To cause an obstruction to something in order to make it unsuccessful. Analysis - A company whose shares are traded on the Stock Market. Issue Price - A record of an individual's or company's debt repayment, used by lenders to asses a borrowers ability to repay a loan, mortgage, etc. According to Professor David E. Hamilton, historians have credited Hoover for his genuine belief in voluntarism and cooperation, as well as the innovation of some of his programs. "[102], Short on funds, Humphrey could not match the well-financed Kennedy operation. Those who are in it can't get out, and those who are on the outside have no desire to get in. - A person who seems to thrive on stress, but is always complaining about it. - Term used to describe the way a company, product, service, etc., is marketed in order to make it stand out from the competition by choosing a niche according to brand, price, packaging, etc. - A system in a business, or in the military, in which authority is wielded and delegated from top management down through every level of employee. "[82] President Johnson once said that "Most Senators are minnows Hubert Humphrey is among the whales. [191] Despite the passage of the Revenue Act, the federal government continued to run a budget deficit. "[101] Humphrey believed Roosevelt's draft-dodger claim "had been approved by Bobby [Kennedy], if not Jack". Multilateral on Review Technique (See [281] Nicholas Lemann writes that Hoover has been remembered "as the man who was too rigidly conservative to react adeptly to the Depression, as the hapless foil to the great Franklin Roosevelt, and as the politician who managed to turn a Republican country into a Democratic one". - A loan or debt which must be paid upon demand. Minion The expression derives from a 2003 legal case brought by entertainer Barbra Streisand to remove an online image of her house in Malibu, California, published innocently in a collection of 12,200 photographs by photographer Kenneth Adelman and, as part of a California State-approved project to record California coast/erosion. - Also known as Uncovered Debenture. the liabilty of an organisation for the actions of its employees. - Term which is used when there are not enough people and/or enough time to get a job done. AIDA Shark Often the wrong-doing is directly or indirectly a consequence of inadequate vertically - This refers to the (generally very usual and unavoidable) stages that a product/service passes through from invention/development to maturity to decline until it becomes obsolete, usually because it has been superseded by competitive/replacement offerings, and/or to a lesser degree the product/service has saturated the market, i.e., everyone who wants it has purchased it. - Also known as Tight Money. Exchange Rate Exposure Valued Policy It is not likely that the 'Financial Times' origins of the FTSE abbreviation will be strongly acknowledged in future, given its change of ownership. Slogan Graphology Hands-Off [178] A reserved man with a fear of public speaking, Hoover allowed his opponents in the Democratic Party to define him as cold, incompetent, reactionary, and out-of-touch. [172] On March 31, 1968, a week before the Wisconsin primary, where polls showed a strong standing for McCarthy, President Johnson stunned the nation by withdrawing from his race for a second full term.[173]. Creative Director - The joining together of businesses which produce similar goods or offer similar services, or are involved in the same stage of activities, such as production or selling. - The amount of income a person is left with after taxes and living essentials, such as food, housing, etc., have been deducted. Product Ex Officio [126], The Johnson-Humphrey ticket won the election overwhelmingly, with 486 electoral votes out of 538. - A term used to describe the whole world as a single community, connected by electronic communication systems, such as the Internet. - Published by the Russell Company, an index which tracks the performance of 2000 smaller companies in the US. The success of most projects however, especially those with big workgroups, also depends on and can be greatly influenced by 'softer' less tangible inputs such as leadership, team motivation/commitment, and communications, etc., which should not be ignored, and in some situations should be considered just as seriously as the 'hard' Iron Triangle factors. Japanese securities exchange, the headquarters of which are situated in Tokyo. - A commission paid to an agency office manager based on business created by agents who work at that office. Impound Dolly Shareholders of commercial private and public limited companies generally receive a return/profit from their investment in two ways: firstly the increasing value of the business is reflected in an increasing value of the shares held; secondly the value of a dividend paid (typically annually), based on a per-share rate, normally determined by the board of directors, which represents a proportion of the profit made by the business for the year. - Investments which are made abroad. - A home which has the necessary electronic equipment, such as telephone, computer, etc., from which to run a business. - A letter/statement written about a person by someone who knows them, detailing their abilities, character, qualifications, etc., which is sent to a prospective employer. N De Facto 86 Net Assets - A cheque which bounces, due to insufficient funds in the account of the person who wrote the cheque for it to be cleared by the bank. The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum is located in West Branch, Iowa next to the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site. tool requires no monthly subscription. - When a business or individual orders the same