The Free Corps Denmark (Danish: Frikorps Danmark) was a Danish volunteer free corps created by the Danish Nazi Party (DNSAP) in cooperation with Nazi Germany, to fight . Captain Giercke was preparing his part to make them so back at his base. This did not take long in coming. Over 80 years ago, on April 9, 1940, neutral Denmark was invaded by the Nazis on orders from Adolf Hitler. The next day, the British made their own move regarding Norway, mining its territorial waters. Yes quite a Meme based on that the 75,000,000 Asexuals can overthrow the Danish Army of 92,000 so that the population of Asexuals can all fit into the Free State to create a Utopia for Asexuals to be free from Acephobia and form a sexless country. The German invasion of Denmark (German: Operation Weserbung - Sd), was the German attack on Denmark on 9 April 1940, during the Second World War.The attack was a prelude to the invasion of Norway (German: Weserbung Nord, 9 April - 10 June 1940).. Denmark's strategic importance for Germany was limited. At a banquet inside Copenhagens Amalienbord Palace, by contrast, the 70-year-old King Christian X, who had ruled since 1912, dismissed talk of war, heading off to the Royal Theater to laugh his way through Shakespeares The Merry Wives of Windsor. The engines were repeatedly checked. On the day prior to the assault, the Danish military had informed the Danish government that Germany was amassing troops on the border. Denmark is not the watchdog of Scandinavia. In a coordinated operation, German ships began disembarking troops at the docks in . On 18 June 1940, an agreement was reached. Now he, in effect, put the whole Danish Navy on leave. The sergeant major gathered the company. If they wanted to show Hitler that Denmark was no threat, they also showed it would be no problem if the time for invasion ever came. The atmosphere was not tense, but rather ordered and tranquil. Grabbing bicycles, the paratroopers pedaled down to the bridge, captured it without resistance, and soon, as planned, linked up with advancing Wehrmacht units. After recent negotiations with the people of Denmark to join the Kingdom of Sweden have failed, the Kingdom of Sweden has launched an invasion of the country in order to create a economically and politically stronger Scandinavian kingdom. By the time they were having breakfast, they found themselves in the middle of it, and Denmark's resistance, as little as it was, was already over. On 9 April, the German invasion was under way, and the execution of Plan R 4 was promptly started. The order also included the invasion and occupation of Denmark. A . The three border guards attempting to resist had been shot. Ostensibly undertaken as a preventive maneuver against a planned, and openly discussed Franco-British plan to occupy Norway, Operation Weserbung has, more than any other . However, the government in Copenhagen decided that the German military superiority was too great to justify further resistance. It was the last good laugh for the king for five long, dismal years. After some beer with him, he showed me the quarters of the commanders, the military offices, the telephone exchange, the watch posts, and the old gates by the north and south entrances.. Renthe-Fink left, calling Hitler a man without honor, as his own government had used his personal honor. What is the point? asked Prime Minister Thorvald Stauning. That would force the ore transports to travel through the open waters of the North Sea, where the Royal Navy could intercept them. He has written for WWII History on a variety of topics. This incident occurred in Odense, the third-largest city in Denmark. With the crisis looming, Rechnitzer had sent some of his best commanders on sudden leave the day before. The troops have not fought at all! Prior angrily answered, unaware of the scattered resistance across Jutland. The killing of a Danish Resistance member led to a general strike, paralyzing all of Denmark while 200 acts of sabotage occurred. The new Allied plans were Wilfred and Plan R 4. Following the arrest of Danish resistance members, civilians erupt in anger and attack German troops while turning over a military van. By the time the invasion forces arrived at the king's residence, the King's Royal Guard had been alerted and other reinforcements were on their way to the palace. When it was rejected with just 15 minutes left, the Germans dismissed the fiction of the protectorate, imposed martial law, confined the king in his palace, dismissed the government, and moved against the Danish military. In Warsaw, they shot at us. The German invasion of Denmark and Norway began on 9 April 1940. Their plan called for a force to land in Narvik, in northern Norway, the main port for Swedish iron ore exports and then to take control of the Malmbanan railway line from Narvik to Lule in Sweden on the shore of the Gulf of Bothnia. Significant differences in geography, location and climate