We need to ensure that on whatever day statewide and local elections occur, every person in California who is registered to vote actually has an opportunity to do so. "It's very intuitive-based. Read more. One has to ask why in the world would Tesla shoot itself in the foot like this? We must ensure all laws, procedures, and chains of custody are followed so as not to usurp the will of California voters. Will that be sufficient to accomplish all that you have outlined to improve the lives of Californians? The Contract with Californians should inspire us to consider what is possible when we work together to rebound from Newsoms thoroughly abusive reign of terror as a California that our children, and the children of our children, can thrive in. Reinette sounds more like a Trump-zombie every day cant helpbut woinder if she also thinks climate-change is a hoax, or not worth the economic cost to try to slow it down dont let the door hit you on the way out. Partner And Husband Probably, Reinette Senum is not married. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. It was my objective, through risk assessment, public outreach, and a daily hands-on approach, to prepare Nevada City for an unpredictable future. My second term was very different from my first. Real Public Health and Individual Wellbeing. There are actually a lot of similarities between my great grandfather and me, aside from the Alaska trip but one thing that I know that I have that he never had: 100 years of perspective. Sadly, such traits are often times lacking in our society. Reinette Senum is one of the founders of APPLE (Alliance for a Post-Petroleum Local Economy) dedicated to educating the community on the effects of oil depletion/global warming and the benefits of strong, local economy. Holding the record for being the first woman to ski across Alaksa solo, Reinette Senum experience is the epitome of the Hero's Journey. In recognition of Senum receiving the Col. William H. Bill Lambert Award were rebroadcasting that interview. Special emphasis will be given to investments supporting the expansion of regenerative farming practices, providing carbon sequestration, and revitalizing Main Street businesses and manufacturing, as well as addressing the housing crisis. Yes, and my perspective on this is different than most. Ultimately, lessons learned along the trail would become the catalyst for Reinette's community work later in life. Organic, regenerative agriculture, and sustainable farming practices are an important part of your platform; can you explain why you this is important not just for our state but our world at this time? What are your thoughts on that? Also, because of this, and since my recent Facebook post regarding the overreach of the Governor, I find it imperative that I continue to make a stand. Common Sense Education. I have learned from his right and from his wrong actions, and Ive made a conscientious choice to leave the wrong decisions behind and continue on with what is righteous and good for future generations. This is not about any one individual. Reinette Senum is on Facebook. Within the first 100 days of my administration, I will work with all willing members of the legislature to pass legislation to massively expand the use of the I-Bank to help jumpstart our economy at every level. denied parole to Sirhan Sirhan," says California gubernatorial candidate Reinette Senum. She had been reelected in March. This is where the Seventh Generation Principle comes in. We need to stop spending 5% interest on our bond indebtedness to line the pockets of Wall Street and start investing our money much more efficiently and effectively within California. But the damage youve done, putting vulnerable peoples lives at risk, certainly outweighs the good. His son, Frederick Funston, a major general, would find himself getting yanked off the US Presidential ticket as the VP running mate of Theodore Roosevelt -- because Frederick could not stop being a human foghorn; touting a new foreign-policy known as American imperialism expansionism. California welcomed African Americans, whereas neighboring states like Oregon wrote anti-black laws into their state constitution, outlawing even the admittance of African Americans to the state. While Reinette and I have differing views on some subjects and similar views on others, I have always appreciated her positive attitude towards debate, her willingness to happily listen to others viewpoints which may differ from hers, and her general positive demeanor. Can you speak from your heart as to why you are taking on this next challenge and what it means to you? Beyond drug costs, far too many Californians are simply taking way too many prescription drugs. Get a code sent to your email to sign in, or sign in using a password. Biography Reinette Senum was born in San Francisco, California. As Governor, I would dedicate myself to rectifying this, and ensuring all Indigenous people are provided appropriate education, social services, employment, housing, and healthcare. This round of interviews includes Israeli human rights lawyer and activist, Tamir Turgal, and Israeli, Ilana Rachel, whose audio-file-call-for-help was heard around the world. Why Wont My Kief Press into Templeballs? Reinette Senum has recently decided to run for Governor of California. An account was already registered with this email.Please check your inbox for an authentication link. Listen to your Doctor, they have the correct/evidence based opinion for you. However, as a city council, we still managed to approve a solar farm so as to meet our 100% renewable energy goals as a city, and we approved