[140][141] Sociological research in Australia, a country with a third 'X' sex classification, shows that 19% of people born with atypical sex characteristics selected an "X" or "other" option, while 75% of survey respondents self-described as male or female (52% as women, 23% as men), and 6% as unsure. Early surgical abortion: efficacy and safety. Please note:This report has been corrected. CDC recommends that everyone who is eligible get a Jones RK, Finer LB. For the purpose of surveillance, a legal induced abortion* is defined as an intervention performed within the limits of state law by a licensed clinician (e.g., a physician, nurse-midwife, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) intended to terminate a suspected or known intrauterine pregnancy and that does not result in a live birth. Abortion Surveillance United States, 2018. Intersex people are individuals born with any of several sex characteristics including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies".. [50] Participants who were members of support groups were more likely to dislike the term. [18], As a first-year student at Harvard University in fall 1970, Stallman was known for his strong performance in Math 55. This is defined as incomplete masculinization of the external genitalia. Jones RK, Finer LB, Singh S. Characteristics of U.S. abortion patients, 2008. Contraception 2012;85:515. Finer LB, Frohwirth LF, Dauphinee LA, Singh S, Moore AM. Number of abortions per 1,000 live births. 32.1% of U.S. adults with mental illness also experienced a substance use disorder in 2020 (17 million individuals) An abortion-related death is defined as a death resulting from a direct complication of an abortion (legal or illegal), an indirect complication caused by a chain of events initiated by an abortion, or an aggravation of a preexisting condition by the physiologic or psychologic effects of abortion (52). Zane S, Creanga AA, Berg CJ, et al. [158], Intersex Awareness Day is an internationally observed civil awareness day designed to highlight the challenges faced by intersex people, occurring annually on 26 October. Continued surveillance is needed to monitor changes in abortion incidence in the United States. Percentage is based on a total of 536,518 abortions reported among the areas that met reporting standards for the number of previous live births. Obstet Gynecol 1985;66:5337. Of these abortions, 614,820 (99.2%) were from 48 reporting areas that provided data every year for 20092018. Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and people that are the "news of the day" and that informs society to at least some degree. Areas reporting by method type with unknown gestational age are included. Gamble SB, Strauss LT, Parker WY, Cook DA, Zane SB, Hamdan S. Abortion surveillanceUnited States, 2005. Delays in request for pregnancy termination: comparison of patients in the first and second trimesters. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65:7807. [180] Androgen insensitivity syndrome is the most common cause of 46, XY intersex.[180]. Reporting to the central health agency is not required. Description of System: Each year, CDC requests abortion data from the central health agencies for 50 states, the District of Columbia, [82], Stallman mentions the dangers some e-books bring compared to paper books, with the example of the Amazon Kindle e-reader that prevents the copying of e-books and allows Amazon to order automatic deletion of a book. [63], Anne Fausto-Sterling and her co-authors broadly said in 2000 that "[a]dding the estimates of all known causes of nondimorphic sexual development suggests that approximately 1.7% of all live births do not conform to a Platonic ideal of absolute sex chromosome, gonadal, genital, and hormonal dimorphism";[10][9] these publications have been widely quoted by intersex activists. Consequently, multiple reporting areas do not collect all variables requested by CDC (e.g., age and race/ethnicity) or do not report the data in a manner consistent with this guidance (e.g., gestational age). These include guidance documents and frequently asked questions (FAQs) addressing various topics, findings in the form of OHRP letters addressing regulatory issues, and other media including This condition used to be called "true hermaphroditism". [192][193][194] Such surgeries are the subject of significant contention due to consequences that include trauma, impact on sexual function and sensation, and violation of rights to physical and mental integrity. Hyattsville, MD: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics; 2012. * Data from 42 reporting areas; excludes 10 areas (California, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York State, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wyoming) that did not report, did not report by marital status, or did not meet reporting standards. She was being harmed. Reviewing these ethical principles, which serve as the foundation of the guidelines, often helps