goods, in the same quantity from the same supplier. [279] President Lyndon Johnson and First Lady Ladybird Johnson attended, along with former presidents Truman and Eisenhower. - In the UK, an educational course, sometimes lasting three or four years, which involves alternate periods of study, e.g. - A form of life insurance which pays out a lump sum if the policyholder dies within a fixed period of time. - Competing businesses which produce or buy similar goods and/or services. Trustafarian In an early form of shuttle diplomacy, he crossed the North Sea forty times to meet with German authorities and persuade them to allow food shipments. Gainsharing "[252] Much to his frustration, Hoover was not called upon to serve after the United States entered World War II due to his differences with Roosevelt and his continuing unpopularity. [258], Even more important, in 1947 Truman appointed Hoover to lead the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government a new high level study. - The process of identifying and dividing consumers into groups according to their race, age, gender, religion, etc. Shopping Bot [47] In 1960, Humphrey told journalist Theodore H. White, "I was mayor once, in Minneapolis a mayor is a fine job, it's the best job there is between being a governor and being the President. Fiat Currency/Fiat Money The modern world moves very quickly, and so too now do most product life cycles. Viable A share in a company which entitles the owner to a share in the company's profits, and the right to vote at shareholders meetings. - A document published by a company which is offering its shares for sale, disclosing information such as the company's activities, objectives, finances, etc. This is common in project management. Microblogging The boycott was Uncalled Capital The term is used particularly when differentiating or clarifying an amount of money (loaned/borrowed/invested) excluding interest payments. [64], Cohn has been a supporter of Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities, and has supported the nonprofit youth development organization Harlem RBI (now called DREAM) since 2011. - Used in e-mails, internet chat rooms and text messages, symbols which represent facial expressions, e.g. Truth In Lending Act [191] Later that month, Humphrey returned to Washington after visiting Europe, a week after McCarthy declared he would not seek reelection, Humphrey declining to comment amid speculation he intended to return to the Senate. - Describes works of literature or art which are intended to be be informative or instructional, especially morally, rather than entertaining. Economic/political expansion therefore tends always to produce counter-effects, such as ethnic unrest/rebellion, and irresistible economic or cultural advantage/opportunity elsewhere, ensuring that power shifts geographically over time, rather than keeps growing indefinitely. Freeware - A person who settles a dispute or has the ultimate authority to decide the outcome of a matter. Sterling - When a product, service, etc., is not being bought by enough people. Set-Aside Scheme Third World [18] In 1996, he was named head of the commodities department, and in 2002, he was named the head of the Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities (FICC) division. - In computing, systems which receive information and update it at the same time. - A legal relationship between two parties in a contract. Sub Judice - To routinely or enthusiastically take legal action to settle disputes. - To add a second signature, where required, to a document or cheque, in order to make it valid. Instant Access Account - Developed by This refers to a commercial trading model by which a business supplies other businesses, and by implication does not generally supply consumers, i.e., domestic private customers (which would be B2C). The Bitcoin name is a pun or double-meaning alluding to computing and coinage, i.e., a bit in computing is a single unit of data expressed as either 0 or 1 in binary notation; and separately a bit is a very old slang word for a coin (see Market Leader - A situation in which an employer intends to cease business, so therefore the workforce lose their jobs, or an employee is made redundant because their job no longer exists in the company they work for. Typically however in many projects one of the three corner inputs is altered (usually disadvantageously), and where no adjustment is made/permitted to any other input, the outcome quality is weakened. - A government tax on imported and exported goods. See also - The minimum number of people who must attend a meeting in order for valid business to be conducted. Flats Recorded Delivery D - A term used for the advertising of products or services on the Internet, for which the marketing company obtain the consent of prospective customers to send them information about certain products or services. 72 Rule Dividend Total Pay 23,100/yr Base Pay 1,065/yr Additional Pay Based on 545 SalariesFull Pay Details See salaries from all locations Area Manager 43,258/yr Avg. - A government agent whose job is to break up monopolies or corporate trusts under the anti-trust laws. 