a five-level, 190-space parking structure with 6,000 square feet of storefront, solar, EV charging stations, and the ability to transform into an extreme weather shelter for the homeless or now that fires are more catastrophic, anyone for that matter. When attempting to get opinions on healthcare you would ask a Physician. As a born and raised Californian, I love this state and also know how special it is to not just the rest of the United States of America; the whole world dreams of The Golden State. In spite of all of this, I have had the great pleasure of finding creative solutions such as the Goat Fund Me, mentoring the Future of Nevada County group, annual city-wide cleanings, and of course, most recently, converting our street parking into outdoor dining. We must and we will do better at empowering Californians to be free to make their own choices regarding their own health and well-being. Youd be best to throw that gas generator in the back of your Tesla if you run out of luck! You suggest a resource extraction severance fee to fund your proposed rejuvenation of the Economic Development Bank and to jump-start an expansion of the Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts. , Eight months ago, after resigning before beginning my third term as a Nevada City City Council Member, I began interviewing medical experts from different respective fields, regarding Covid. Join Reinette as we get the latest from CHD CA founder and national board member, Alix Mayer. While general participation in the bond market has fallen over the years, I would like to encourage all Californians invest in our future and not just the wealthiest and most elite sector of the state. Food and Farms. The achievement gap starts in school, and plays out over the course of a lifetime; the gap doesnt just magically disappear when our students are graduated from high school. Oct 10. Please. If elected governor, I will support the Parole Board and push for his release." "The evidence has been ample for decades that Sirhan did not kill Robert F. Kennedy," says Ms. Senum. Second, we also must remove the exceedingly low financing caps that prevent the I-bank from supporting any projects of real significance. It was less proactive and more reactive to constant crisis: PG&E blackouts, the threat of fire, homeowners insurance policy cancellations, rising homelessness, and the entangled process of cannabis and wireless ordinances. Its a cultural shift, actually. I had never seen such an over-handed reach of government! Because I know how and when to make a stand, get in the ring, or work towards common ground and solutions. There is a frayed relationship between police forces and certain segments of their communities, and there is a deep need for change in policing culture, accountability, training, policies, and practices. Nobody ever guessed that the average age of our local customer would be 55 years old. Also, open businesses cannot survive if their employees get sick and half of their customers cannot patronize them because they and/or their customers do not follow science based practices that protect all of us. We have all experienced this in our interactions with the medical system. Interestingly, in the World Court, there was one question and one question only that determined whether or not a decision maker was guilty of a crime against humanity, and this question was, What Did you Know By When? What happened to our compassion, empathy, and inquiry? Our young people, our lands and waters, our communities, our creativity, and our finances we must protect the most vulnerable while supporting everyones sovereign right to thrive in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How would you feel if you knew sensors are rolling out to be installed, On March 17th, the City of Nevada City (California) received an alarming letter from the League of California Cities (LCC). Because of this, and because the overwhelming data, I cannot support the mask mandate or any continued lockdown, or the threat of returning to Stage 1 or 2. We must tend to all the states resources with care, efficiency, and wisdom. Cannabis offers the possibility of both incredible innovation and high access. The damage to programs intended to improve rates of equity in education among Californias students must be remedied. He and I are completely isolated in our home because of those who do not honor the science of this illness and the protections masks have been proven to provide. I have been doing this for nearly 20 years and plan on continuing my good work for the rest of my life. If the virus doesnt have a human host to go to it will die out but so many people have made this political or about the constitution when its about the safety of our community and our town being able to stay open and not endure another shutdown. The Nevada City Chamber of Commerce. The ACLU and SPLC were created largely as responses to the inequitable application of civil rights and I believe in their mission to combat systemic bigotry; if the law were being applied equitably, organizations like the ACLU and SPLC wouldnt be necessary. Any hostile statements, name-calling, unnecessary gang-stalking, hair-pulling, or shin-kicking will not be tolerated. Unfortunately, I was not able to pull it off during that visit, but Reinette was on my radar and I started to dig up Betty Louise, Co-Project Director, A Place To Call Home. Print NEVADA CITY, Calif. July 8, 2020 - During the reorganization of the city council, outgoing mayor Reinette Senum stunned her colleagues by declining to serve the 2020-2024 term. It must be stated, that our county and elected