to clarify the issues involved in a given situation. Maslow's portrait is detailed and complex. For the total abortion rate only, abortions for women of unknown age were distributed according to the distribution of abortions among women of known age. CDCs category 9 weeks gestation thus includes abortions up through 9 weeks and 6 days. Questions regarding physical health include accurately assessing risk levels, necessity, and timing. "Our subjects no longer strive in the ordinary sense, but rather develop. Providing quality family planning services to LGBTQIA individuals: a systematic review. Because there is variation in all of the processes of the development of the sex organs, a child can be born with a sexual anatomy that is typically female or feminine in appearance with a larger-than-average clitoris (clitoral hypertrophy) or typically male or masculine in appearance with a smaller-than-average penis that is open along the underside. Fritz MA, Speroff L. Clinical gynecologic endocrinology and infertility: Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health; 2012. At around eight weeks of gestation, the gonads of an XY embryo differentiate into functional testes, secreting testosterone. This has been a longstanding naming controversy in the free software community. He indicates that no form of non-commercial sharing of copies should be considered a copyright violation. Stallman was responsible for contributing many necessary tools, including a text editor (GNU Emacs), compiler (GCC), debugger (GNU Debugger), and a build automator (GNU make). Abortion in the United States: incidence and access to services, 2005. [14] He had a troublesome relationship with his parents and did not feel he had a proper home. * Hereafter, all abortions in this report are considered to be legally induced unless stated otherwise. Likewise, the development of early medical abortion regimens has allowed for abortions to be performed early in gestation, with completion rates for regimens that combine mifepristone and misoprostol reaching 96%98% (7477). An abortion is defined as legal if it was performed by a licensed clinician within the limits of state law. On Unix systems, GNU Emacs's popularity rivaled that of another editor vi, spawning an editor war. He maintains that attempts by proprietary software vendors to prohibit these acts are antisocial and unethical. Self-actualization occurs when you maximize your potential, doing the best that you are capable of doing. [180][188] This condition is also called 46, XY with undervirilization. In the Dominican Republic, 5-alpha-reductase deficiency is not uncommon in the town of Las Salinas, resulting in social acceptance of the intersex trait. provided as a service to MMWR readers and do not constitute or imply 12) Despite all this, self-actualized people are not perfect. Paul ME, Mitchell CM, Rogers AJ, Fox MC, Lackie EG. He is widely acknowledged as one of the 20th century's most influential people, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule, and to Edwards J, Carson SA. the date of publication. Third, abortion data are compiled and reported to CDC by the central health agency of the reporting area in which the abortion was performed rather than the reporting area in which the woman lived. The cross-tabulations presented in this report include weeks of gestation separately by method type, by womens age group, and by race/ethnicity. Because of this it is possible for them without pose to be honestly respectful and even humble before people who can teach them something.". Pazol K, Creanga AA, Burley KD, Hayes B, Jamieson DJ. [101][102], Stallman professes admiration for Julian Assange[103] and Edward Snowden. "[146], The relationship of intersex people and communities to LGBTQ communities is complex,[147] but intersex people are often added to the LGBT acronym, resulting in the acronym LGBTI. Youth risk behavior surveillanceUnited States, 2015. [34] Since advances in surgery have made it possible for intersex conditions to be concealed, many people are not aware of how frequently intersex conditions arise in human beings or that they occur at all. [85], Stallman has suggested that the United States government may encourage the use of software as a service because this would allow them to access users' data without needing a search warrant. The adolescent abortion trends described in this report are important for monitoring progress that has been made toward reducing adolescent pregnancies in the United States. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. [15] These terms are no longer used, and terms including the word "hermaphrodite" are considered to be misleading, stigmatizing, and scientifically specious in reference to humans. In medieval and early modern European societies, Roman law, post-classical canon law, and later common law, referred to a person's sex as male, female or hermaphrodite, with legal rights as male or female depending on the characteristics that appeared most dominant. Postpartum contraceptive use among Denver-based adolescents and young adults: association with subsequent repeat delivery. Among the 42 areas that reported by marital status for 2018, 14.8% of women who obtained an abortion were married, and 85.2% were unmarried (Table 6). First, abortion surveillance can be used to help evaluate programs aimed at preventing unintended pregnancies. Abortion reporting requirements. 