For data operations and manipulation datasource is used in kendo grid.If we want to perform operation in server side then we have to give ServerOperation true for the Kendo UI grid.In kendo UI grid we set the custom format for date or set custom size for columns or give the link to other pages using client template.Kendo Grid Currency Format. Kendo Grid Refresh Button Jquery Simply set the locked attribute of the corresponding column to true, and this will bring the column in the locked columns group positioned on the left in the grid.Content("Submit") ) Buttons with Icons : Kendo UI Button wrapper allows you. Component Tray: shows the DataSource components that are used in this report. but the easiest to write a subscription from the You can also change alignment by moving an element on the design surface. If there is no such file, you may create it using the Add --> New Item --> Telerik Report version (from the Reporting menu of the wizard). For example, a left aligned element stretches to the right as the parent layout container gets resized.To change the alignment of an element use theLayout toolbaranddo one of the following: Select two report items and change their HorizontalAlignment by clicking Left, Center, Right, or Stretch. In this example you can see how to bind an Employee List with the Kendo Grid.. Inline edit.The This is a default Kendo Grid behavior. You can see this feature in the Live Demo: Grid State. Buy Telerik UI for WPF Buy the most complete suite of WPF components to create enterprise-grade WPF applications with beautiful design and exceptional