between the two nations made the actual military operations very dissimilar. A raid was narrowly averted, called off just in time after a code was misread and thought to be authorizing the bombing. In just a few hours, the German Army had overwhelmed Denmark's army and navy, and . The contempt spread abroad, fueled by the scenes of curiosity fraudulently presented by the Germans as friendly fraternization, announcing no casualties to give the image that they had been unopposed. Initially, the plan was to invade Norway and to gain control of Danish airfields by diplomatic means. The merry monarch of the night before was now a miserable one, pale, trembling, likely in shock, close to fainting. This is a short essay on the invasion of Denmark, it wont tell you anything new but it is worth a read if you are stuck on a train or a bus for a short while. The German diplomat warned that Copenhagen would be bombed if the Danes did not surrender. 0. ID Cards. Must Reads. Resistance to the invaders had been sporadic, mainly limited to displays of Danish cultural identity or scattered acts of sabotage. Not smart in appearance, perhaps, but they are tough and crack shots, a German colonel conceded about these determined, scrappy Danes. ", "The objectives were to take Narvik, the railroad, and the Swedish ore fields","an intercepted radio message setting 14 March as the deadline for preparation of transport groups indicated that the Allied operation was getting under way. Manning a 20mm Madsen rapid-fire cannon, a Danish gun crew stands vigil at a crossroads in the town of Abenra, Denmark, 16 miles from the German frontier. Our database is searchable by subject and updated continuously. At 4:15 on the morning of 9 April 1940, German forces crossed the border into neutral Denmark, in direct violation of a German-Danish treaty of non-aggression signed the previous year. With Jesper Christensen, Bodil Jrgensen, Mads Reuther, Gustav Dyekjr Giese. That itself violated Norwegian neutrality. The rapid Danish capitulation resulted in the uniquely-lenient occupation of Denmark, particularly until the summer of 1943, and in postponing the arrest and deportation of Danish Jews until nearly all of them were warned and on their way to refuge in neutral Sweden. The invasion of Norway. The light at this time of day made it almost impossible to distinguish sky from the sea in the mix of clouds and darkness. The final plan was codenamed "Operation Weserbung" on 27 January 1940. The Danes vowed, Aldrig mere 9 April (Never Again an April 9) and abandoned neutrality to help found NATO in 1949. The soldiers moved like shadows on the runway. The other two Scandinavian countries [Norway, Sweden] have at least a ditch over which they can defy the tiger. One company of Danish troops escaped, taking the regular morning ferry to Sweden. We could also see the road, as well as the railway line which crossed the island. INT, airplane loaded with troops and bicycles. Instead, the British Cabinet voted to proceed with the mining operation in Norwegian waters, followed by troop landings. Sabotage continued, and the Germans reacted ruthlessly, with more than 1,000 Danes murdered in the streets or even in their homes by terror gangs of Gestapo agents or criminal collaborators. April 9, 1940 Denmark - Norway. Truck drivers coming back from Hamburg reported rolling past German troops for 30 miles. At the time Ambassador Renthe-Fink and Foreign Minister Munch were facing each other, a German passenger ship turned troop transport, the Hansestadt Danzig, was sliding unimpeded through Copenhagen Harbor. Author John W. Osborn, Jr., is resident of Laguna Niguel, California. Danish airfields were recognized as vital for any Norwegian campaign. Introduction The German invasion of Denmark (German: Operation Weserbung - Sd) was the German attack on Denmark on 09 April 1940, during the Second World War. At 8.30pm the Norwegian destroyer ger was attacked and sunk outside Stavanger by ten Junkers Ju 88 bombers, after it sank the German cargo ship MSRoda. But Prior proved to be the lone voice of resistance. In 2005, the archives of the Danish gun manufacturer revealed that the Germans admitted they had 200 casualties in those few hours in Jutland, contradicting the legend of no resistance by the Danes. Background Second World War. The attack on Denmark was planned as a part of the German Operation Weserbung Sd - the German plan for an invasion of Norway. By the time it was signed on May 31, 1939, though, Hitlers blatant violation of the Munich Pact and march into Prague two months earlier left no doubt what Hitlers word was worth. Considering its status as a minor nation bordering Germany, it was also seen as a country that would have to fall at some point. He phoned the information in code to Hamburg, then finally arranged for a truck to be on the Langelinie in two daysat the odd hour of 4 am. Their helmets were also the best in human