2) They accept themselves, together with all their flaws. Contraception 2006;74:33444. Ethical guidelines cannot address all situations that a counselor is forced to confront. Abortion surveillanceUnited States, 2009. Saving Lives, Protecting People, https://www.guttmacher.org/report/trends-characteristics-women-obtaining-abortions-1974-2004-supplemental-tables, https://www.guttmacher.org/report/abortion-incidence-service-availability-us-2017, https://www.guttmacher.org/report/characteristics-us-abortion-patients-2008, https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/characteristics-us-abortion-patients-2014.pdf, https://www.guttmacher.org/state-policy/explore/abortion-reporting-requirements, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/dvs/GuidetoCompleteFacilityWks.pdf, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/bridged_race/data_documentation.htm#july2009, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/bridged_race/data_documentation.htm#april2010, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/bridged_race/data_documentation.htm#vintage2011, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/bridged_race/data_documentation.htm#vintage2012, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/bridged_race/data_documentation.htm#vintage2013, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/bridged_race/data_documentation.htm#vintage2014, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/bridged_race/data_documentation.htm#vintage2015, http://prochoice.org/pubs_research/publications/documents/2013NAFCPGsforweb.pdf, https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/mifeprex-mifepristone-information, https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/maternal-mortality/pregnancy-mortality-surveillance-system.htm, https://www.guttmacher.org/report/impact-state-mandatory-counseling-and-waiting-period-laws-abortion-literature-review, https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/us-adolescent-pregnancy-trends-2013.pdf, https://www.guttmacher.org/report/impact-laws-requiring-parental-involvement-abortion-literature-review, https://www.guttmacher.org/report/real-time-look-impact-recession-womens-family-planning-and-pregnancy-decisions, https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/Abortion.htm, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness and Safety, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Age group in years of women obtaining legal induced abortions (<15, 1519 by individual year, 2024, 2529, 3034, 3539, or 40), Gestational age of pregnancy in completed weeks at the time of abortion (6, 720 by individual week, or 21), Race (Black, White, or other [including Asian, Pacific Islander, other races, and multiple races]), ethnicity (Hispanic or non-Hispanic), and race by ethnicity, Marital status (married [including currently married or separated] or unmarried [including never married, widowed, or divorced]), Number of previous live births (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4), Number of previous induced abortions (0, 1, 2, or 3), Residence (the state, jurisdiction, territory, or foreign country in which the woman obtaining the abortion lived, or, if additional details are unavailable, in-reporting area versus out-of-reporting area). Data from 42 reporting areas; excludes 10 reporting areas (California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Wyoming) that did not report, did not report weeks of gestation by age, or did not meet reporting standards. This shift in the legal characteristics of software was a consequence triggered by the US Copyright Act of 1976. The best-known types are copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.The modern concept of intellectual property developed in England in the 17th and 18th centuries. Timing of steps and reasons for delays in obtaining abortions in the United States. Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this. Contraception 2020;102:137. Biggs MA, Rocca CH, Brindis CD, Hirsch H, Grossman D. Did increasing use of highly effective contraception contribute to declining abortions in Iowa? [54], Stallman's staunch advocacy for free software inspired the creation of the Virtual Richard M. Stallman (vrms), software that analyzes the packages currently installed on a Debian GNU/Linux system, and reports those that are from the non-free tree. Hyattsville, MD: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics; 2012. [120][121][122], Claims for compensation and remedies for human rights abuses include the 2011 case of Christiane Vlling in Germany. [129][130][131], The Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions states that legal recognition is firstly "about intersex people who have been issued a male or a female birth certificate being able to enjoy the same legal rights as other men and women. Department of Health and Human Services. Additional details on the reporting area in which abortions were provided, cross-tabulated by the state of residence, are available at https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/Abortion.htm. [109] In 2011, Christiane Vlling became the first intersex person known to have successfully sued for damages in a case brought for non-consensual surgical intervention. Dimension 3 DISCIPLINARY CORE IDEASENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY, AND APPLICATIONS OF SCIENCE. [145], American free software activist, and founder of GNU Project, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software, International Music Score Library Project, to force the user to view certain promotional material, The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award for Social/Economic Well-Being, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniera del Per, Universidad Latinoamericana Cima de Tacna, Universidad Jos Faustino Snchez Carrin, "The Free Software Foundation Management", "Contributors (Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC))", "Richard Stallman lecture at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden", "Multics Emacs: The History, Design and Implementation", "Make Your Open Source Software GPL-Compatible. The notion of intersex individuals can be understood in the context of sexual system biology that varies across different types of organisms. Data are requested from hospitals and licensed ambulatory care facilities only. MMWR Surveill Summ 2011;60(No. From 2017 to 2018, abortion rates did not change or decreased among women aged 24 and 40 years; however, the abortion rate increased among women aged 2539 years. Data from 42 reporting areas; excludes 10 areas (California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Wyoming) that did not report, did not report by gestational age, or did not meet reporting standards. Postcensal estimates of the resident population of the United States as of July 1, 2012, by year, state and county, age, bridged race, sex, and Hispanic origin (Vintage 2012) [File pcen_v2012_y12.sasbdat]. New York, NY: Guttmacher Institute; 2009. Change in distance to nearest facility and abortion in Texas, 2012 to 2014. "[35] In some regions, obtaining any form of birth certification may be an issue. Finally, CDC reporting of sociodemographic characteristics of women obtaining abortions is limited to data collected on jurisdiction reporting forms. Ambiguous genitalia is the most common sign. Second, routine abortion surveillance is needed to assess trends in clinical practice patterns over time. [167] Hermaphroditic species (some animals and most flowering plants[168]) are represented by individuals that can express both sexes simultaneously or sequentially during their lifetimes. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2008;40:616. [58] Stallman was on the Advisory Council of Latin American television station teleSUR from its launch[59] but resigned in February 2011, criticizing pro-Gaddafi propaganda during the Arab Spring. Results: A total of 619,591 abortions for 2018 were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. Includes aspiration curettage, suction curettage, manual vacuum aspiration, menstrual extraction, sharp curettage, and dilation and evacuation procedures. In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a Finnish student, used the GNU's development tools to produce the free monolithic Linux kernel. (1953) wrote extensively about 'female pseudohermaphrodite' origins in utera, in his paper "Masculinization of Ovarian Origin, published An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Volume 60 Issue 2 pp. [130][131] The FSF board in April 12 made a statement re-affirming its decision to bring back Richard Stallman. For intersex in other animals, see, Parts of this article (those related to map) need to be, Measurement systems for ambiguous genitalia. Drey EA, Foster DG, Jackson RA, Lee SJ, Cardenas LH, Darney PD. Television, sometimes shortened to TV, is a telecommunication medium for transmitting moving images and sound. Of these, 48 reporting areas provided data each year during 20092018. Hyattsville, MD: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics; 2011. Includes dilation and curettage (aspiration curettage, suction curettage, manual vacuum aspiration, menstrual extraction, and sharp curettage) and dilation and evacuation procedures. This method was used to account for time after last menstrual period until ovulation in a standard 28-day cycle because fertilization occurs around the time of ovulation (30). "[54][55], During the Victorian era, medical authors attempted