officials, and heads of county departments, can expect a massive legal backlash because of all of this. We would be fools not to. This sure takes a bite outta Californias Governor Newsoms attempt to force the state to transition to all-electric vehicles by 2035. In fact, I want to not only see regenerative farming at the forefront of Californias economy, but the cannabis industry to play a large role in this as well. There were 2 ordinances that I worked on throughout this last term, both ridiculously difficult: our cannabis ordinance and telecommunications ordinance. Now you can rail against the police, complain about high speed internet and smart meters, rant about our governor and the advise of medical experts, continue calling citizens in town bad names with insulting adjectives, and believe in conspiracy theories that you post on social media without insinuating you speak for all of us as our elected official. Like many times before, I went to this platform to upload my story/video, and this one, unlike all the others, will not upload. The Nevada City Chamber of Commerce presents the Kilroy award, established in 1969, annually to a citizen whose efforts help make Nevada City a better community. Yes, I would. And we have thousands of potential entrepreneurs and boutique business owners that would like to enter the market, and simply cant afford it; we can change that. Closing the achievement gap at schools leads to improved performance among other markers beyond post-secondary education, like improved health and employment outcomes. Much of your work is about being conscientious of those who came before you and the seven generations who will come after you. {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. Senum, whose expeditions have ranged from Mount Kilimanjaro to the Alaskan Gulf, retells her tale of life at the final frontier in "Alaska Revisited," a one-woman show that chronicles her experience of becoming the first woman to cross Alaska solo while filming the entire journey for National Geographic. We also built a fleet of 40 micro-houses on wheels, and I spent 3 years, personally, wheeling those micro-homes out into the woods, wherever the homeless were. Why would we do this to ourselves? It is overdue and I have written about, How would you feel if you knew that an untested technology is being deployed across America with no government oversight, no transparency, no public input, no regulations, and no long-term studies on health and environmental impacts? The bill was attempting to supersede local authority, force cities to rent out any lamppost, telephone pole or right of way (or county building) to telecoms to place their cell towers as they saw fit. How can we not consider the repercussion of sending our children in to a type of prison-like setting when returning to school? Agriculture is not a threat to our environment, and farmers are some of the best allies to natural resources stewardship. Its about all of us. At least some gas/diesel stations now have backup generators to keep the pumps going for a while. This ultimately abolished all treaty-making. Jan 2015. Cannabis farmers can take the lead in this. No one complains when adhering to other health mandates like No shirt, No Shoes, No Service, Smoking 20ft away from a building or Employees washing their hands after using the bathroom and yet a simple mask has caused so much controversy when its meant to save lives and stop the spread of the virus. Host James Grundvig and Maria discuss the recent Georgia Primary . Bye, bye!! The Nevada City Chamber of Commerce presents the Kilroy award, established in 1969, annually to a citizen whose efforts help make Nevada City a better community. I paint houses for a living, and I have a cat. 0 subscriptions will be displayed on your profile (edit). Affirmative Action was always intended to create access just because someone opens the door to the University of California to an African American student doesnt mean they are also handing out degrees; that degree must be earned by the same merits as every other degree. This saves the good citizens of Nevada City spending a lot of time and money getting you recalled. And where is your compassion for people like my husband who is recovering from a bone marrow transplant after surviving leukemia at 62? Former mayor and community leader Reinette Senum has been named recipient of the 2014 Elza Kilroy Award for outstanding community service. We do . I am delighted to see our youth step into their power. Thank you for resigning. When students in Crenshaw and Guadalupe receive the same amount of funding as the students in Carmel, Palo Alto, and Santa Monica-Malibu, I think we will see measurable improvements in achievement. The opinions expressed by The Foghorn Express are Reinette Senum's, alone, and do not reflect the opinions of the City of Nevada City, its council members or staff, any associations, organizations, boards, commenters, or their pets any bodies of any sort, whatsoever. Senum's term as mayor was up Wednesday, though she still had four more years on the council after being one of three winners in the March election. Here we have one such gas station owner, LB, closing down his charging station for failing to receive payment from Tesla. They called her Fruitcake but now she is referred to as a modern day Wonder Woman. You have decided to run for governor of California; can you tell us a bit more about what brought you to this important decision and some of the issues that you seek to address in running and holding office? I didnt know that Tesla has not been paying some of its partners since November 