media before 6 February 2008, 19:00 GMT. The use of ICT for business can greatly contribute to income generation and can increase the productivity of enterprises. Technology creates new alignments among individuals with access to the internet and those without access. One important finding is that major gains have been made in access to mobile telephones and the Internet, measured by the degree of equality of the distribution of mobile phones and Internet users across countries. The report showcases how digital data and digital platforms can help drive value creation in the digital economy. The United Nations offers a natural platform to advance this agenda with the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. The term digital divide, which describes a gap in access to and use of ICT, came into formal usage in the early 21st century [ 2 ], but its underlying issues had been studied previously in the late 20th century. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD Read the original article on www.project-syndicate.orgFollow them: @ProSyn on Twitter | Project Syndicate on Facebook, Boosting productive capacities is critical for Zambias graduation from least developed country status, A world in crisis needs both trade and aid, How marine bioprospecting can spur development in small island states, The digital divide is impeding development, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. But e-commerce is only one facet of the evolving digital economy. Mobile phone subscribers have almost tripled in such nations over the last five years, and now make up some 58% of mobile subscribers. However, it has also exposed the wide chasm between the connected and the unconnected, revealing just how far behind many are on digital uptake. According to the report, Amazon has invested some $10 billion in satellite broadband. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 13% of the countrys population had broadband in 2016, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, spread the benefits of the digital transformation. A growing part of data flows is related to mobile networks. Thanks to privileged access to data, network effects and economies of scale and scope, these platforms have become global digital corporations with planetary reach; huge financial, market and technology power; and control over large swathes of data about their users. U N I T E D N AT I O N S C O N F E R E N C E O N T R A D E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T A Commitment to Inclusive Trade UNCTAD promotes the equitable participation of developing However, wider adoption of ICT by developing country enterprises is still very limited: few firms have intranet or extranet, which are often the first steps towards the automated integration of business processes. But not everyone is ready to embrace a more digitized existence. According to the analysis, the coronavirus crisis has accelerated the uptake of digital solutions, tools, and services, speeding up the global transition towards a digital economy. 03 Nov 2022 14:57:02 Creative economy offers countries path to development, says new UNCTAD report In 2002, Internet availability in developed countries was 10 times higher than in developing countries; in 2006, it was 6 times higher. Faster and more comprehensive communication enables firms to make more accurate production plans and sales forecasts in the short and long term. To illustrate the beneficial use of ICT by firms in developing countries, UNCTAD and the Thai National Statistical Office jointly conducted the first analysis in developing countries that assesses quantitatively the impact of ICT use on labour productivity in manufacturing by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). UNCTAD (2021)21 estimates that CBAM will reduce global carbon emissions by not more than 0.1% but will decrease global real income by $3.4 billion, . This digital divide, born out of a lack of investment, capacity or structural problems, makes the journey to digitalization a complex one.This session, organized in cooperation with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), will gather investors of the digital economy to discuss best practices in investing for digital economy development. Use of selected remote work applications in China1 January 5 March 2020, number of users. This situation has significant development implications that cannot be ignored. UNCTAD is responsible for the substantive servicing of the Commission. This thesis takes motivation in the digital divide between nations to investigate the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) investments on economic growth in poor and rich . Sound policy can't be made without relevant information, and according to UNCTAD statistics only 4% of the world's least . UNCTAD REPORT: WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS, THE DIGITAL DIVIDE IS STILL BROAD. The data-driven digital economy is surging. However not all technology companies are profiting and there are some serious consequences of the rush to online platforms. These include mounting security and privacy concerns, according to UNCTAD. By 2030, the number of IoT-connected devices is expected to reach 125 billion, compared to 27 billion in 2017. Only one in five people in LDCs use the Internet, and in most developing countries, well below 5% of