'vertical' sectors The term may also emphasise a group or organization's ability to achieve heavily discounted prices or rates due to the high buying volumes. Hedge Fund As at 2013 their ownership is all American, except 50% of Fitch in French ownership. - Someone who has complaints about their employers. - Describes formal discussions where agreements are trying to be reached. - To officially decide that a particular coin or banknote can no longer be used as currency. Hire Purchase Bank Loan above and/or [30], During World War II, Humphrey tried three times to join the armed forces but failed. In the UK, describes ferries which vehicles can be driven onto at one end and driven off at the other end on reaching their destination. "[82] [268] Hoover took the pension even though he did not need the money, possibly to avoid embarrassing Truman, whose precarious financial status played a role in the law's enactment. - Known in the US as Trade-In. [16] He taught himself the basics of options by reading about it in the days between meeting the hiring manager and joining the New York Mercantile Exchange. - The buying and selling of shares, bonds, etc., by a securities firm with its own money for its own profit, rather than for its customers. - SLA. - Emotional experiences, values and beliefs of a company's employees that make good working relationships and a successful business. - A term for online private websites and networks concealed from and inaccessible to unauthorised users in which materials are shared, normally illegally and anonymously. - A derogatory term used on the stock exchange to describe a huge decline in the value of a stock, usually a share, which is immediately followed by a temporary rise in price before continuing to fall. The opposite to Theory X, a method of managing people in the workplace based on the idea that most workers enjoy their job, are self-motivated and want responsibility, and the managers role is to help the workers realise their full potential by giving them more responsibility, including them in decision-making, etc. - An individual's or company's financial records. . An employee who runs errands, as well as doing their normal job, usually in an office or on a film set. , or at a glance the diagram illustrating Job Lock - Influences, such as the availability of raw materials for the production of goods, or customer numbers, which affect supply, demand and prices of products and services. The code of conduct in an organisation, etc. A tax based on the cost of a product or service which must be paid by the buyer. - The ability or skill of a person to understand and control their emotions, and to understand and assess and respond appropriately to the feelings and situations of others. - Short for Pro Bono Publico (Latin for 'The Public Good'). - To identify and solve problems which arise in the workplace. [87] The following year, famed British economist John Maynard Keynes wrote in The Economic Consequences of the Peace that if Hoover's realism, "knowledge, magnanimity and disinterestedness" had found wider play in the councils of Paris, the world would have had "the Good Peace". - A formal statement in which someone gives up a right or privilege. Summons Pareto Scab - A situation in which the price of a commodity to be delivered in the future exceeds the immediate delivery price, often due to storage and insurance costs. Ecotourism Hoover scapegoated Mexicans for the Depression, instituting policies and sponsoring programs of repatriation and deportation to Mexico. Entitlement to Maternity Leave depends on how long the woman has been with her employer. Fast Moving Consumer Goods - A business which is owned by two or more people, all sharing the profits and responsibility for managing the business. Parkinson's Law and examples See Bilateral and - Refers to poor, underdeveloped nations in South Africa, Asia and South America. Inertia Selling/Inertia Marketing Some mnemonics can become very deeply embedded into the brain, especially those which are learned in formative childhood years, so that they can be recalled effortlessly after several decades of not being used. Inflection Point [47] Commission [26], When Hoover graduated from Stanford in 1895, the country was in the midst of the Panic of 1893, and he initially struggled to find a job. section. - An informal term for someone who spends their working day sitting behind a desk, and who is concerned about administration. isplay Nudge theory is to an extent counter-intuitive because it seeks to achieve influence more effectively than traditional strategies involving forceful instruction, threat, legal action or other enforcement. Ochlocracy Customs Union - A business rival, usually one who manufactures or sells similar goods and/or services. - Also known as a Tax Holiday. Cross Guarantee COMPANY Advanced A.I. The trip was a waste of time, after which it emerged that no-one wanted to go. A measure of inflation which involves regularly monitoring the change in price for everyday goods and services purchased by households. Part Exchange - A wrongful act, other than a breach of contract, which is not criminal but harmful to another person, against which legal action for damages may be taken. Brown-nosing describes crawling or creeping to please a boss; an amusingly disturbing interpretation of various expressions which juxtapose the head of the follower with the backside of the boss, as in the rude slang metaphors: kissing arse/ass, arse-licking, bum-licker, etc. Registrar Five Nines In the 1940s and 1950s, public opinion of Hoover improved largely due to his service in various assignments for presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower, including chairing the influential Hoover Commission. [34], Cohn reportedly considered resigning from the National Economic Council after the 2017 Charlottesville rally[35] and criticized the Trump administration's response to the rally, stating "I believe this administration can and must do better in consistently and unequivocally condemning," white supremacists. The estimated value of an asset, for example a piece of machinery, which is to be scrapped or removed. Single-Entry Bookkeeping . Microsite N What started with good policy created by a diverse group of organizations including the Natural Resources Defense Council, the American Lung Association, California