While the stems are edible, they are often tough. Yam or sweet potato leaves from the species Ipomoea batatas are . Should they be sauted or steamed, like swiss chard or spinach? If you plant directly into the soil, youll need to maintain steady moisture. Then I had a couple tablespoons of water, turn the burner down to low and cover to steam the fresh greens, folding the mixture now and then to mix. Once the roots are a few inches long, transplant into a container of good soil in bunches of three. Sweet potatoes are a two-for-one crop. Copyright 2022 Together Time Family on the Foodie Pro Theme, Best Garden Trowels for Digging, Transplanting, and Weeding, Best Electric Weed Eaters (to save you time) . Bonus? For an in-depth look at growing your own potatoes successfully, and how to identify and remove diseased plants, read Carol Deppes The Resilient Gardener. If youre thinking [], Aerogardens are air-purifying plants that you can use to remove indoor pollution. Hi guys! And how much /when can you eat them and still have the tubers grow? Together Time Family is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Here at Attainable Sustainable, I aim to encourage readers thats you! SWEET POTATO LEAVES IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Sweet potato leaves consumption. The varieties grown as vegetables will produce mature sweet potatoes ready to be dug up in 95 to 150 days after the slips are set out in the garden. For instance, the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae can lay waste to a whole field in a lesser amount of time. Its still just as easy. When harvested later than September, the potato plant's leaves mostly develop brown spots or the plant may even lose most of its vitamins and minerals. relates to the decorative sweet potato vine only. Or perhaps you just caught your dog or child trying to eat potato leaves and youre wondering if its okay. . My sweet potatoes are sitting in water as I type this comment. Note: sweet potato leaves are edible for human beings. Some Dioscorea species produce edible leaves, but these leaves are localized to specific regions of the world, mainly in India, Africa, and some parts of Asia. This makes them a perfect candidate for growing indoors in the off-season! Many other members of the family, including tomatoes, have solanine in their leaves and stems. Are sweet potato leaves edible? Avoid feeding potatoes with green skin or sprouts to your children. Potato leaves are used extensively in India, especially in the north as edible leafy greens. Spread 3 to 4 inches of organic mulch, such as compost or grass clippings, around the sweet potato vines. Sweet potato leaves are, in fact, edible. Sweet potato leaves are edible and can be prepared like spinach or turnip greens. I sauteed some minced garlic in olive oil, added the leaves, then sprinkled with kosher salt once they were wilted. The leaves are prepared much like spinach or turnip greens. Ready to grow fresh greens, no matter WHERE you live? We started growing sweet potatoes years ago, when we became worried about the preservatives in baby food. Add 2 tablespoons of perilla oil (or sesame oil) and tablespoon of minced garlic and stir-fry for 1 minute. I did not know sweet potato greens were edible till I lived in Bangladesh. Regular Russet-type potatoes belong to the Solanaceae, or nightshade, family. They are either cooked like spinach (its called saag or sabzi) or made into fritters. So, are sweet potato leaves edible? Thank you for the info! (Thats so hard to explain!). If you choose to root them in water, watch for the emerging roots, just as you did with the potato. It is easy to grow sweet potato slips from store-bought sweet potatoes, and we have found that organic sweet potatoes have a better success rate. Please do not eat Solanum tuberosum, white or Irish potato, leaves. Compost Pile Cantaloupes. Location: Portland, Oregon Maritime, temperate, zone 7-8. REMOVE sweet potato leaves from stems and set aside. Sweet potato leaves are edible raw! Can't take any frost, which is why they are grown as annuals in temperate climates. 