to ascertain whether or not humans could be hermaphrodites, adopting a precise biological definition for the term,[56] and making distinctions between "male pseudohermaphrodite", "female pseudohermaphrodite" and especially "true hermaphrodite". Abortion surveillance, 1972. * Gestational age based on clinicians estimate (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York City, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia); gestational age calculated from the last normal menstrual period (Oklahoma and Utah); clinicians estimate of gestation based on estimated date of conception (Virginia); probable postfertilization age (Arkansas, South Carolina, and Texas). Baldwin MK, Bednarek PH, Russo J. E Coke, The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, Institutes 8.a. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (/ n d i, n d i /; GAHN-dee; 2 October 1869 30 January 1948) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist. Bridged-race population estimates, April 1, 2010. In Western and Asian cultures, the concept of social justice has often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive their due from society. July 1, 2000July 2009 revised bridged-race intercensal population estimates. In 2018, the abortion ratio for adolescents was highest among adolescents aged <15 years (833 abortions per 1,000 live births) and was lowest among adolescents aged 17 years (336, 346, and 284 abortions per 1,000 live births among adolescents aged 17, 18, and 19 years, respectively). Efficacy of medical abortion prior to 6 gestational weeks: a systematic review. To respect your privacy, before using your Personal Data, we will inform you about the categories of Personal Data we collect and the purposes we use them for. Two medical epidemiologists independently review these reports to determine the cause of death and whether the death was abortion related. Although the rate of reported abortions declined overall from 2009 to 2018, from 2017 to 2018, the number and rate of reported abortions increased 1%, and the abortion ratio increased 2%. Views of Affected Individuals on DSD Terminology", "Decretum Gratiani (Kirchenrechtssammlung)", "Ovotesticular Disorder of Sexual Development", "Is a person who is intersex a hermaphrodite? The earliest written evidence is a Linear B clay tablet found in Messenia that dates to between 1450 and 1350 BC, making Greek the world's oldest recorded living language.Among the Indo-European languages, its date of earliest written attestation is matched only by the now Births in the United States, 2017. It is occasionally possible for them to make out of the most trivial and routine activity an intrinsically enjoyable game or dance or play.". Kapp N, Baldwin MK, Rodriguez MI. Creinin MD, Edwards J. By then, much of the GNU system had been completed. Ventura SJ. The primary stage classically presents with a single chancre (a firm, painless, non-itchy skin ulceration usually between 1 cm [File icen_2000_09_y08.sas.zip]. These data are reported to monitor any changes in clinical practice that might have occurred with the accumulation of evidence on the safety and effectiveness of medical abortion past 63 days of gestation (8 completed weeks) (47), changes in professional practice guidelines published in 2013 and 2014 (48,49), and the 2016 FDA extension of the gestational age limit for the use of mifepristone for early medical abortion from 63 days to 70 days (9 completed weeks gestation) (50). Symbolics recruited most of the remaining hackers including notable hacker Bill Gosper, who then left the AI Lab. All HTML versions of MMWR articles are generated from final proofs through an automated process. SS-15). ** Reporting to the central health agency is not required. They neither accept all, like a sheep, nor reject all, like the average rebel. Everyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or 5. Patent law was intended to encourage publication of ideas, at the price of finite monopolies over these ideas a price that may be worth paying in some fields and not in others. The characteristics and prior contraceptive use of U.S. abortion patients. The notable omission was a kernel. Multiple factors influence the incidence of abortion, including access to health care services and contraception (85,86,88,89); the availability of abortion providers (8,11,16,9093); state regulations, such as mandatory waiting periods (69,94,95), parental involvement laws (96,97), and legal restrictions on abortion providers (98102); increasing acceptance of nonmarital childbearing (103,104); and changes in the economy and the resulting impact on fertility and contraceptive use (105). As a result, aggregate measures for 2018 in trend analyses might differ from the point estimates reported for 2018. Grossman D, Baum S, Fuentes L, et al. These measurement systems were satirized in the Phall-O-Meter, created by the (now defunct) Intersex Society of North America. The data in this report are presented by the