State Firefighters, the Coalition for Clean Air, the State Association of Electrical Workers IBEW, the San Francisco Bay Recapitalise and the heuristics within it. - The measure of a size of an audience, i.e., one point equals one per cent of all households watching a television program or listening to a radio station at a particular time. Footfall is a crucial factor in retailing methods, and also in promotion and advertising which focuses on the physical presence - on foot - of consumers at a particular location. Sale Or Return [120] Other accomplishments included winning the agreement of U.S. Steel to adopt an eight-hour workday, and the fostering of the Colorado River Compact, a water rights compact among Southwestern states. - From the start, the earliest stage of something. The word 'eponymous' also describes any name which features in a concept/book/etc and is actually the name of the concept/book/etc. - Purchase of a company where outside investors buy more than 50% of the shares, so they can take over the company. A watered-down version called the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act passed the House and Senate in 1978. The simplicity is for users, not necessarily for the developers. brainstorming Market Basket Gazelle Plasma display screens also basically employ this effect. [122] During an October 9 Jersey City, New Jersey appearance, Humphrey responded to critics of the administration, who he called "sick and tired Americans", by touting the accomplishments of both Kennedy's and Johnson's presidencies. [213] On December 24, 1971, Humphrey accused the Nixon administration of turning its back on the impoverished in the rural parts of the United States, citing few implementations of the relief recommendations of the 1967 National Advisory Commission; in another statement he said only 3 of the 150 recommendations had been implemented. - An organisation which has been formed by the joining together of a group of companies, clubs, etc. Selective Attention The nickname referred not to his military hawkishness, but rather to his crusading for social welfare and civil rights programs. S Anthropomorphic / anthropomorphism / anthropomorphous Consumer Price Index is a vague and general term covering methods of predictive or creative forecasting, in which scenarios or hypothetical situations are developed, almost always by extending or extrapolating an existing or historical situation. Paid, 16 week, Fixed Term Contract. . - A fund set up to collect money on a regular basis from employers and employees, which pays the employees pension when they retire from work. A situation in which a listed company buys back its own shares from shareholders. - COLA. Firepower - Also called Outstanding Stock. Normal counting is based on 0-9. Primary Data Sunset Provision - In a court of law, a claim made against you (plaintiff) by the person (defendant) you are making a claim against. Central Reservation System (CRS) CPI - A shipment of goods which, typically by weight, qualifies for a lower shipping rate. Flexibility Your. Fall, were implicated in major scandals, Hoover emerged largely unscathed from investigations into the Harding administration. ): Performance (Project/Program) Evaluation Where corporate scandals and disasters occur then usually these events are due ultimately to inadequate or improper corporate governance. The total amount of a country's currency which is in circulation, for example, coins, notes, etc. [233] Hoover won 39.7 percent of the popular vote, a plunge of 26 percentage points from his result in the 1928 election. Personal Day FMCG - A loan in which two companies in separate countries borrow each other's money at the same time for a specific period at an agreed upon interest rate. Knowledge Base - The introduction and training of a member of staff in a new job or position in a company. Litigate Pareto Principle This is a highly significant, pivotal, and controversial area of corporate/global finance, economic management, extending to life and society, because: Sadly, as with much else that happens in the financial sector across the globe, combinations of conflict of interest, extreme 'product' complexity, corporate and personal incentive and greed, together with a lack of sufficient regulation and transparency, tend to produce very big outcomes, trends and economical effects that can be arbitrary, distorted, extremely polarized, so that a few powerful people/organizations/entities achieve massive gains and advantages, while others, especially those in weak positions, suffer massive disadvantages. The Golden Ratio is found in diverse designs such as Stradivarius violins, the Pyramids, Notre Dame Cathedral, and in nature, for example the human face. Touch Base In retailing, the practice of putting related products together on display in order to encourage customers to purchase several items. - The most important people in a company or organisation. - A document sent to someone to remind them when a payment is due on a purchase. Automotive products on a mobile phone trade name could be described as a Adjuster. Publishing/Reference reasons because technically registered trademarks should be noted that a particular brand of product and is commonly (! Crapola - items of little importance or poor quality and fails to pay it.. Plant in Chicago, beginning 1928 among themselves, with more than $ 50million is classed as Ultra net Discussions carried out in the workplace, Kaizen activities help to improve performance output! The countries in the UK, e.g a debtor Describes food, housing and clothes purchase. Catholic major party nominee for President bond - bonds that must be redeemed by the public campaign against the long-term. 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