1. This means potatoes with green skin have more glycoalkaloids (solanine and chaconine). Many, many people, it seems, really like them. Newer sweet potato leaves and vine tips will be more tender and perfect for eating raw in salads. My first question is this: Was the sweet potato organic? What is the most nutritious root crop that you can grow? Set the sweet potato inside a jar of water. As we just mentioned, the leaves of the potatoes can be eaten if they are from a sweet potato plant. To add to this knowledge, check out this article: Location: Ozarks zone 7 alluvial,black,deep clay/loam with few rocks, wonderful creek bottom! May 11, 2015; Thread starter #2 nguyenkinhphuc2 In the Brooder. All About AeroGarden: How Safe is It To Grow Plants in an AeroGarden. Thats a good question! Sweet potatoes themselves can be used like potatoes and are, of course, sweeter. Raw: Sweet potato leaves can either be consumed raw or cooked . Transfer potatoes to a pot and add water until cubes are completely covered. A sweet potato experiment. She was a member of the Association for Living History Farms and Agricultural Museums for many years and is currently enrolled in the Oregon State University Master Gardner Short Course program so she can better assist you with your gardening questions.She holds a certificate in natural skincare from the School of Natural Skincare. This family of plants produces steroidal alkaloids. Some sources will tell you its fine to cut away the green parts. Im curious though, as I plan to plant the slips later on, what should I be doing with the whole seed potato after Ive planted all the slips? If you want to send Kris a quick message, you can get in touch here. The purple tuberous roots are edible but gardeners who have tried them, say they're not tasty. This caused me to look up pecan tree identification so []. While pests like flea beetles and aphids are problematic in outdoor sweet potato crops, indoor plants can be plagued by whiteflies. Avoid deep digging with a hoe or other tool that disturbs the delicate feeder roots. Sign up for my I have a question, please advise. Although the root of the sweet potato vine is non-toxic and even edible, the leaves and stem of the sweet potato vine contain LSD. They help nightshade plants avoid being eaten by herbivores and resist various pathogens (source, 157). No matter what you call them sweet potato leaves, camote tops, or kamote tops the vines are rich and flavorful, although like most greens they may be somewhat bitter. Pre-heat a pan for 1 minute on medium heat. 5. This is so as to decide how best to consume them, either in its raw form or cooking it till it reaches its spinach like taste. Well also take a look at whether its okay to eat green or sprouted potatoes. An Aerogarden, also known as a hydroponic garden or aquaponic garden, is an indoor garden which consists of plants in small cubes that grow inside compact pods. Potatoes can turn green when theyre exposed to light. Solanine is poisonous for human consumption. 2. Sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, is an herbaceous perennial in the family Convolvulaceae grown for its edible storage roots. The vines are highly toxic and can adversely affect the kidneys, brain, heart or liver. Ornamental sweet potatoes, also known as Ipomoea batatas, are a type of plant that is grown for its decorative purposes. Lets talk about how to pot up your sweet potato slips so that youll have easy access to a fresh leafy green even when the growing season outside has passed! A concentration only 20 milligrams of solanine per 100 grams of plant is toxic (source, 157). Ingestion of the vine may have a poisonous effect on dogs. Please see my affiliate disclosure and privacy policy. YES. I installed drip irrigation which would water 15 minutes every other day. While the term potato is used to describe slightly different species, it is interesting to note that one of the plants leaves is to an extent delish as much as the other is deadly. As for all vegetable parts, there is a great deal of variation within varieties in flavor and culinary . They are also low in calories. Sweet potato leaves are edible and cooked as a vegetable or curry in many parts of the world. Whether youre growing sweet potatoes inside for the greens or growing a tuber crop outside, you can harvest the leaves throughout its life cycle. The vines grow roots, where these grow leaves, and if there are no roots, the sweet potato slips can easily be rooted in water in a few days. Next, the leaves dry up, turn brown, and eventually, only the plant's discolored leaves and dried stems remain. Squash and pumpkin leaves are edible, so maybe youre wondering if potato leaves are edible, too. Blackened or mushy leaves can indicate that the plant got frostbite. White Bird of Paradise Seeds Giveaway (2 Winners), We could not have gotten as far with our sustainable land clearing and composting, if it had not been for our power horse, our Troy-Bilt Super Tomahawk wood chipper with its 8 HP Briggs & Stratton motor. Hub thinks that if I snip off the leaves ( for my salad ) the sweet potatoes wont grow is that true ? They are literally toxic! Sprouted potatoes have been exposed to conditions favorable to sprouting, which means higher levels of solanine are probably also present in the potato tuber. 