reporting area in which the abortions were performed. Number of abortions obtained by women in a given age group per 1,000 live births to women in that same age group. A summary of data for the 49 reporting areas that provided data voluntarily to CDC for 2017 is available (Supplementary Tables; https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/96608). New York, NY: Ayer Company Publishers, Inc.; 2018:779827. JAMA 2017;317:4379. Medical interventions take place to address physical health concerns and psychosocial risks. "There are no perfect human beings! However, the abortion ratio among women aged 40 years continues to be higher than among women aged 2539 years. [56], In 1999, Stallman called for development of a free online encyclopedia through the means of inviting the public to contribute articles. Obstet Gynecol 2017;129:65562. This experience convinced Stallman of people's need to be able to freely modify the software they use. In 1992, developers at Lucid Inc. doing their own work on Emacs clashed with Stallman and ultimately forked the software into what would become XEmacs. Two weeks were added to the probable postfertilization age to provide a corresponding measure to gestational age based on the clinicians estimate. The national legal induced abortion case-fatality rate for 20132017 was fewer than 1 per 100,000 abortions, as it was for all the previous 5-year periods since the late 1970s, demonstrating the low risk for death associated with legal induced abortion. [73] Before the ThinkPad T400s, Stallman used a Thinkpad X60 with Libreboot and Trisquel GNU/Linux. [132], Like all individuals, some intersex individuals may be raised as a certain sex (male or female) but then identify with another later in life, while most do not. Number of abortions per 1,000 live births. * Data from 43 reporting areas; excludes nine areas (California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York State, Wisconsin, and Wyoming) that did not report, did not report by number of previous live births, or did not meet reporting standards. And an hermaphrodite (which is also called Androgynus) shall be heire, either as male or female, according to that kind of sexe which doth prevaile. [151] Mauro Cabral has written that transgender people and organizations "need to stop approaching intersex issues as if they were trans issues", including use of intersex conditions and people as a means of explaining being transgender; "we can collaborate a lot with the intersex movement by making it clear how wrong that approach is".[152]. [27], Infants, children and adolescents also experience "normalising" interventions on intersex persons that are medically unnecessary and the pathologisation of variations in sex characteristics. This usage has fallen out of favor and in any case was technically incorrect. [126] In a post on his website, Stallman asserted that his posts to the email lists were not to defend Epstein, stating "Nothing could be further from the truth. Adolescents aged 1314 years were used as the denominator for the group of adolescents aged <15 years, and women aged 4044 years were used as the denominator for the group of women aged 40 years. Percentage is based on a total of 372,077 abortions reported among the areas that met reporting standards for race/ethnicity. It marks the first public demonstration by intersex people, which took place in Boston on 26 October 1996, outside a venue where the American Academy of Pediatrics was holding its annual conference.[159]. Medical management of first-trimester abortion. Second, many states use abortion reporting forms that differ from the technical guidance that CDC developed in collaboration with the National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems. Abortion-related mortality in the United States: 19982010. Many who deny, dismiss, or hold unwarranted doubt about the [107] Early interventions have adverse consequences for psychological and physical health. In addition, some areas collect gestational age data that are based on estimated date of conception or probable postfertilization age, which are not consistent with medical conventions for gestational age reporting. Health Soc Work 2019;44:1321. Among 48 reporting areas with data each year during 20092018, in 2018, a total of 614,820 abortions were reported, the abortion rate was 11.3 abortions per 1,000 women aged 1544 years, and the abortion ratio was 189 abortions per 1,000 live births. [48], In October 2019, a public statement signed by 33 maintainers of the GNU project asserted that Stallman's behaviour had "undermined a core value of the GNU project: the empowerment of all computer users" and called for "GNU maintainers to collectively decide about the organization of the project". [111][112] More recently, he stated that he accesses all web sites via Tor, except for Wikipedia (which generally disallows editing from Tor unless users have an IP block exemption).

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