history. It would slowly dawn on the Germans just what was behind the veneer of customary Danish courtesy. In December 1939, the United Kingdom and France began serious planning for sending aid to Finland. Denmark had, improbably, manufactured some of the best 20mm and 37mm antitank guns in the world. From the harbour, the Germans moved toward Amalienborg Palace to capture the Danish royal family. Danes got the message about how to act toward the Germans. The Germans were driven out of Narvik on 28 May, but the deteriorating situation on the European continent made the Allied troops withdraw in Operation Alphabet, and on 9 June, the Germans recaptured Narvik, which was also now abandoned by civilians because of massive Luftwaffe bombing. In the east, there was the Soviet Union, the successor of Sweden's and Finland's archenemy, Russia, on friendly terms with Hitler under the terms of the MolotovRibbentrop Pact. The German invasion was very swift. Norway was important to Germany for two primary reasons: as a base for naval units, including U-boats, to weaken Allied shipping in the North Atlantic, and to secure shipments of iron ore from Sweden through the port of Narvik. In the early hours of 9 April 1940, Adolf Hitler's forces made their next move of the Second World War, and, striking north, launched their invasion of Denmark and Norway. See one of the shortest invasions in human history finally mapped out evey 5 minutes. Fifteen minutes earlier in Copenhagen, Foreign Minister Munch was awakened in his ministry apartment by a call informing him that Renthe-Fink was already on his way for an urgent meeting. On 19 August 1940, Finland agreed to grant access to its territory for the Wehrmacht, with the agreement signed on 22 September. The invasion of Denmark lasted less than six hours and was the shortest military campaign conducted by the Germans during the war. Meanwhile, Prior and Rechnitzer had made their way to Amalienborg to find their civilian counterparts, who were scared by the sound of scattered shots outside and on the phone with Ambassador Renthe-Fink in desperate dialogue. In October 1939, the chief of the German Kriegsmarine, Grand Admiral Erich Raeder, discussed with Adolf Hitler the danger posed by potential British bases in Norway and the possibility of Germany seizing those bases before the British could. The British and French staffs agreed that the latter half of March would be the best time for going into Norway. Their action was governed by a request on January 16, 1864, for Denmark to rescind its November 1863 constitution; within days, Denmark refused to do so. His whole body trembled. Bergen, Stavanger, Egersund, Kristiansand, Arendal, Horten, Trondheim and Narvik were attacked and occupied within 24 hours. Major Lunding had sent in his final report, predicting an invasion at 4 am. Sharp clashes did occur during the morning of April 9, but the weight of German arms proved overwhelming. Date in the current year: April 9, 2022. [11], The operation's military headquarters was Hotel Esplanade in Hamburg, where orders were given to, among others, the air units involved in the invasion.[12]. However, "the mines were not laid until the morning of 8 April, by which time the German ships were advancing up the Norwegian coast". On February 1 the Austro-Prussian army, ignoring the . The Danish military at the border quickly capitulat. The Danish coast appeared like a shining strip. The availability of tanks and armored cars was the greatest importance, one German officer said. As the discussions were ongoing, several formations of Heinkel He 111 and Dornier Do 17 bombers roared over the city dropping leaflets headed, in Danish/Norwegian, OPROP! But it was also begun by a cruel display of diplomatic deceit. Everything took place quickly under the cover of an alert exercise. To the Danes, the Times of Londonobserved, belongs the credit of inventing a new order unthought-of by Hitler: the Order of the Cold Shoulder.. made here is that Germany was compelled to attack Norway to forestall an Allied invasion, and her action was therefore preventive. This group of confident Danish soldiers posed for a photograph on April 9, 1940, the day the Germans invaded their homeland. Denmark didn't resist for too long, just under six hours, but the soldiers of Denmark were willing to do their duty against the Germans. It was the start of war in Western Europe - and an end to the . The parachutes were packed, the ammunition supplies and the weapons laced in their containers, he wrote soon afterward. At the conclusion, the king, in his own attempt at goodwill, remarked, General, may I, as an old soldier, tell you something as soldier to soldier? Pol III was fired at; her captain Leif Welding-Olsen became the first Norwegian killed in action during the invasion. He found himself in a room full of nervous generals, facing a major with a map covering the wall behind him. ", "The British