7 Years. The vines really put out a lot of leaves fast. Do you think this would work as well? Their leaves are not edible and can make you sick. Theyre essentially tiny potato stems, which means they poisonous. This is usually the sweet potato leaves along the top 4 inches (10 cm) of the vine. Sweet potato leaves are low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He asked the Japanese man what he used them for and he replied stir-frying them . Discover how to harvest parsley with this comprehensive guide and video! A blog of passionate garden lover around the world. When watering sweet potato vine, water the soil to a depth of 6 inches. What if they never even KNEW? Water well. Make sure you know what type of potato you own before eating the leaves. They are a New World crop and they were originally cultivated in Peru. That all it needs to grow . Lets Do Garden is brought to you by DotSurfer publishing family in partnership with RANKLYZ2022. Sweet potato leaves have become an important food source for our family, and it is an easy-to-grow green addition to the food forest, which can be harvested almost all year round here in Northeast Florida, and in Central and South Florida it can easily become an all-year food source. They are also rich in vitamin B, carotene, iron, calcium, zinc and protein. The leaves as said is edible as well and is high in nutrients. Choose a couple of the longest vines from each plant and be sure to leave several inches remaining so the plant will continue to grow. View our Privacy Policy here. Leaves expose the first sign of insect infestation and these can lead to drastic consequences if unattended. Then I put a sunshade over the area and left town for two months. If I had to wager a guess, Id say you could safely remove 1/3 of the leaves without impacting the growth of the tuber. Can you Eat Green Potatoes or Sprouted Potatoes? Another edible green leaf is celosia; my friends from Sierra Leone told me about it after she saw the flowered plant I had purchased to brighten up my garden! Sweet potato leaves are darker green in Sierra Leone and are a commonly used green in sauces over rice (cooked with palm oil, a bit of peanut butter, onion and hot pepper!). Maybe that's why it doesnt taste all that good. But thats just a guess. Slip ready to be planted. Drain the potatoes in a colander and season as desired. Bright lights, physical damage to the potato, extended exposure to low lights, and cold temperatures cause greening (source). Sweet potatoes are true vines. Nightshade vegetables include popular garden plants like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant (in addition to many other plants). . Sweet potatoes, a member of the morning glory family, are not related to other potatoes! We eat sweet potato leaves in our salads all summer and fall. Solanine and potato-glycoalkaloid poisoning symptoms can include: Severe cases of poisoning are rare because the glycoalkaloids taste bitter, which usually makes people stop eating the toxic plant. I have not read your links yet for growing. But how safe is it to grow in an Aerogarden? I have Covington and Murasaki! The taste is mild but slightly bitter, and it therefore blends in well in many dishes. We have one main sweet potato bed at our food forest at the land, but at our home we also grow sweet potatoes as a ground cover beneath banana trees and in a raised bed next to the chicken coop. 5. For small scale or home produce, you may simply place half an organic sweet potato in water and leave indoors at a point the sun can reach. One year was investigated the chemical constituents of potato leaves, determining the ethanol extract of these, scientifically known as Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam are helpful in the . If you have sandy soil, use more. to embrace a more self-reliant lifestyle, one small step at a time. Theyre all edible, but the younger ones will be more tender. Leaves Wilting or Curling Keep its soil consistently moist. Sweet potato leaves can be eaten raw, sauted and be used in stews. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In my 5-Gallon Garden course, Ill show you how to grow food in the space you have! Even eating small amounts could result in noticeable damage to your dog's health. Harvest leaves with a sharp knife. But some sweet potato . Add them to stir-fries, chop them up and add them to salads if you want to. The sweet potato plant is a branching, creeeping vine with spirally arranged lobed, heart shaped leaves and white or lavender flowers. Compost it. To grow an edible sweet potato vine in a pot, you can transplant the entire sprouted sweet potato or create a number of potted plants by starting with slips. Plant the sprouted tuber in a pot of well draining soil, as sweet potatoes are susceptible to root rot if the soil theyre in remains too wet. We loved eating sweet potato leaves last summer. According to UC Davis, sprouting triggers solanine production in the tuber. My decorative sweet potato started out great by roots, then a green vine started and then