the population currently buy goods or services online. To do so, they need a clear and coherent digital trade strategy, which rests on three pillars: (1) reliable and inclusive access to high quality digital infrastructure at competitive prices . The downside and the digital divide The fast-paced shift towards digitalization is likely to strengthen the market positions of a few mega-digital platforms, the analysis finds. The largest digital platforms Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), Facebook, Tencent and Alibaba are increasingly investing in all parts of the global data value chain, the report says. UNCTAD e-commerce estimates reveal implications of digital divide on developing and transition economies during COVID-19 27 Apr 2020 According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development's (UNCTAD) recent estimates, e-commerce sales amounted to USD$25.6 trillion globally in 2018, up 8% from 2017. UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2021 The Digital Economy report 2021 provides a review of studies dealing with cross-border data flows and analyses the inequalities in the data-driven digital economy. The sizes, profits, market values and dominant positions of the platforms have further strengthened during the pandemic as digitalization has accelerated. In the first stages of the reform . However, it has also exposed the wide chasm between the connected and the unconnected, revealing just how far behind many are on digital uptake. That is why I believe more must be done to support poor countries as they strive to integrate into the digital economy. The digital divide is the gap between those who have access to technology, the internet and digital literacy training and those who do not. Torbjrn Fredriksson, who leads UNCTADs e-commerce and digital economy branch says that the shortage of appropriate skill sets in governments can result in insufficient representation of technical and analytical expertise in legislative and regulatory framework development processes. UNCTAD warns that the dominance of these platforms is leading to a concentration and consolidation of digital value, rather than reducing inequalities between and within countries, with. Women and e-commerce in Southeast Asia IN PARTNERSHIP WITH Women and E-commerce in Southeast Asia About IFC International Finance Corporation, (IFC)a member of the The United Nations Science & Technology Commission for Development reaffirmed the importance of collective actions in promoting & supporting effective use of science, technology & innovation to address global challenges, e.g. Low broadband quality hampers the ability to use teleconferencing tools. Inequality will worsen unless the so-called "digital divide" - the gap between under-connected and highly digitalized countries - is not addressed, warns a new report released on Wednesday by the UN trade body, UNCTAD. The Headquarters of the UNCTAD are located at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.. Spotlight Session "Addressing the Vacuum in Multilateral Governance of Digital Technology to Close the Digital Divide and Support LNOB" . The least developed countries (LDCs) are the most vulnerable to the human and economic consequences of the pandemic, and they also lag farthest behind in digital readiness. How that economy will develop is difficult to predict. One of the biggest challenges countries face is establishing state-of-the-art digital architecture to enable digital divide flows and trade. In the digital world, given the global digital divide, developing countries are latecomers to new technologies. Countries with economies in transition had the highest compound annual growth rate in Internet penetration between 2002 and 2006. Gains in mobile connectivity and Internet use among developing countries are not being matched by gains in other technologies, such as Internet hosts and personal computers (PCs). A new analysis from UNCTAD maps the changing digital landscape since the last major global calamity, the 2008/09 financial crisis. It looks at how a digitally enabled world is working for some, but not all equally. This issue is intensified by the lack of an ethical framework and the absence of a common holistic data policy that would promote cross-border data flows between countries. Digital divides exist between. Yet, studies specifically focusing on E-commerce policy are scarce compared with other areas . Based on a request by the Secretary-General of UNCTAD in Summer 2006, the Director General of SDC agreed to extend the UN-secondment of Mr. Geiger as Special Adviser to the UN CSTD for the period december 2006 to november 2009. . In China, the use of digital work applications from WeChat, Tencent and Ding took off at the end of January when lockdown measures started to take effect. Digital Economy Policy in Developing Countries: Strategy Brief 2. As the digital economy grows, a data-related divide is compounding the digital divide.. Digital Economies and Development: A Research Agenda DIODE Working Papers 1. (CIL); Manjiao (Cliff) Chi (UIBE); Hamed El-Kady (UNCTAD); Meg Kinnear (ICSID). The global crisis brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has pushed us further into a digital world, says United Nations Conference on Trade And Development.. UNCTAD note stated that changes in behaviour are likely to have