2021 who installed Tesla charging stations on their commercial properties. I am deeply disturbed that our Governor continues to hold us over a barrel. Native American, Chinese, Mexican, Spanish, Russian, Northern and Western Europeans all inhabited the territory at the dawn of statehood, and African Americans came west to California in search of the freedom to dream as well. They wont respond to his inquiries and LBs demand for back payments. You have all done a tremendous job navigating these turbulent times. Tuesday June 7, 2022 State of California Candidate for Governor Next Contest Reinette Senum Former 2-time mayor and council member 52,761 votes (0.7%) My choice Candidate has provided information. ; Bioneers Conference Media Watch keynote addresses, panel discussions, performances and more from visionary innovators. To name a few. I find it appalling that the hundreds of individuals who have reached out to me have been regularly ignore by their representatives; citizens and business owners who are in crisis, individuals who are losing their businesses and homes, their jobs, their savings, and life, as they know it. Agriculture generates 9% of Californias greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), which makes it the states fourth-largest emitter, after transportation, industry, and buildings. This must stop. Early historical documents demonstrate that weve always been a multicultural place. Real public health has been under attack for decades by a corporate, multinational industry that is primarily concerned with profit, not peoples health. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. We can truly protect the vulnerable without trashing anybodys constitutional rights, and there are terrifically effective protocols for dealing with the virus that is affordable and readily available. I knew lines were getting long at the Tesla charging stations. to put the then-revolutionary power of the Internet into the hands of our foothill and mountain communities, YubaNet.com delivers daily news to the Sierra, from the Sierra. I ran for local office in 2008 and received the most votes in the 150-year history of the city. The economic, and psychological and emotional damage we are enduring completely outweighs any of the benefits. Hopefully her supporters will resign too. Of course, one such topic that has recently been raised is around the mask mandate by the Governor. My Great Great Grandfather Edward Funston's Congressional campaign was "Foghorn Funston, the Farmer's Friend." Former mayor and community leader Reinette Senum has been named recipient of the 2014 Elza Kilroy Award for outstanding community service. Thank you for at least having the good sense to realize your time is up. Get High Quality Filter Bags, DIAMOND MINING WITH LIVE RESIN : A step by step guide to the recrystallization process, WATER HASH 101: Plus 6 methods for DIY Water Hash, Pressing freeze-dried Jah Goo hash into a templeball, Pressing Old School Hashish into New School Templeball. Reinette Senum is joined by Citizen-Sluether #2, Kathryn Saari, who has done a fantastic job deep-diving into Kill-Bill's latest mosquito adventure. Click the link we sent to , or click here to sign in. I wanted to change that. If a voters first choice is eliminated, their vote instantly goes to their second choice. Ensuring accessibility and entree into the cannabis industry at every level is key. Ultimately, I made the decision to step down to step up, though I really didnt fully know what that was going to look like at the time. Your financial contribution supports our efforts to deliver quality, locally relevant journalism. According to city staff and counsel, no resignation letter has been submitted at this time. And while I am not stepping down, I am stepping up. Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. We must advocate for more affordable therapies and for pricing transparency. Many Californians find themselves existing within the laws authority but outside its protection. Our site uses cookies. by Susan Soares, Recapping A Historic International Cannabis Business Conference In Berlin, California Cannabis Exhibit to Open at CA State Fair & Food Festival July 15-31, Inaugural Womens CannaCup Powered By CannaGram Launches, Cover Crops: the Organic Gardeners Green Manure, Make Your Own Fertilizer: Bokashi Food Waste Recycling, Verified Genetics 89 Purple Afghani x Bumble Kat, Afro Canada Budsistas Inspire Industry Change, A Q&A With The Film-Makers Behind JACKs GARAGE The Cannabis Documentary Big Pharma doesnt want you to see, Humble And Fume Introduces Mellow Fellows Sophisticated New Take On Traditional Rasta Smoking Methods To Canadian Cannabis Consumers, Whitney Heckford Blazing Trails in Cannabiz, Busting up Election Stress w/ Weed Workout, Differentiating Between Dank White Hash and Blank White Hash, Five Intriguing Questions for Chris Marroquin, Director of Manufacturing/Rove. Unrestricted Truths interviews Maria Zack & Reinette Senum. But it is a beginning and a strong one. Educational opportunities have always been the largest equalizer in this nation, and I think California should provide robust funding of education across the board: pre-k through university and trades. I was blessed to sit down with Reinette and her partner Susan in Nevada City, and I believe you will find her as inspiring as I do. The Nevada . And all our dollars stay right here, in California. This way, the ultimate tally determines which of the top candidates has real majority support. Five Crisp Questions for Sara Stewart- The Foremost Expert On Cannabis consumption Lounges. We have to talk about the very