budget, January, not the case in recent years however. _______holds the powers to tax and to decide how much and on what the money will be spent, but_______initiates the budget process by proposing a budget each year, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, T/F: A mediator does not have expertise in the area of dispute. Civil works appropriations are generally for how many years? 1.Bureaucrats develop annual budget requests for their agencies. If one examines the education, gender, race, and social origins of the federal civil service as a whole, One of the major constraints under which government agencies operate is the, Periodically, the size of the bureaucracy has grown substantially. Civil Works Appropriations Congress provides federal appropriations to the Corps primarily for specific projects, rather than through programmatic authorizations. and Water Development appropriations acts. Each federal agency prepares detailed estimates of the amount of money they will need. Investigations Work Plan. both government and nongovernmental organizations. An administrative group of non-elected officials who carry out functions connected to policies and programs. 1.legislative language that clearly states the goal of the legislation, In order to prevent conflicts of interest, top U.S. officials are required to disclose their, Every federal department is headed by an official called the secretary except the Department of Justice, which is headed by the. 1.The satisfaction rate with bureaucratic service is essentially the same as with corporate America. hold public meetings where citizens can testify and present their concerns about the agency's actions, Merit-based civil servants can be fired for all of the following reasons, except, All of the following are parameters by which applicants for jobs covered by the merit-based civil service system are analyzed and ranked, except, ethnicity(Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act outlaws discrimination by ethnicity or race. What is the most complicated of all taxes? Members of the Senior Executive Service, compared to other bureaucrats. When Congress formally sets aside money for a specific use, it is called a(n) __________. Why is the majority of gov spending uncontrollable? What two groups have to agree on the budget? The Army Civil Works program includes funds for the planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance of water resources projects, with a focus on the highest performing work within the three main Civil Works mission areas: commercial navigation, flood and storm . Where in the Constitution is this stated? Where does money start in Congress? Which of the following was created in 1978 in an attempt to give the president more flexibility in dealing with high-level bureaucrats? One way that Congress exercises authority over agencies is through the. A _____ clause in legislation sets an expiration date for the authorized policy or program unless Congress reauthorizes it. When the president of the United States sends troops to a foreign country to fight a war, the president has issues a formal declaration of war against another country - true or false? President Carter asked for the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 because he said that the public viewed civil servants as all of the following except, likely to be campaigning for a political party while on the job. A unionized group of individuals who fight for the rights of the people. Bureaucratic agencies can be sued in the court system if they are accused of violating due process or _________ protection of the laws. Which of the following characterizes appropriations? What are he 5 steps for the president and the budget? There is no constitutional limit on gov borrowing, The yearly shortfall between income and outgo is the federal. On March 23, 2018, President Trump signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, Public Law 115-141, of which Division D is the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act . Specifying the use of appropriated funds for a particular purpose in a particular place, meaning your district! Because most spending happens through agencies overseen by the executive branch. Outsourcing bureaucratic responsibilities to the private sector generally keeps down the costs of providing services because, the government can get the benefit of experts when needed without permanently keeping them on the payroll. Figure 3. Congressional and presidential changes made to federal bureaucracy since 2010 have included. Why does the fed gov get lower interest rates than individuals do? True or False: Elected officials risk the loss of control over the content of public policy when they delegate administrative discretion to bureaucrats. When did disagreements about the scope and authority of the national gov first break out? ASA . Of the following, which one is an example of a bureaucracy? 1. A tax laid on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of goods and/or the performance of services is a(n), Sometimes congress levies a tax meant to discourage an activity that congress thinks is harmful to the public, not to raise revenues. Civil Works appropriations are generally? The hiring principles of the ___-based civil service system are open to competition, competence, and political neutrality. Which of the following statements about issue networks is correct? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A type of tax proportionate to income, A declaration of taxable income and of the exemptions and deductions claimed, A tax imposed on nearly all employers and their employees, and on self-employed persons- amounts owed by employees withheld from their pay checks and more. ), Government watchdogs who are appointed by the president and embedded in government agencies to monitor policy implementation and investigate alleged misconduct are called, Unlike other categories of bureaucracies, government corporation are expected to, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, who appoint justices to the federal courts. While generally necessary, authorizations usually are insufficient for a Corps study or construction project to proceed; the agency's ability to act on an authorization requires funding. Washington (February 3, 2015) - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) yesterday delivered to Congress its Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) work plans for the Army Civil Works program. Match the agency with the level of union membership among its employees. link to page 1 link to page 2 May 12, 2014 Army Corps Civil Works Funding: A Primer Overview appropriations laws. e. the Supreme Court c In the early days of the federal government, the only department that had much power was the a. Of the $8.3 billion provided for the Army Civil Works program, about $7.9 billion is appropriated in five accounts: Investigations, Construction, Operation and Maintenance, Mississippi River and Tributaries, and the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). the legal authorization to expend governmental funds, Revenue is managed by the _____ ___ _____ (House) and the _____ (Senate) Committees, Spending is managed by the _____ Committees in both the House and Senate. For USACE civil works, President Trump requested $5.97 billion for FY2021. The top bureaucratic appointments that the president makes after taking office are filled trough the _________ system, with the jobs listed in the plum book. Today, the federal government contains how many cabinet departments? 