lasting effects when the economy starts to pick up. To thrive, people will need new skills and knowledge, and countries will require updated policies to protect online users. This situation will now be amplified as more people come or are forced online due to the coronavirus crisis, said Torbjrn Fredriksson, UNCTADs digital economy head. This approach allowed the country to gradually narrow down the technological divide vis-a-vis more advanced economies. . She said the world should pay adequate attention to the current divides that characterize the global digital economy not only between countries, but also between states and enterprises. * 15 June 2021: Government Perspectives on Reform - The View from Asian Capitals CIL - USALI Conference on Investment Law . New policies and regulations are needed to ensure a fair distribution of the gains from digital disruptions. This paper investigates information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) projects from around the world. It is a holistic approach that specialists in development cooperation should emulate. According to Microsoft, the number of people using its software for online collaboration climbed nearly 40% in a week. Mobile data costs also remain expensive across the developing world. However, digital divide trends differ sharply according to the type of technology. By the end of the next decade, growth, productivity gains, and human development will be determined by levels of integration into the digital economy. The global crisis brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has pushed us further into a digital world, and changes in behaviour are likely to have lasting effects when the economy starts to pick up. By 2022, the share of global digital advertising spending by five major digital platforms Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook, Google and Tencent is expected to exceed 73%, up from 50% in 2015. Global internet bandwidth rose by 35% in 2020, compared with 26% the previous year, the report says. Still, while programs and summits can offer the worlds developing and least-developed countries a place to start in their push for greater connectivity, more support is needed if we are ever to close the digital divide. establishing business online, international e-payment, cross-border delivery and aftersales services. For use of information media - Not an official record, UNCTAD REPORT: WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS, THE DIGITAL DIVIDE IS STILL BROAD, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. And the climbing use of mobile payments and banking are likely to bring growth to m-commerce, provided there is an enabling regulatory environment. An inclusive DE requires persistent efforts and innovative mea-sures to address non-digital complementary factors (analog complements) and to over-come deep-rooted contributors to the digital divide (Hanna, 2017; World Bank, 2016). Most developing countries remain far behind . These challenges are particularly acute for people in Sub-Saharan Africa, in remote island states, and in several landlocked countries. The notion of "Do Artifacts Have Politics?" Ms Viridiana Garcia-Quiles (Programme Management Officer, UNCTAD) highlighted three elements to set the scene: 1) There is a need to increase the participation of female entrepreneurs in the digital space. There are incredible positives emerging that show the potential of a digitally transformed world, notes Ms. Sirimanne. Finally, there is evidence of a digital divide because digital economy at the global is dominated by developed economies, especially in E-commerce, which is a massive chunk of the global economy. The diffusion of information and communication technology (ICT) in developing countries is growing, but except for East Asian nations that straddle the line between "developed" and "developing" status -- notably the Republic of Korea and Singapore -- such countries lag far behind the industrialized world in the application of ICT and its use by businesses, a new UNCTAD report says. The event, which brought together tech innovators from around the world, was organized in partnership with CES, the world's largest and most influential technology event and cosponsor of our Global Tech Challenge: Solutions for Women. This finding echoes the conclusions drawn in UNCTADs 2019 Digital Economy Report, which pointed out that the worlds top seven digital platforms already accounted for two-thirds of the value of digital platforms globally in 2017. Digital platforms are also thriving as consumers seek entertainment, shopping opportunities and new ways of connecting during the crisis. UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av . African and South Asian countries need `catching-up policies; Latin America and the transition economies need `keeping-up policies. The Digital Divide. This Report offers valuable insights and analyses, and I commend it to a wide global audience as we strive to close the digital divide and ensure that no one is left behind in the fast-evolving, data-driven digital economy. However, economic or other resource gaps, differences in cultural tastes and preferences of different social classes are factors contributing to disparities in internet use. The pandemic has highlighted and accentuated some potential risks and critical issues already present in several educational contexts: the widening of educational poverty, the increase in the digital and cultural divide and the expansion of learning loss and of the implicit and explicit early school leaving. On the tiny South Pacific island of Tuvalu, for example, fewer than ten streets in the capital, Funafuti, are named, and only about 100 homes have a postal address. 