held back two divisions from France, intending to put them into the field in Norway, and planned to expand their force eventually to 100,000 men. [17], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}6400N 1200W / 64.000N 12.000W / 64.000; -12.000, "The British plan which was adopted was more modest. The German Invasion of Denmark: Every 5 Minutes (OLD) 3:06. The German ambassador demanded that Danish resistance cease immediately and that contact be made between Danish authorities and the German armed forces. If the demands were not met, the Luftwaffe would bomb the capital, Copenhagen. If nothing else, the Royal Life Guards at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen prevented the Germans from capturing King Kristian X just long enough for him to order a surrender. A few weeks later, in one of the wars great acts of resistance, the Danes smuggled almost their entire Jewish population to safety in Sweden. This is a remake of this channel's most popular video, but with refined accuracy, a higher quality map with more features, and overseas territories and an events box.Here is the link to my discord server: you are interested in mock government or politics, than this server is just for you. A total of 2.14million German soldiers, as well as more than 100,000 German military railway carriages, crossed Sweden until that traffic was suspended on 20 August 1943. While ostensibly intended to bring Allied troops to the Finnish front, it laid its main emphasis on operations in northern Norway and Sweden. However, the news of the sinking reached the appropriate levels of officialdom in Oslo too late to do much more than trigger a limited, last-minute alert. Following a meeting with Vidkun Quisling from Norway on December 14th,[7] Hitler turned his attention to Scandinavia. As they became the sole prisoners taken by the Danes throughout the war, another German pilot landed, got out, thanked the Danes who were taking care of them, and then took off. They would actually knock out a quartet of tanks and a dozen armored cars. Giercke and his Germans did jump from 500 feet at 5:35 am, 20 minutes behind schedule. Invasion of Denmark and Norway Operation WESERUBUNG began on 09 April 1940 Germans were concerned about a Franco-British occupation of both Denmark and Norway Sold as protecting these . The plan also called for the swift capture of the Kings of Denmark and Norway in the hope of triggering a rapid surrender. At that, Prior erupted in a burst of fury, and the outrage was not to end with just him. The Austro-Prussian demand provided for a joint settlement of the Schleswig-Holstein question and excluded the broader German Confederation. Back in 1937, a Danish colonel complained, From the German view, we do actually invite occupation. Stauning and Munch made it appear even more so after the outbreak of war, actually cutting Denmarks army in half to just 15,450 by April 1940, 7,840 of them conscripts with just two months service. During the Second World War (1939-1945), the Kingdom of Hungary (1920-1946) was a member of the Axis powers - in alliance with Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, the Kingdom of Romania, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria.In 1941, the Hungarian military participated in the invasion of Yugoslavia (6 April 1941) and in Operation Barbarossa (22 June 1941) the invasion of the . Fed up, the Germans handed the government an ultimatum with a seven-hour deadline. The invasion of Denmark was a part of the operation Weserbung directed towards the invasion of Norway. Hitler now added a second conquered nation to his quarry, which began with Poland. I would not in any case undertake to guarantee Denmark.. . The Germans were satisfied, so long as badly needed iron ore from Sweden could be shipped from Norways northernmost port of Narvik then sailed safely down its frozen fjords to Germany. The only other resistance that day in Copenhagen would prove to be deadlier in its soldierly symbolism. 75 minutes later hundreds of paratroopers landed in Aalborg, the main . The structure, garrison, and Danish chief of staff were taken without a shot. On 12 March, the United Kingdom decided to send an expeditionary force to Norway just as the Winter War was winding down. It is in our interest that Norway remains neutral, General Franz Halder, chief of the German general staff, recorded in his diary on New Years Day, 1940. Although Denmark is not liberated until the end of the war, nonviolent resistance stymied German plans for extracting value from the occupation. Exhibition: Poor Art Rich Legacy in Oslo. At 7:06pm 5 Norwegian fighters were sent into battle to combat a wave of 7080 enemy planes. The First Battle of Narvik took place between the Royal Navy and the Kriegsmarine on 9 April. However, Hitler issued a new directive on 1 March that called for the invasion of both Norway and Denmark. The dismayed Danes vented their anger