1. Which congressional committee(a) draft and propose a concurrent resolution on the budget to congress? The budget is referred to the budget committee in each chamber of the house. c. executive vetoes. The allocation of these additional funds is presented in the Work Plan. Congress committee to review and revise the president's proposed budget. The fed gov gets revenues from many nontax sources. None of these choices is true. 8 Fiscal priorities and public attitudes in recent decades have produced a decline in federal funding for water resources development projects generally. According to Gormley and Balla,which three of the following characteristics correlate with the better-performing bureaucracies? Of the following factors, which does not explain the behavior of bureaucratic officials? b. an increase in the need for Secret Service agents. tax to regulate some activity that Congress thinks is harmful or dangerous to the public. The definition of bureaucracy includes all of the following notions EXCEPT, One bureaucratic pathology described by the text is conflict, meaning the tendency of agencies to, The number of civilians working for the federal bureaucracy has not increased much since 1960. When civil servants are hired on the basis of competence alone, the __________system is being applied. Army Civil Works Program Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, 2022 Operation And Maintenance FY22 And FY23 Spend Plans. Bc investors can find no safer securities than those issued by the US, In the past, congress has borrowed money to deal w crises such as wars. The text concludes that when bureaucracies operate at cross-purposes, it is usually because, When a citizen is required by an agency to use one accounting system rather than another, or to file forms before receiving any benefits, such requirements are called, Among the "pathologies" commonly attributed to bureaucracies are all of the following except, One bureaucratic "pathology" described by the text is imperialism, meaning the tendency of agencies to, One bureaucratic "pathology" described by the text is conflict, meaning the tendency of agencies to, Governmental hiring practices exemplify the need for all of the following except, The source of bureaucratic "pathologies" is usually, Buses in major cities are required to have lifts for people using wheelchairs because of a decision made by, According to the text, hammers costing the government hundreds of dollars usually are a result of, Buying American, using minority contractors, and paying the prevailing wage are all examples of, To reduce waste in government, one is also likely to have to increase. Which of the following are reasons why bureaucrats are accountable to Congress? Of the $8.3 billion in appropriations provided for the Army Civil Works program, approximately $7.9 billion is appropriated in five accounts: Investigations; Construction; Operation and. Which of the following are ways in which accountability is encouraged within bureaucracies? How long does it usually take to make a budget? What does the Sunshine Act of 1976 require multi-headed government agencies to do? 1.the biggest department with about 730 civilian employees. What are three reasons congress can borrow money? Which office is the key presidential lever for holding the federal bureaucracy accountable? Civil Works Serve the public by providing quality, responsive service to the Nation Development and management of the Nation's water resources Support of commercial navigation Restoration,. Cutting gov spending or raising taxes to reduce the deficit would likely result in members of congress losing votes, ______is a charge for borrowed money, generally a percentage of the amount borrowed. Appropriation laws generally allocate government funds to which of the following organizations? The difference between shadow bureaucrats and traditional bureaucrats is that, shadow bureaucrats perform governmental jobs without being actual employees of the government. This, A dramatic increase in size of the federal bureaucracy occurred during the twentieth century, largely as a, The text refers to the Civil War as the "great watershed in bureaucratic development" because, When a law originating in a legislative committee specifies a certain sum of money, it is called a(n) __________, The Whistle Blower Protection Act of 1989 is designed to protect. Those federal bureaucrats not appointed on the basis of qualifications designed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) are called, If you worked in a senior position on a successful presidential campaign and the new president then wished to have your advice while in office, you would be most likely appointed to, A post office worker or Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent would typically be part of the federal bureaucracy known as. 1.Bureaucrats develop annual budget requests for their agencies. Which congressional committee(a) write the bill that actually appropriate the funds on which the gov will operate? Which three of the following statements about the Administrative Procedure Act are accurate? Flood Control & Coastal Emergencies Work Plan. The authors suggest that, ultimately, "red tape" comes from, The text argues that many of the problems of bureaucracy in government arise from its. In the United States, civil servants often must obey both the heads of their agencies and, Most federal agencies must share their functions with, The distinctive nature of the U.S. bureaucracy derives from all of the following except, When an agency such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) makes an important decision, it is quite likely to be taken to court. During the early years of the federal government, only this department held much power. Why are bureaucrats brought into the policy-formulation process? The allocation of these additional funds is presented in the Work Plan. The allocation of these additional funds is presented in the Work Plan. A ______________ law provides the plan of action for addressing a given societal concern and identities which executive branch unit will put the plan into effect. Once an appropriation is no longer considered available but before it is officially closed, it is said to be in what phase? Representatives of all 30 Major League Baseball teams and their 120 Minor League Baseball affiliates convene for four days each December in the Winter Meetings to discuss league business and conduct off-season trades and transactions. Bureaucratic inefficiency might be desirable in that it might help. In the, The creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) led to the federal government, Between 1816 and 1861, the number of federal employees increased eightfold, in large part because of. Secretaries of agriculture have found that they have considerable discretion in setting policy despite the involvement of strong interest groups because. nimbus one. Operation & Maintenance Work. Which of the following statements about the firing of federal employees is true? On Dec. 27, 2020, then President Trump signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Public Law 116-260, of which Division D is the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2021. Which of the following is NOT one of these? Bona fide need for a service (2 types): 1. Since 9/11, the U.S. government has denied an increasing number of Freedom of Information Act request on what basis? One's total income in the previous year minus certain exemptions and deductions. (This is part of the President's Article 2 to make sure the laws are faithfully executed. The process by which agencies resolve disputes over the implementation of their administrative rules is called.

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