-- Bosch, Error often comes dressed in the garment of truth, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. Do not fear or be dismayed; . The main thing was what God was doing in the heart of the earth to provide a bountiful river of water. God simply answered, I will be with you., Suppose I . Bronze symbolizes judgment. God's intervention is often the result of our intercession. Drink deep of Gods goodness, His faithfulness too. Brandt. Will we listen to His voice and obey His Word? Exodus 6:6. James 2:10. As the psalmist wrote, Where can I go from Your Spirit? 31:3-5). 21-23), and He continued to provide for them during their 40 years in the wilderness. Wisdom in the Bible is the skill for living. The Hebrew word translated wisdom is the same word thats translated skill in reference to the detailed work of Bezalel and Aholiab in constructing the tabernacle (Exodus 31:1-11). A few went so far as to snap at their stuffed rival. What do you sing about? We are transformed by His revealing character. Author John Piper offers this reflection on what it means to take Gods name in vain: The idea is . Exodus 15:1-21, Tags: Fear, Protection, Strength, God Is Our Strength, Denomination: He is also just. - Richard W. De Haan, So the Lord said to [Moses], What is that in your hand? Exodus 4:2. As we experience God's compassion and His loving care, we can begin to hear again even as the hurt continues to heal.David C. McCasland. As an act of judgment upon the Egyptians, God said that He would strike down every firstborn son, but He would pass over the houses that had the blood of a lamb on the top and sides of the door frame (Ex. Psalm 99:5. The encounter did not go well. The songwriters of Israel knew how important it is to see our foolishness apart from God (Ps. 2:23). But God is not driving the lead car in a funeral procession; He points the way to life. It is better to not break a dish than to try and glue the dish back together. When he asked about them, our driver explained that they were caused by the tires of trucks carrying illegal, overweight loads. He wrote more than 600 books on many subjects. When I teach, I sometimes use the motto Question Authority to get the attention of my students. Moses expressed this kind of fear when God confronted him from a burning bush that was not consumed. 12:28-33), he immediately had a change of heart and summoned his elite army to recapture them (14:5-9). First, God created our sensessight, hearing, smell, taste, touchand all that He created is good. When she and her husband Francis were first married, both sets of parents lived nearby. But as Christians, we need to stop before we utter this or any other phrase that flippantly uses Gods name. Free Sermon Illustrations for Preaching : In Sermon Illustrations: "Exodus 15:2" showing 1-3 of 3 Filter Results In other words, God made us so that we realize our greatest potential when we are free from the devastating effects of fear. 2:11-22). God responded by assuring Moses of His power and presence (4:1-9). That was the last time I bothered them! Today we're looking at Exodus 15:22-27. When asked why he worshiped the picture as a god, the man replied that he would worship anything. Jesus knew there was a time to minister to the crowds and a time to rest. 2-5), which Paul explains in verses 6-11. (He had those sheep to take care of, you know, and important work to do.) Tell the children of Israel to go forward." Who is like You, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? (15:11). Exodus 15:11. But remember, God doesnt make nobodies. 2:11-15). We refuse to rest because we cant get what we want in 6 days of work. -D. De Haan. J Dave Branon. The Hebrew word man means what, so they called it manna. The Passover celebration would serve two purposes: It would remind the adults of Gods deliverance, and it would cause their children to ask about it (Ex. Sermon Illustrations provides sermon illustrations, sermons, eulogies, funeral helps, and counseling aids for ministers. When were discouraged, we can sing songs and hymns that raise our eyes from the challenging circumstances we face to see the power and presence of the Lord. I knew God had divinely commissioned His ambassadors to perform a miracle, but were those on Satans side permitted special demonic power to do the same? Moses explained that this display of power and majesty was to demonstrate Gods incomparable holiness. Too short. Exodus 14:15. In Old Testament times, the people of Israel were often inspired to compose and sing songs to celebrate Gods help during times of need. The six branches coming out from the center shaft portray unity in plurality. God is working in secret to pour out rivers of water for every man, woman, and child. But being unkind to those who are weaker or in a lower socio-economic position is never right. The human part is to do whatever God has asked us to do-strike the rock. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet" (Ex. Is God trying to get your attention through some circumstances in your life? Showing respect for God means learning what He wants us to do and then obeying Him completely. Anon. Hes the same God who takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11). But if we love God, shouldn't we be free from fear? He had faith that God would take care of everything. Instead, God gave him a sign to persuade the people to believe him, and He promised to guide his faltering tongue. We must not grumble against what the Lord permits. Ephesians 2:8-10, Exodus 15:1-21, Tags: . The youngster's problems were compounded when the father died suddenly from a stroke and the mother accused her son of having caused his father's death. God had commanded that the ark be carried by the sons of Kohath on poles, not on a cart, nor was anyone to touch it (Ex 25:14, 15; Nu 3:30, 31; 4:15). When food and water were short, they panicked and blamed Moses and Aaron for getting them into their predicament. While waiting in the church parking lot, I switched on the car radio and heard the distinctive voice of Bible teacher J. Vernon McGee. Exodus 33:18-34:8 God's Description Of Himself, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious. For centuries, people had sailed across the Channel until this surprising new way to go under it was completed. We sometimes forget that the same principle applies to our entering into the presence of God. But according to the Bible, it's wiser to adjust our service. Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight; All praise we would renderO help us to see, Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee! God Brings Purpose, My beautiful mama was always so strong, a tower of strength, courage and faith that stood like a beacon for our family. For watered pastures never touched by pain; Before He sends His cool, refreshing rain. 6:9). Over and over again he was heard to pray, "O Lord, give me New England! 3:7-11) by referring back to Exodus 34:29-35. Free Sermon Illustrations for Preaching : In Sermon Illustrations: "Exodus 15" showing 1-4 of 4 Filter Results The barometer of events was falling rapidly; and the dark, threatening skies would soon turn into a churning, flashing storm of oppression. We know, however, that God wants us to fit together with one another. "Worst year for flies we've ever seen!" Maybe we need to be reminded that some things take timeGods time. 15:26). Germs were not the issuesin was. Finally the newborn took a breath and cried. A few hours before the event, we began calling our 100+ guests to inform them of a change in venue. It had an altar of incense where priests burned a blend of fragrant spices made by a perfumer. He generated a trumpet sound that grew louder and louder. Sheryl is married, settled in the Midwest, and the mother of young children. In the Hebrew text of Exodus 6:3, Gods name appears as El-Shaddai. 12:10). The Lord is the great God, and the great King above all gods (Ps. Even as Moses needed the assistance of Aaron and Hur, so today those called to spiritual leadership need the undergirding of the people to whom they minister. Exodus 31:12-18 Commandment 4Take A Day To Rest, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. God can appear in any form He desires, even while He Himself remains invisibly present throughout the universe. Do we need to take a new look at this old commandment about Gods rest day? After 5 decades of repetitive scowling or laughter or worry, ones attitude toward life is etched on ones face. Thats a vivid reminder that every day we are making a face that tells the world a great deal about us. Daniel the prophet must have experienced that same feeling. The caption read, "Paraplegic and partner prove no wall is too high to climb." If we joke about sinful practices, we are speaking in a way we shouldn't (Ep 5:12). I remember how my "adult" self taunted the weak "child" within me: "How can someone as inadequate as you expect to surmount so great a mountain as this?" But He didn't ask them to do it all at once. As Moses trust in God grew, so did the magnitude of miracles God worked through His servant. Exodus 13:21. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. In our Bible reading for today, Jesus, the supreme example of loving friendship, called His disciples friends (John 15:13,15). Exodus 3:14. Among his writings is this statement: "They who first introduced images of the gods removed fear and added error.". Independent/Bible. The Israelites were terrified when they saw the Egyptians approaching. When I suggested to Pastor Black that perhaps the church would be done by 2013 when I thought I might return, he said it was a possibility. INSIGHT: In this lament psalm, Asaph writes of the sense of abandonment, the sleepless nights, the distress, and the anguish he felt when God did not respond to his cries for deliverance from his trials and suffering (vv.1-10). Its greatness overwhelms close observers. 5:5). INSIGHT: Paul underscores the superiority of the new covenant over the old covenant (2 Cor. They were to be so concerned about making sure that a poor person got fair treatment that they would help him, even when it was a costly thing to do (Exodus 23:6-9). Jude Through these powerful events, God provided salvation, an effective cure to heal the worlds most deadly diseasesin. The only way to approach God is on His terms. Mark 1:7) , that it is "clean" (Ps. To avoid the mistakes of youth, draw from the wisdom of age. Biblical stories have been shared with children for generationsall the way back to the times of Exodus (ch.1213) and Deuteronomy (ch.6). Christs love creates unity in the midst of diversity. Jehovah-Rophi: I am the Lord that healeth theeHeal us, Emmanuel! Throughout the day we can turn our thoughts into psalms by meditating on God's holiness, His worthiness of our worship, and how much we need Him. 2. here we are,Waiting to feel Thy touch:Deep-wounded souls to Thee repair,And, Saviour, we are such. --Hess. Be still, my heart, for faithful is your Lord. In Sermon Illustrations: "Exodus 15:1-13" showing 1-3 of 3 Filter Results Sort By. Yet all of us have fears. People who lack feeling for others are like cold fronts on the weather map in winteryou'd rather see them going than coming. Gustafson, Be of good cheer! The Almighty God wants us to call Him "Father," and He invites us to come boldly into His presence. We may be very plain and ordinary on the outsidebut as we allow Gods Spirit to work within us, the beauty of Gods indwelling presence will shine from our faces. Do you think about past failures too much? While Moses was on Mt. When I use Scripture out of context to try to support an idea I want to be true, I am using Gods name in vain. 6:5-8) if done in balance with appropriate rest. Exodus 33:20. The Wind in the Willows, a