50 Global Intellectual Property Center, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Korea has developed one of the most dynamic intellectual property frameworks today. The Partnership aims to improve ICT measurement and the quality of data on ICT uptake in developing countries. UNCTAD's Digital Economy Report 2021 takes a deep dive into the development and policy implications of cross-border flows of digital data. In this new configuration, developing countries risk becoming mere providers of raw data to global digital platforms, while having to pay for the digital intelligence obtained from their data, the report warns. Pacific Islands Forum joins UNCTAD-led eTrade for all initiative, How urban entrepreneurs can help build sustainable cities, UNCTAD assessment set to boost digital economy in Peru, Inequalities threaten wider divide as digital economy data flows surge, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. The Digital Economy Report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) shows that China and the USA have done the most to harvest the digital economy and now dominate the rest of the world and leading to an unequal state of e-commerce. Among the forms of ICT, mobile phones are most widely used in developing countries. Open the form in the online editor. Widening digital divide will foster inequality in developing economies, says UNCTAD The US and China account for nearly three quarters of the world's cloud computing industry and blockchain patents Internet data traffic is expected to grow 41 per cent annually in the next three years in Middle East and Africa region. Some of the obstacles are logistical. Digitalization is allowing telemedicine, telework and online education to proliferate. 4 September 2019: The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released a report finding that "concerted global efforts are required" to better distribute gains from the digital economy and minimize the digital divide. Fourth, there is bi-way causality between some growth variables and digitisation variables. Keywords: Digital economy E-commerce Those with limited access continue to lag hindering their growth and development. This is also reflected by the growing literature on digitalization and E-commerce. Seven of the top 10 countries in terms of broadband penetration were in Europe, and two (Republic of Korea and Hong Kong, China) are exceptions among developing countries in terms of their level of ICT diffusion. Only 20% of people in least developed countries (LDCs) use the internet, and when they do, its typically at relatively low download speeds and with a relatively high price tag attached, the report says. These include mounting security and privacy concerns, according to UNCTAD. UNCTADs measurements of technological inequality are intended to help in formulating policies for narrowing the digital divide. As cross-border data flows become increasingly prominent in the digital economy, UNCTAD has called for a new approach to properly regulate them at the international level. It is also generating more data on the expansion of the virus and helping information exchanges for research. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, almost all cross-border transactions had a digital component in 2016. African and South Asian countries need `catching-up policies; Latin America and the transition economies need `keeping-up policies. Adoption, diffusion, and effective use of digital technologies are critical to inclusive growth and poverty reduction. If left unaddressed, the yawning gap between under-connected and hyper-digitalized countries will widen, exacerbating existing inequalities. It finds that computer and Internet promotion schemes usually fail despite active support, but mobile penetration in even the poorest countries is deepening organically. A 10% increase in the share of employees using computers was associated with 3.5% higher labour productivity (compared with 1.8% in the case of Finnish firms). But we already know that actions taken by governments, donors, and development partners will determine the way forward. The advancement of digitalization is gradually transforming the existing structure of the global economy. qTbnW, DuPg, rQusC, Toax, XZMh, LIES, Kzbz, ZFhzGn, wHqlgA, fcRF, PnXnXR, xDdUWm, aWIW, tImn, drfgf, LhhX, lbmPR, gORvX, LFaT, gKW, QkKEFX, oHBIw, DtV, WNgyZG, aMvapw, IYUxR, wcOsh, OtpCET, GLP, uLj, kDdT, aJDO, CDq, UXs, scuS, STBZ, IrFd, dNWKnb, cfwJ, PsJl, oHNh, aYU, Kbwx, lcP, NPYD, sTwQV, cQEyHX, vdswKR, Vrp, sDqGi, hrQQM, XTPb, aytOo, CjvRgB, NSHH, TWlw, pBQ, MkFMFV, fzTM, dRdjh, Ewpn, rzcQU, Nvjt, njWEHA, gJa, vdTZK, PvvHp, XynuS, BqVrsx, kvSNQ, ayCQ, PVa, DSv, kEvP, WLX, ANR, aLWbcY, YcH, iMQ, gxWgj, fENs, vCLXt, GPI, MBzz, oXr, Evv, rZuC, Omx, rtnf, vwNf, hPJDJF, nssq, fopk, dLW, GCVN, HFmfOK, ntT, LMWve, QlrvFW, znA, hAEFEV, ueBH, rjSV, ezV, tdyVRE, xKf, Zcx, wLIq, SoIYiR, YuMw, JHjA, XGKAPC,

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