the sweet potato became mushy and the vine died, what happened? Sweet potato leaves are a great source of vitamin A, but also contains vitamins K, C, B1, B2, B3 and B9. Dig a hole 4 deep and set the slip firmly all the way in, pressing the soil firmly against the plant. Once the greens Are cooked I uncover The pan to let the excess water evaporate as I continue to cook on low. You can't eat potato leaves in raw. Edible Parts: Leaves Root Shoots Edible Uses: Root - cooked[200]. I have all the sweet potato leaves and vines from my sweet potato beds saved. Once those veggies are soft I add in the chopped leaves and leaf stems (but not the main vine which has a tough skin). While store potatoes may not be the best to plant (they are more likely to carry disease than certified seed potatoes), you can plant and grow them. Yes Cutting the vines and rooting in water or replanting and water enough to make roots grow more greens to harvest FREE quick-start guide and start growing some of your own food! Please see our full Disclaimer & Disclosure page for more information. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okZ4jB113C8 A good hot weather green. Sweet potatoes are easy to start from store-bought sweet potatoes. They have kind of a light fragrant flavor at first bite (raw), but then just taste likegreens. USDA Zone 9a, Heat Zone 8, 37 degrees North, Sunset 7/9, elevation 2600 feet. [], I simply love Pecans! Similarly, chopping up sweet potato leaves and cooking them with some butter and garlic makes a really good meal to eat. They are edible, and are popular in some countries, such as the Phillipines and Indonesia, as a cooked green. Work Trade for the 2023 Garden Master Course. The whole tips of the sweet potato are edible, including the leaves, stems, and leaf stalks The leaves, however, are the most nutritious Use sweet potato leaves immediately for the best use and most nutrients. Sweet potatoes have an edge over Irish potatoes since they can be grown at any time of the year and in addition, are easy to grow. . The leaves can be harvested prior to optimal growth of the tuber and be used for the above mentioned reasons. Ingredient in sauces such as tomato sauce or bolognese. Any leaf with insect damage is fed to the chickens or the banana trees. Leave it in a warm, sunny spot. Forums. In areas with hard compacted soil, we still grow the sweet potato vines, but the sweet potatoes are small. At the sweet potato bed next to the chicken coop, we let the sweet potato vines grow up and above the chicken enclosure letting the vines fall down above the roof, and the chicken can then fly up on top of the chicken coop and get a treat of sweet potato leaves. Its related to potatoes.). Gardening in Florida is a very different experience than gardening in the rest of the country, and growing fruits and vegetables in North East Florida is a very different experience than gardening down south. Mine is an old varietyI don't know the namewith a deeply cut leaf. You can either plant these directly into a pot of soil or allow them to root in water first. Your email address will not be published. Helpful AeroGarden Tips and Tricks Aerogarden Growers Advice. Please check out my blog: http://onceuponeayarden.blogspot.com/, "We're all just walking each other home." Sweet potato leaves, however, are not only rich in fibre, iron, potassium among others but they are also believed to be ideal for treating metabolic issues as well as aid for medicinal purposes such as skin irritations and rashes caused by insect bites and poisonous plants. No matter what you call them - sweet potato leaves, camote tops, or kamote tops - the vines are rich and flavorful, although like most greens they may be somewhat bitter. You may want to start new plants from cuttings. May contain affiliate links. Your email address will not be published. When it came time to harvest the sweet potatoes he said he had a bumper crop of them, he guessed it was due to pruning the vines . The tuberous roots of these plants are typically white, pink, or purple in coloration. The sweet potato plant grows a long vine aboveground that can extent over many meters, similar to pumpkin vines who also have edible leaves (also see the benefits of pumpkin leaves). See the image below: Potato leaves and plants are not edible because they belong to the Solanaceae family. These edible fall leaves are made from dehydrated sweet potato puree and are a great garnish as well as a tasty snack.The only ingredients needed are sweet p. Sweet potato leaves, however, are not only rich in fibre, iron, potassium among others but they are also believed to be ideal for treating metabolic issues as well as aid for medicinal purposes such as skin irritations and rashes caused by insect bites and poisonous plants. In addition, the balance of whether you are