children's allegory by Kenneth Grahame, illustrates the love-fear relationship. Exodus 16:6. Now each individual believer is Gods workmanship (Eph. Now, after traveling 3 days into the wilderness, the large crowd had no water. If we had been among the Israelites leaving Egypt after 400 years of slavery, we would likely have seen Pharaoh as part of the problemand he was. You've probably heard this one: "If anything can go wrong, it will." Her recipe was inspired by the Bibles description of manna that says it tasted like wafers made with honey (Ex. Where does America stand in relation to the rest of the world? But the Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? When we are filling every hour with activityeven with worthwhile thingsGod often gets our attention by making us lie down., Rest is a gifta good gift from our Creator who knows exactly what we need. 26) and the temple in the days of Solomon (1 Kings 6:1-14), are the dwelling place of God on earth. Christian/Church Of Christ. His goal was justice and equality based on human dignity, not skin color. They ate the Passover meal, which included bitter herbs and bread made without yeast. Close Filters Scripture . Scientific Illustrations: Exodus 15:22-27: Bitter Things Made Sweet: G. D. Krummacher. In Exodus 33:11, we read that "the Lord spoke to Moses . This is a celebration held by Jewish families to commemorate the first Passover in Egypt (Exodus 12:24, 25, 26, 27). These are great Thanksgiving celebrations. One New Testament commentary says that to honor someone is to treat him with the deference, respect, reverence, kindness, courtesy, and obedience which his station in life . In Revelation, Jesus declared, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last (22:13). You may be trying to live in this world by your own power. 2 Corinthians 3:18. We need to keep going forwardwithout the possibility of putting life into reverse. We can compare the tabernacle with Jesus human form. There was no doubt that the job needed to be done. My pursuit of the perfect sentence will never be satisfied, but I have found a statement of perfection in Exodus 3:14. . Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, Almighty, victorious -- Thy great name we praise. Deb and Bryce expected a somber evening, but they discovered a joyous celebration. "When the experiences of life are bitter," he asked, "what can make them sweet?" Bitter has the focus on I, me, myself, flesh. This happens to doctors, ministers, social workers, psychiatrists, and policemen. As Loras John Schissel, music historian and conductor of the Virginia Grand Military Band, said, Sousa is to marches what Beethoven is to symphonies. Sousa understood the power of music to motivate, encourage, and inspire people. 7 Ways To Correct A Team Member In A Healthy Way, 3 Things To Do When Youre Stuck In A Sermon Prep And Writing Rut. The next day when he visited her in the hospital, he found her in great anxiety. What does it take to make you stop and pay attention to God? Spending time with him challenges me to become a better, more thoughtful person. Yet He always met their needs. It was insignificant in itself, but it became a powerful instrument when committed to the Lord. Just east of Atlanta is Stone Mountain, the largest outcropping of exposed granite in the world. Deliverance from sin is the greatest of all freedoms, You shall have no other gods before Me.- Exodus 20:3, God had seized the attention of Pharaoh and the Egyptians with a series of plagues. The cowboy resists the temptation to drink and uses the water as the note instructs. I take my hat off to the plumber who so easily and good-naturedly installed a water heater in a small, seemingly inaccessible areaespecially when I think of all the frustration I experienced when trying to attach a simple water filter. He was angry with Moses for his lack of trust and being unwilling to take up the assignment (v. 14). If He leads us through the sea, will He not also guide us to a well? Yet God saw something more. In Revelation, Jesus declared, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last" (Re 22:13). You shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years . Reprinted by permission. A good test of character: When you do wrong, do you accept the blame? Action movies would lose a lot of their effect without the fast paced The movie Night at the Museum portrays the humorous experiences of a security guard at a natural history museum. Without the fences of God's commands or the water Christ provides, we would be as spiritually lifeless as the bleached bones that dot the western prairies. Now which way would you go? Ron Love. Impossibilities compel us to rely on God. It housed an ornate, gold-covered ark to hold the stone tablets God gave to Moses on Mt. And He was the incarnate Savior who wept over Jerusalem when His own people rejected Him (Matthew 23:37-39). For instance, when the Israelites first left Egypt, God sent them on the long route to the Promised Land (Ex. Psalm 46:1 says God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. That single message helped to spark the revival known as The Great Awakening (1734-44). 33:13). The gold speaks of value. Nor are we to use the name God or Jesus Christ as profanity, because this expresses neither praise, worship, nor faith. Because He goes with us, we can walk into the future with confidence. It was better for Sue to face the hill thinking only about one step, or one rollerblade push, at a time instead of an entire steep hill to conquer. Do I make time in my schedule for worship and rest? Some people refer to the song of Exodus 15 as the Song of Moses. One week she wanted to explain how God supplied food for the Israelites in the wilderness. The calling of Bezalel demonstrates Gods regard for fine art (Ex. 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exodus 15 sermon illustrations