elsewhere. Suddenly, the large bridge appeared. The Norwegians resisted for two months but surrendered on 9 June 1940. . The target objectives of the force were the Norwegian capital, Oslo, and other population centres: Bergen, Narvik, Troms, Trondheim, Kristiansand and Stavanger. He was an honorable Hindenburg-era holdover, too long comfortably cocooned in Copenhagen. The British would say the Germans committed the first violation when they did not release the prisoners once in neutral waters, and the Norwegians were complicit by not insisting, though the prisoners banging and yelling was plain to hear. In Berlin, the Danish naval attach got word from the Dutch military attach, who had gotten it from an anti-Nazi officer in the Abwehr (German intelligence). While Danish officials tried to be hopeful, Danish officers were learning how hopeless their situation really was. If Denmarks invasion was almost bloodless and its occupation bloodier, its liberation came without bloodshed. The mine fields were laid in the Vestfjorden in the early morning of 8 April. Mass nonviolent direct action began first with labor strikes. In pockets of not more than 30, Danish soldiers in Jutlands little towns and roadsides quickly constructed roadblocks of felled trees and handcarts, then fired away with them. Churchill assumed that Wilfred would provoke a German response in Norway and that the Allies would then implement Plan R 4 and occupy Norway. Only the platoon commanders, together with their company commander, remained in the barracksthey knew the truth about the exercise, Giercke continued. Operation Weserbung did not include a military assault on neutral Sweden because there was no strategic reason. [17] Raeder had begun by asking questions such as "Can bases be gained by military force against Norway's will, if it is impossible to carry this out without fighting? At one location, Danish soldiers helped dock a German patrol boat, at which point the soldiers crammed below stormed out. The ground forces would be the XXI Army Corps, including the 3rd Mountain Division and five infantry divisions;none of the latter had yet been tested in battle. I am on the server myself and so far have really enjoyed it Finally, the paratroopers boarded the aircraft, which began to move down the runway. More aircraft arrived: Stukas and bombers. Resistance in Southern Norway then came to an end. The Norwegian Army in mainland Norway capitulated on 10 June 1940, two months after Wesertag. Such pessimism also ran all the way to the top in Copenhagen. The British government was reluctant to engage in another land conflict on the continent in the belief that would repeat the First World War. Nazi forces had attacked the Low Countries-The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg-on May 10th. That same afternoon, orders were given to the troops. A small number of Finnish volunteers helped the Norwegian Army against Germans in an ambulance unit. Join LTE today, a thriving and active community of over 1,000 people. The invasion's primary purpose was to use Denmark as a staging ground for . RM2JAHJXR - Nazi Free Corps Kaj Bertramsen (1913-1944) member of Free Corps Denmark seen with the Danish Flag on his uniform lapel. The Danes replied that they needed their kings consent. Invasion was expected to follow on the 9th. The Danes were too surprised to take a third prisoner. Lasting approximately six hours, the German ground campaign against Denmark was the briefest operation of the Second World War. Over 80 years ago, on April 9, 1940, neutral Denmark was invaded by the Nazis on orders from Adolf Hitler. Denmark is so terribly close that it would be impossible to defend her.. Another German attack was to come from the sky, aiming to make military history but ending as just a farcical footnote. The entire operation would be supported by the X Air Corps, which consisted of some 1,000 aircraft of various types. However, it was determined that Germany had discussed invasion plans as early as 3 October 1939 in a memo from Admiral Raeder to Alfred Rosenberg whose subject was "gaining bases in Norway". Curious civilians walk along the street past German soldiers and sentries posted at the hotel entrance. There was sporadic fighting between the Danish and German armies. The first German attack on Amalienborg was repulsed, giving Christian X and his ministers time to confer with the Danish Army chief General Prior. The killing of a Danish resistance fighters and led the German military superiority was too great to further. Imported approximately half of March 1940 were temporarily postponed split into three columns, two headed for the Army! Of what those words were worth had just enough time to throw on a of Of staff were taken without a shot of their homeland 82 years ago today as own Government had used his personal honor, Giercke continued impact of this in. 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