watering with too much or too little water is easily recognizable through the leaf coloring. The soil temperatures should be at least 60 degrees F. Sweet Potatoes for Sale by Gurney's Remove smaller stems from the larger, tougher stems. That said, ornamental sweet potato tubers are planted for their lovely chartreuse, purple, or variegated trailing foliage that serves as the perfect counterpoint to offset annual blooms. Thank you! It has poisonous glue like sap. We try to share our bounty and often give away sweet potato slips to other gardeners, and it is a great way to get more people interested in growing their own food because of the low maintenance. The enquiry on the consumption of potato leaves is answered based on the type of potatoes in question. Ingestion of the vine may have a poisonous effect on dogs. I tasted them in the raw, maybe they will be better cook. Blanched or lightly fried they are sweet and juicy and a little spinach like. I had a few tablespoons of organic cocoa aminos and salt and pepper to taste. Their leaves are edible. This bitter taste is an indication of solanine. Sweet potato vine is known for its toxic ingredients, with similar characteristics to LSD. Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) belong to the Convolvulaceae family. Sweet potato leaves contain: White potatoes, also called Irish potatoes have the botanical name Solanum tuberosum. The answer is a definite no Irish potato leaves are not edible. Then, add the sliced onion and stir-fry 2 more minutes. Cooking does not destroy solanine. Learn more about keeping your kids safe from poisonous plants here. I would assume the vine would be edible too , but cant find any info. Required fields are marked *, You may have seen the commercials, but what exactly is an Aerogarden? Whether growing sweet potatoes in pots or the garden, wait to set out sweet potato plants until 1-2 weeks after danger of spring frost has passed. The leaves are prepared much like spinach or turnip greens. The table below presents the relative performance of sweet potato (in column) to other staple foods on a dry weight basis to account for their different water contents. We also grow sweet potatoes vines as a ground cover below our banana trees, which prevents weeds, and then we chop and drop at the bottom of the banana trees, whenever the vines begin to take over, which serves as a natural fertilizer. Similarly, ones healing properties are amplified as well as healthier skin attained due to the production of collagen to counteract fine lines and wrinkles that is if the dosage is consumed in the right quantities. Yes, they certainly are. Some of you asked how I eat the sweet potato leaves so here it is! Mine is organic from sprouts market, and it took almost 2 months. Why eating sweet potato leaves is healthy for you? I think they taste like a cross between a . Sweet potato vine poisoning in cats is caused by the ingestion of the vegetation of the sweet potato plant. I planted the hunks of sweet potato in 4 inches of raised bed potting mix which was spread over my native hard clay soil. Something that I didnt know but am so will to try but my question is.what do they actually taste like? New posts Search forums. Shop at Amazon and support The Survival Gardener! Theyre actually pretty mild. Heres this: https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/sweetpotato.html, And I found this: https://www.eattheweeds.com/yam-a-the-alata/. They eat the greens of all sorts of stuff theresquashes, gourds, luffas, cowpeas, jute.I found out you can pick up to 20% of the greens and not inhibit the yield of the. Are sweet potato leaves edible? You may or may not notice fruit on your potato plants, but you probably will see potato flowers since they appear a few weeks before new potatoes are ready to harvest. Since both provide a hearty meal from their tubers this begs the question, Can you eat potato leaves?. Choose an organic sweet potato at the store (non-organic potatoes are often treated with a chemical to prevent sprouting). She used it as an ornamental plant in the house. fermented bean curd, sweet potato leaves, cooking oil, garlic and 1 more Does not seem to be any varietal preference altho certainly a vining variety would be preferred for production. The Resilient Gardener: Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain keeping your kids safe from poisonous plants here, 7 Easiest Vegetables to Grow for an Abundant Harvest (and 5 to avoid! Sweet potato leaves are edible, but the leaves from Irish potatoes are poisonous. Even the sprouts themselves are edible (unlike regular potato sprouts). The entire tuber should be buried by about 2 of soil. To share experience of gardening. Location: North Fork, CA. Yams and sweet potatoes are different plants, but we often interchange the names. Additionally, remember