valid concerns that motivate todays police reform movement, and focus on reforming California policing; more reform, less de-fund. Period. Reinette was born in San Francisco on April 10, 1966. In 1871, the Indian Appropriations Act withdrew federal recognition of Native Nations as separate political entities that had contracted through treaties with the United States. The Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy the Great Law of the Iroquois played heavily in the creation of the US Constitution. We have allowed this state to fall into complete disrepair and we are at an unacceptable level of crisis. I have now spent this last year consulting with a diversity of world-renowned doctors, lawyers, and health experts and it has become apparent that critical data, therapies, and solutions are not being shared with the public. Nevada City council member Reinette Senum, whose controversial Facebook comments in the wake of the Dallas shooting incited widespread condemnation from the public, as . . We've recently sent you an authentication link. How To Make THCVape Juice: A Complete Guide on E-liquids, March 2021 Update Shrooms, Weed, and LEDs, Solo Chillum Sesh with 5 year aged Larry OG Hashish. Help us achieve our mission of creating a more informed world with a one-time or recurring subscription today. Podcast: Play in new window. NEVADA CITY, Calif. (KTXL) Hundreds of letters calling for Mayor Reinette Senum's resignation have poured into the Nevada City Council in recent weeks and, Wednesday night, she answered those. 1: a horn (as on a ship) sounded in a fog to give warning. generators to keep the pumps going for a while. California was admitted to the Union as a free, non-slavery state by the Compromise of 1850. Reinette Senum (independent) ran for election for Governor of California. Reinette Senum Aug 18 12 4 The letter below was sent to me by a front-line medical worker yesterday who has requested to remain anonymous. Yes, Reinette, youve implemented some creative programs. She moved up to Nevada County in 1971 as a small child and has had the great fortune of living most of her life in Nevada County . The Foghorn Express is a forum that is open to debate and hypothesis but believes it is up to each and every citizen to draw his/her conclusions. In the course of the last 4 years, we have weathered broad sweeping and damaging PSPS events, the threat of catastrophic fires, massive home owner insurance policy cancellations, loss of businesses, tax revenue, and rising global turmoil. And while a majority voted me in last February, I will kindly decline my position on the council for the 2020/24 term. In fact, I had just won my third election for the Nevada City City Council in February of 2020. 22. I could see what was happening in our local government around COVID-19 and it was very disturbing. Under my Contract with Californians, our children the future of our state are at the center of our wheel, but each spoke in the wheel counts. What is your position on reparations for the descendants of enslaved Africans in the U.S.? This included MDs on the frontlines, oncologists, integrative physicians, PhDs, OSHA experts, etc, regarding perspectives that werent getting the media coverage as, March 24, 2018 |Reinette Senum On this day, Saturday, March 24th, 2018, a day that students are rising across the nation marching against the NRA, I want to share my thoughts. The only question in the June 7 gubernatorial election is who will be the the second highest vote-getter and make the Nov. 8 runoff with him. How can we not consider the loss of customers due to those who do or dont want to wear a mask when entering a business? Sustainability, and creating a clear path forward had never been part of the conversation at the city council table. If we structure a new California Main Street Micro Loan and Grant Program to funnel quick money to families and individuals with a dream and a need, we will spur a massive wave of new sustainable local economic growth, for pennies on the dollar compared to what were paying in interest right now. Naomi Wolf Interviews Reinette Senum, Candidate for Governor of California May 10, 2022 Reinette Senum for California Governor 2022 In this interview, with DailyClout's Naomi Wolf, Reinette Senum describes her background in community development, energy conservation, and creating practical solutions to empower the cultural shift in California. Related Items from SGT Report: THE LAST CHANCE TO SAVE CALIFORNIA . Later on, those respective homeowners attempted to sue the U.S. Army and my great grandfather, and they lost. This is the standard, myself, community members, legal teams, and citizens around the world will be holding our current leaders to. by Sheila Sherman Opened a dispensary Francisco after the 1906 earthquake 2014 Col. William H. quot. Hall staff really get the most votes in the ring, or launching and creating crowdfunding campaigns, gathering. Getting long at the City council table Toys will promptly be removed and Zack & amp ; as from Newsom, a Democrat who has community service so as to! Tangibly understand the meaning and power of legacy portion of your Tesla if you run out of respectful At Home orders in March, the ultimate tally determines which of the 2014 Elza Award Affiliates with, this site requires JavaScript to run for Governor of California a Fruitcake, but like. Their original and ancestral homelands Mayor of Nevada City the first to devise an official 20-year city-sanctioned vision Am delighted to see our youth step into their power at the Tesla charging stations keep! 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