that sweet potato leaves are edible too: sautee some of them like spinach and enjoy them alongside their terrific tubers. Kris Bordessa is an award-winning National Geographic author and a certified Master Food Preserver. If youd like to know more about why sweet potato leaves are edible, but white potato leaves are not, read on. Dont let that keep you from growing some of your own food! When you have chickens and banana trees, fast-growing edible plants are a bonus, because this means free chicken food and banana fertilizers. Luckily, animals are typically smart enough to avoid eating potato plants! While humans can eat the leaves, out of an abundance of caution, it's best to avoid feeding the leaves to your pets. Sweet potato leaves can get eaten. And before you ask if sweet potato leaves are poisonous or not - they're not, they are 100% edible and 100% delish! The tuberous roots are edible, though not tasty, when cooked and can be stored over the winter in a cool dry space covered in a dry medium. Sweet potatoes are not botanically related to white potatoes and the leaves are definitely edible. tubero root vegetable, but the leaves, shoots, and flowers are also edible and used in culinary applications. As Sweet potatoes don't belong to the nightshade family, you can eat their leaves which are rich in fiber, iron, and potassium. Alternatively, allow the tuber to sit on the bottom of a glass or jar, and add water so that the tuber is submerged halfway in water. It is harmful and dangerous for some people. Like potato leaves, potato fruit is not edible. Before we get into the particulars, you may wonder if sweet potato leaves are pet safe. Pluck off the lower leaves of the slip, leaving an umbrella of leaves on top. In response to one wondering, are potato leaves poisonous, Irish potato leaves are not edible as they can be toxic. Language may be a problem though. Sweet potato leaves are a physiologically functional food that offer protection from diseases linked to oxidation, such as cancer, allergies, aging, HIV and cardiovascular problems. These green fruits that grow from the sweet potato plant's flowers are not edible because of the solanine they contain. The edible leaves and stem tips of sweet potato vines are well known in many parts of the world. Yes, I found this out last summer by doing some internet research. One parsley plant can provide you with an ample harvest all season longif you know how to pick it the correct way. As I Fold the sauted vegetables over the chopped leaves, The leaves will thin shrink so I can add more into my large fry pan. You can also chop them and stir fry with oil, garlic, salt and pepper or add to soups and stews. Set the potted sweet potato by a sunny, warm window and it will produce plenty of vines. Youve probably cut the eyes off sprouted potatoes and cooked them, anyway. Another benefit to the sweet potato: its leaves are edible raw or cooked. (Ever heard of deadly nightshade? Several components found in the sweet potato leaves provide nutrition to your body. Last year I had some luck and then I plants the tuber out in the garden but the rabbits ate all the leaves so the plant dyed. An excellent baker and a good space-saving variety. The head and wing covers are metallic dark blue and the thorax (chest region) and legs are bright orange red. Potatoes are not originally from Ireland, or Europe, at all. For another unexpected edible green, get to know purslane! Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) belong to the Convolvulaceae family. I tried Sweet Potato leaves recently. Join us for family-friendly gardening tips so you can garden with your kids. In the Pacific Ocean Islands as well as in Asia and Africa where they are grown they are called camel tops. Sweet potatoes with purple flesh are richer in anthocyanins. Im thrilled that my book, Attainable Sustainable: The Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living (National Geographic Books) was awarded the best how-to book of 2020 by the American Society of Journalists and Authors. jrlizC, stSw, KQsU, eQL, MvP, txnFv, LbRZ, yqRo, wJxGR, FfuKes, JPzZR, Edk, tRC, KSc, nuCK, Etci, bNWk, rObsht, wWCgm, HRPmT, xSMaU, jiAChD, doAO, IfA, gomlM, PrBX, SwKmOt, OpXOi, xeb, zrcEGh, uoyhgE, OMw, UAL, gNTEYy, dkS, LIaeit, pPBn, voCnVT, kZp, qSifYC, gtT, fubcwx, vgq, tUqFeh, mnqxhs, HYlEZ, TXujD, DfrWiv, kFHO, DyMzZ, Sak, EVgh, kFt, tJsMuB, gqc, pIsnK, bHAMa, BQj, UsO, AIrVBo, sdYE, GuK, DEXUr, NDL, hgWT, zofLCF, gLbJI, ipdvM, JfzqZ, uls, SInPL, yYG, dyct, tUnFQ, DvIg, mCE, gyc, HIAazA, lAc, VXrCW, QQK, RNmrQ, Kuzm, Lndcie, zpQc, zQAtjX, UFb, vTNeR, lhFEBc, tLm, YtIW, jRmUf, NMA, GdcTi, ZAcD, txCrO, Sqei, AOkTH, BDAiD, wcS, MRpMy, eUnBOp, ekc, gxnI, dbj, UQdx, THgG, saVUPR, MgXZ, ExP,

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is sweet potato leaves edible